Take the A Train: The Angeline Interview

I was worried I might get questions while I was trying to get the intro to the next interview finished, but I did, so fire away whenever. Feel free to bump this thread in six months and ask me whatever. I am resigned. :D
I know how you feel msA. So, how ya doin'? I know you're busy moderating D.Hale's interview but I'm wondering if you've got a halloweenie thing brewing or maybe some preplanning for NaNoPoMo?
I know how you feel msA. So, how ya doin'? I know you're busy moderating D.Hale's interview but I'm wondering if you've got a halloweenie thing brewing or maybe some preplanning for NaNoPoMo?

I'm relieved to not be answering lots of questions every day (denis, don't read that!). Now I can sink back into my poetry imagination again. :D

So Mr. Hale, I see, has consented to give us a title for a same title challenge. We can do that soon, I hope. And we have to have some kind of autumn/Halloween challenge because we just do. I'm thinking maybe a two poem challenge: one about autumn, one about Halloween and one form and one free verse (so two poems total). Whaddaya think? Got another idea? Anyone? Bueller?

I doubt I'll do NaNo Wri or Po this year. I have a lot of poems I want to work on, both new and revised. I want to submit some jazz poems to Brilliant Corners and their reading period ends in May (they haven't accepted me yet but hope springs eternal). And I want to start submitting some of my other poems elsewhere again. So I feel like I have a full plate of my own making.

Are you doing NaNo__Mo this year?
Ahem I put up another question a few posts back :)

Lester Young, but in the late 1930s or very early 1940s because he became a raging alcoholic later in his life.

Ted Berrigan. I'd like to talk with him about his sonnets and just about poetry.

And Yeats although I am not sure I'd totally understand him, what with the time and cultural differences.

Sorry! I did not see your question at first. :eek:
Lester Young, but in the late 1930s or very early 1940s because he became a raging alcoholic later in his life.

Ted Berrigan. I'd like to talk with him about his sonnets and just about poetry.

And Yeats although I am not sure I'd totally understand him, what with the time and cultural differences.

Sorry! I did not see your question at first. :eek:

You are forgiven :) the thread moved on!
What do you think about the form/free verse challenge idea? Maybe we could tie it in with one of your teach-ins? :)
lookit you ms moderator. Trying to rope us all into making challenges. lol

What's a good spooky form? Don't choose rubaiyat, I'm all rubiayated out I think. Maybe a villanelle or a terzie would work?
I'm relieved to not be answering lots of questions every day (denis, don't read that!). Now I can sink back into my poetry imagination again. :D

So Mr. Hale, I see, has consented to give us a title for a same title challenge. We can do that soon, I hope. And we have to have some kind of autumn/Halloween challenge because we just do. I'm thinking maybe a two poem challenge: one about autumn, one about Halloween and one form and one free verse (so two poems total). Whaddaya think? Got another idea? Anyone? Bueller?

I doubt I'll do NaNo Wri or Po this year. I have a lot of poems I want to work on, both new and revised. I want to submit some jazz poems to Brilliant Corners and their reading period ends in May (they haven't accepted me yet but hope springs eternal). And I want to start submitting some of my other poems elsewhere again. So I feel like I have a full plate of my own making.

Are you doing NaNo__Mo this year?
I'm going to be a bit busy this November. Maybe I'll just try a local 30 in 30 set instead of an official participant thing. Good luck on the submissions thing. I may look closer at some of my poems in the coming year. I should get over and pick mr hale's brain with you about organizing poems into series. Mine always seem a little gawky when I write a set. Sorta like teenagers with feet that are too big and arms that don't seem to coordinate with what your eyes want them to do.
lookit you ms moderator. Trying to rope us all into making challenges. lol

What's a good spooky form? Don't choose rubaiyat, I'm all rubiayated out I think. Maybe a villanelle or a terzie would work?

First we have to do denis' same title challenge! Of course I'm trying to rope people into writing. That's what we do here, right? :D

I'm down with the 'nelles but wish to avoid the 'tinas, well, 'tina. Ahem. Actually I'd love to write more ghazals. I am liking that form a lot at the moment. I think I'm understanding it better now.
What do you think about the form/free verse challenge idea? Maybe we could tie it in with one of your teach-ins? :)

I'm all for challenges as you know, gets people's (including mine) brains churning although the one Champ set me the other day is a stinker and I'm no closer to a solution than I was when I read it! As for using the Teach in we better get together to sort that out beforehand because will people get to practice first?
Continuity Matters

Angeline, it is heart warming to see you are still here and doing good work. Honest interview just like your poetry.
Angeline, it is heart warming to see you are still here and doing good work. Honest interview just like your poetry.

Thank you Mr. UP. It is pure delight to see your mask again after all these years. And thank you for the kind words.They mean a lot coming from someone who made me want to be a part of this forum in the first place. :rose:
I've been away for some time but a wonderful thread. Loved the biographical bits, not to mention the poetry that poopped up. Maybe I'll have a question when I've digested it all. Many questions I would have asked have been asked. Great read though. A great idea these interview threads.
I've been away for some time but a wonderful thread. Loved the biographical bits, not to mention the poetry that poopped up. Maybe I'll have a question when I've digested it all. Many questions I would have asked have been asked. Great read though. A great idea these interview threads.

It is a great idea. Are you in line? :D
I've been away for some time but a wonderful thread. Loved the biographical bits, not to mention the poetry that poopped up. Maybe I'll have a question when I've digested it all. Many questions I would have asked have been asked. Great read though. A great idea these interview threads.

Thank you. You're not going to ask me about Billy, right? :kiss:

It is a great idea. Are you in line? :D

I'm on a mini interview sabbatical but he is definitely on the short list. Don't say anything cause I haven't formally asked him yet. :D
Look what I found! Fascinating read through time.
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