Tactical Voting

soooooooo- there goes another one, "make me die a little,"
pt. 1. at 4.9, edging into the big red 5 marker, with 61
votes, and some resident neanderthal has knocked it back
to 4.5, from which it probably won't ever recover, and where
it'll never be read.

same with my first submission, "bingo!" 4.8 to start, then
dropped to 4.4, where nobody reads it.

for some, the vote may be ego-assuaging. fair enough. but for
me, and i think for most of the better writers on this board, the
vote begs "read me." what's the point of trying to write literate
erotica--- what's the point of contributing to a supposedly literate
erotica board--- when illiterates are going to kill that effort with
a simple gratuitous 1 vote?

perhaps the answer is to block voting from our stories completely.
the idea is appealing. this "democracy" of the web site obviously
isn't working to anyone's satisfaction (except maybe the pricks that
post 1's to stories that deserve 5's).

i'm suggesting a new category: "non-vote stories", which would go
along with "loving wives" and the other categories we now have. the
stories in this category, regardless of subject, would be pegged "no vote",
because the author believed his/her story was good enough to stand
the judgement, not of the crowd, but of his/her other writers. that
judgement would be verbal and direct: you, a named, voluntary
literotica registrar, would tell the writer your response, and would be
held accountable to it. we would, in essence, be held "accountable" to
other writers who surrendered themselves to our judgment about their
own work.

i'd put my stories, and all subsequent submissions, into such a site
immediately. and so, i think, would all fine writing contributors here.

the alternative, i'm afraid, is a slow deterioration of the board such as we
have seen at another board to which several of us were once contributors.

regards, coaster
Since we all seem to agree that the '1's are gratuitous and as I said right at the outset more likely to be given as a spoiling measure rather than an objective critique of the work in question why not remove them and say the same number of '5's?
Here is an example (I admit to being one of those sad people who has even compiled a voting table!)

Votes 5 4 1 avge

129 100 25 4 4.68 ie with spoiling votes

125 100 25 0 4.80 ie w/o spoiling votes

121 96 25 0 4.79 ie adjusted
Well, if it's a club that will get my stories read, I'll join.

I don't care about the score except that stories with high scores are more likely to be read. I take a bit of trouble over my writing, and I would like people to enjoy it.

All right, unqualified praise would be good too.:)

love and darkness
To all

I have found that feedback gives me a more accurate assessment of my writing. I have had several stories voting above 4.4 and a high read rate. The feedback on some has been eye opening to me. I have been brought to task for my poor grammer, use of "I" too much, quotation mark problems, and so on and so forth.:(
I guess that i am trying to say, people vote on how they percieve the story to their 'gut' level. Some stories are well recieved even with 'poor grammer' and the readers will overlook quite a bit. (especially in my case LOL)
It is nice to have the special designation of "H" on a story, even if it doesn't stick for a long period of time.:)
There may be some 'tactical' type voting out there, but at least the voting is limited to one only.:p Which leaves the damage to a minumum, if that is important to you.
My other thought on this, I imagine that most readers go directly to "New Stories" and then after finding those that they haven't already read, or the next installment of a series, they go on about their surfing. Just a guess of course.:D
"There may be some 'tactical' type voting out there, but at least
the voting is limited to one only"

amen to that, curious. another once-readable story board on the
web which offered voting on an "honor system" that assumed "one
reader, one vote," and that writers wouldn't pack the voting with
high marks for their own stories. it was a disaster. here, at least,
there is a mechnism to prevent multiple voting. unfortunately, in my
case, at least, it works even better than it's supposed to.

there's a recent story called "better served cold": moderately hot, at
least to me, but an interesting dramatic attempt to examine what's real
and what we think is real. i wanted to give it a 5. a prompt came up
telling me i'd already voted for the story, which i assuredly hadn't. so
a deserving writer lost a top vote because of a flaw in the system.

i have been in total frustration the past week and a half because of other
flaws in the system which i've briefly outlined in a post here rsponding to
a bb query from octavia, about where to find part 2 of my story,"make
me die a little." (this in the bb's "looking for a certain three way" thread).

succinctly, laurel told me that after languishing in "pending" for more than
a week, two submissions of this story turned out to be blank; i'm now locked
out of my own literotica room, so i can't send them again (each time i click
on "log-in"i get a prompt saying "can't find websight"); and i can't even
e-mail laurel anymore to explain the problems and beg for solution: e-mail
to her comes back from aol with the notation: "address has permanent
fatal errors."

if i've committed some rule breaking offense, i'm not aware of
it, and haven't been apprised of it. i've had no problem with any other sites
on the web. so i have to conclude that the problem is in the literotica
system, and not in my own.

judging from other bizarre tales, from other writers with whom i
correspond privately, there may be other flaws in literotica's technical
system. i'm not a technical person, and i don't mean to second-guess
the people who run this admirable board. but i've appealed to webmaster,
outlining all this in detail, and received no reply. and it's a measure of how
thoroughly i've been cut off here that i have to send this message as
"unregistered." if i put my screen name up top, i get a prompt that says
"wrong password."

so please be advised that this is coaster12345. i'm at aol.com under the
same name, if any sympathetic souls wish to commisserate (smile)
By reading these posts just recently I've realized there is a potentially big problem with voting, if people are going to be bastards and deliberately multiply downvote things.

But before that, I realized there was a problem with voting that made it pretty worthless anyway: namely, that if you were on one of those ISPs that gave you a different address each time, you had unlimited votes if you really really wanted to abuse them.

But the top people? No way. Good writers like ronde and Salteena and KillerMuffin, they enjoy other people's good writing and want to encourage it. It won't be the top writers who are tactically downvoting, I'm sure.

I regard potential mischevious votes as just a statistical blip. The odd rare nincompoop is gong to go through voting 1 on lots, but on average we can ignore this. You mentally compensate.

And yes I vote 1 sometimes. The normal scale is 2-3-4, bad-average-good, and I probably give 3 more than any other. When I give 1 it's because it's not only bad ("spurting cum") but illiterate on top. This doesn't apply to 99% of you.
Voting is a nice plus to this site. It gives a warm feeling to the writers who gain the 'H' and a high score. It helps to keep them writing in some cases I am sure.
In my case however, well, me feedback is what keeps me going. I get such interesting feedback that the score becomes null in my mind. I still like to see a highly rated story done by me, of course, but I am finding that the feedback keeps me on track. (highly being anything over a 4)
Some of the feedback is geared to the story line, not the mechanics of the writing. I can usually tell, because the negative feedback will usually include a comment of strong dislike for a particular character, or their race, or their sex, or whatever. I am amused by some of them, I obviously struck a nerve with them and they are genuinly pissed off at me. I look at those types as positive in that I raised emotions in someone to a height of comment. :)
OOP's, off subject.
Voting has it's place, and no matter what you do in this life, someone will try to 'adjust' a vote in their favor. (However they view that) I guess I am tryng to say, I like the voting option, but it isn't the end all of my grading of level as a writer. I leave that to the feedback, or lack there of.

A quick note of thanks. Best Served Cold was mine, and I appreciate the attempt to up my score. ;)

I'm new to Literotica, but have posted to the ASS* newsgroups for a bit over 4 years. My surprising observation is that Literotica is so popular that once a story dips below a score that keeps it on the Top Stories list, it languishes unread with thousands of others. Mine is now rated about 4.18, and will never see the light of day here again. Not that 4.18 is a bad score - I was just overwhelmed by the sheer number of new stories posted here each day.

As for feedback, I've had five emails from this site, 1 negative and 5 positive. That from 50 votes and over 12,000 views. This is most disappointing to me, despite having made a new and valued friend here. I've received over 50 encouraging emails from usenet readers and authors alike within days after my post there.

For me, high votes are a nice but temporary ego massage, but exposure and the resulting feedback are what I value most.