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OK, I have tried to hold off for years, but I have to correct a misconception. A man's balls do not contain any semen. Porn loves to talk about 'emptying his balls all over her' and such like, but that isn't the way it works. Testes produce millions of sperm cells, but they do not account for much in volume. They travel along the vas deferens (a tube that gets snipped in a vasectomy) and end up stored in the seminal vesicles which are near the prostate. Most semen is made by the vesicles and a bit by the prostate.
When the man comes, muscles operate on the prostate and vesicles and the 'load' is squirted through the penis. The main force is provided by the bulbospongiosus muscle, located at the base of the penis. This is the muscle which enables the 'shooters' to squirt a long way.
You can't predict semen load by looking at the size of a man's balls. I have known guys with huge balls who dribble a few drops, and guys with small cock and balls who squirted like a firehose.

Hear ends my TED talk.
Susan…., tell me more. Please! Except the cutting part. That thought ruins my fantasy of being a human cum dump…!