Take what is given

twelveoone said:
Oh foolish me, I was under the illusion you people were moving, i.e not still life. I see a thread entitled The Poetry Way - wrong. A way. In which case, there is no reason for Senna to post, no reason to react, you all can sit down and have your asses take root like Kudzu and grow together, until it becomes one green clump. And tath and whoever else wants to join can exchange shots with me.

Note:ambiguity of word shots

Now I have to go do something important, like find another picture for my AV, something in an simian decour.

You're such a fucker. Thank you.
Tzara said:
Um, I could drive. It's a manual, right? I could drive that. ;)
Yep, it's a six speed stick. The other problem is that right now, what with everything else, snow wheels and tires are taking a backseat to paying bills. It's so sad... (but I don't mind too much since my lil car would be parked right now anyway.)
champagne1982 said:
Yep, it's a six speed stick. The other problem is that right now, what with everything else, snow wheels and tires are taking a backseat to paying bills. It's so sad... (but I don't mind too much since my lil car would be parked right now anyway.)
Being unused to your likely Albertan weather, I would prolly just spin the little thing into a snow bank, which would leave me with such unlikely conversational ploys as So, do you think Maud Gonne aided or detracted from Yeats' lyricism?

And no. Don't ask me to listen to hockey on the radio.
Tzara said:
Being unused to your likely Albertan weather, I would prolly just spin the little thing into a snow bank, which would leave me with such unlikely conversational ploys as So, do you think Maud Gonne aided or detracted from Yeats' lyricism?

And no. Don't ask me to listen to hockey on the radio.
Oilers hockey is kick ass on the local WIC radio station... If the local Jr B team is playing on an off weekend, we could hear that game. What romance! Hockey, cold, snow and a cramped mini ... Hand me the tea candle and the matches... I'll light that while you go dig out the tail pipe. I think I've got jujubes in that pocket over there.
champagne1982 said:
Oilers hockey is kick ass on the local WIC radio station... If the local Jr B team is playing on an off weekend, we could hear that game. What romance! Hockey, cold, snow and a cramped mini ... Hand me the tea candle and the matches... I'll light that while you go dig out the tail pipe. I think I've got jujubes in that pocket over there.
Be still my heart. :rolleyes:
twelveoone said:
And tath and whoever else wants to join can exchange shots with me.

Note:ambiguity of word shots

Now I have to go do something important, like find another picture for my AV, something in an simian decour.

Do you feel lucky? well do ya punk?

Christmas cheer, holiday spirits, thimbles of comfort and joy?
(you may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato)

the whole trick,when you come swaggering in knocking everyones drink over, is to remain seated and wait for you and the dust to settle

you need an Uncle Tompa av
Tathagata said:
Do you feel lucky? well do ya punk?

Christmas cheer, holiday spirits, thimbles of comfort and joy?
(you may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato)

the whole trick,when you come swaggering in knocking everyones drink over, is to remain seated and wait for you and the dust to settle

you need an Uncle Tompa av

I get all excited when you quote Dickens.
twelveoone said:
Oh foolish me, I was under the illusion you people were moving, i.e not still life. I see a thread entitled The Poetry Way - wrong. A way. In which case, there is no reason for Senna to post, no reason to react, you all can sit down and have your asses take root like Kudzu and grow together, until it becomes one green clump. And tath and whoever else wants to join can exchange shots with me.

Note:ambiguity of word shots

Now I have to go do something important, like find another picture for my AV, something in an simian decour.

Exactly to which You People are you referring?

I think there's a place for just about every viewpoint and policy about poetry here. That's the impression I got, anyway. Discussions of traditional forms, explorations of innovations, exercises, challenges, voting, not voting, commenting, not commenting, there's room for all of it. The one thing I really don't like is being told what to do. I don't notice Senna doing that; I notice him wanting to discuss, in great and traditional depth, a particular form and its aspects, and how the skills and techniques of that form can educate other ways of writing. That doesn't give me kidney stones. I'm sorry it causes them in you.

No shots here, because I still don't know what the hell I'm shooting at. Or drinking with, as the case may be.

Do you feel lucky? well do ya punk?

Christmas cheer, holiday spirits, thimbles of comfort and joy?
(you may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato)

the whole trick,when you come swaggering in knocking everyones drink over, is to remain seated and wait for you and the dust to settle

you need an Uncle Tompa av
I love it when you quote Eastwood...
Why is it when you went after Elaurd or whatever his name was, Angeline threatens him with ignore?

Let me count the times you came swaggering in...always with back-up.

So what is the deferencial hierarchy aroud here?
Friends of Mods
New Poems Reviewers

just thought I'd ask.
So what is the deferencial hierarchy aroud here?
Friends of Mods
New Poems Reviewers

just thought I'd ask.

You have now earned a shot:

fucking YAWN.

Why is it that in conflict there are certain people who will always fall back on the "everybody's in the secret club but me" gamut?

I don't agree or disagree with people around here because they are or are not in my personal secret club. I do so because I agree or disagree with them.

People make friends on line. They talk to one another. We tend to treat people with whom we are friendly differently than we treat strangers and people who are rude or combative or incomprehensible. That's not conspiracy. It's human primate behavior, and it can be found in every primate group, whether the group has gathered to discuss poetry, chess, Lutheran religion, spanking, amateur theater, obscure candy or men's clothing. Primate group dynamics. Same-same.

This "You People" business offends me heartily. So:

I am hereby starting an actual secret club. It might actually be the first real secret club to ever actually exist in here, despite the constant suggestions of their existence. I believe I'll call it Bijou's Double Secret Leg-Humping No Rules All Hands On Deck Club. I'm putting my personal name on it so that any subsequent accusations about my own cliquishness will be thoroughly and gleefully justified. Anyone who wants to be in it must travel to Kansas and hump my personal leg, or at least write a really bad form poem about humping my personal leg. That's REALLY BAD. No "good poetry." Whatever the hell that is.

One shot.

Make mine a Red-Headed Slut. That's Jager and peach schnapps, for the uninitiated.

Spot went humpety hump so I went
thumpety thump
and he fell on his rump in a clump
of radishes.

bad enough?
Spot went humpety hump so I went
thumpety thump
and he fell on his rump in a clump
of radishes.

bad enough?

It's very bad, I'll grant you. But since this is My Personal Leg-Humping club, you need to revise it to include Humping Bijou's Leg specifically, one way or another. Be careful - the radishes reference was funny and clever so you're dangerously close to something "good" there and we can't have that.

perhaps we should move the rest of the auditions, if there are any, to a different thread. I suggest the good ol' "you jey" thread kindly provided so long ago by MTVM if there are to be further revisions or discussions of this project.

thumpety thump indeed.

I love it when you quote Eastwood...
Why is it when you went after Elaurd or whatever his name was, Angeline threatens him with ignore?

Let me count the times you came swaggering in...always with back-up.

So what is the deferencial hierarchy aroud here?
Friends of Mods
New Poems Reviewers

just thought I'd ask.

I see I missed this weeks Gospel according to Shecky

I don't see why you get so defensive, I simply meant that once or twice a week you come in and stir the shit in order to promote conversation ,discussion, debate, dialogue...et al
I used a bad metaphor, probably a result of my poor education and the fact I've gone from a promising young poet to a mean old man who writes pulp, or crap, or bunk...I can't remember which.

anyway I don't agree with your method but I can't argue with your results

back up and the secret circle huh?
Put another dime in the jukebox and play that record again...and again...and again.

I was disappointed that this weeks dissertation didn't have the usual request for the beautification of YDD, that's always a show stopper

I fail to see what benefit the exclusive ring thing has for me, I rarely submit anything here anymore, and when I do I have the voting turned off..
Mostly it involves PM's where I discuss all those things that people find annoying when done publicly
grandchildren,music,scotch,...you get the idea
once in a while we even discuss you...but I'm not allowed to tell you what we say until you perform the mysterious curtsy of the onomatopoeic elf.

secret circle stuff

I don't swagger the way I used to, contentment will do that to you I guess.

get well soon and happy holidays if I don't make it on again before then
I love it when you quote Eastwood...
Why is it when you went after Elaurd or whatever his name was, Angeline threatens him with ignore?

Actually, I think I can answer that. At least, here's what I saw, and I may be more fair because I am highly fond of BOTH of the people in that particular incident.

That had very little to do with Tath, as such. Eluard went from mere abuse (which is perfectly acceptable around here) to being a very, very serious ad hominem gold-plated Dickhead in that particular discussion. There's abuse, and then there's pointless, over-the-top, ridiculously poisonous abuse, and El had rather crossed the line. More importantly, he was reprimanded mostly for attempting to guess at and "out" various people as alts, which isn't strictly against forum mores but seriously violates a cultural folkway here. No one has to "threaten anyone" with ignore; you just hit a button. Ange was working as a moderator to draw a line about acceptable vs. unacceptable behavior, and I rather agreed with her on that call, despite the fact that I was, and remain, quite fond of Eluard and I miss him.

Granted, they both needed a good spanking (and I'm just the one to deliver it, except that Ange is way cooler and it's her job and stuff) but El went WAY too far. That's not cliquishness; that's Ange being a voice for the general feelings of the majority, which she was, very effectively in that situation.

That is of course purely my opinion. What I saw and how I interpreted it. I'm overjoyed to be disagreed with when necessary.

I see I missed this weeks Gospel according to Shecky

I don't see why you get so defensive, I simply meant that once or twice a week you come in and stir the shit in order to promote conversation ,discussion, debate, dialogue...et al
I used a bad metaphor, probably a result of my poor education and the fact I've gone from a promising young poet to a mean old man who writes pulp, or crap, or bunk...I can't remember which.

anyway I don't agree with your method but I can't argue with your results

back up and the secret circle huh?
Put another dime in the jukebox and play that record again...and again...and again.

I was disappointed that this weeks dissertation didn't have the usual request for the beautification of YDD, that's always a show stopper

I fail to see what benefit the exclusive ring thing has for me, I rarely submit anything here anymore, and when I do I have the voting turned off..
Mostly it involves PM's where I discuss all those things that people find annoying when done publicly
grandchildren,music,scotch,...you get the idea
once in a while we even discuss you...but I'm not allowed to tell you what we say until you perform the mysterious curtsy of the onomatopoeic elf.

secret circle stuff

I don't swagger the way I used to, contentment will do that to you I guess.

get well soon and happy holidays if I don't make it on again before then

For the record Tath, practice just a little bit of self censorship, read it, I read Uncle Tompa and I realize it was inadvertant on your part, but some things you just don't touch. OK. I stay out of those areas. I expect them same.
Actually, I think I can answer that. At least, here's what I saw, and I may be more fair because I am highly fond of BOTH of the people in that particular incident.

That had very little to do with Tath, as such. Eluard went from mere abuse (which is perfectly acceptable around here) to being a very, very serious ad hominem gold-plated Dickhead in that particular discussion. There's abuse, and then there's pointless, over-the-top, ridiculously poisonous abuse, and El had rather crossed the line. More importantly, he was reprimanded mostly for attempting to guess at and "out" various people as alts, which isn't strictly against forum mores but seriously violates a cultural folkway here. No one has to "threaten anyone" with ignore; you just hit a button. Ange was working as a moderator to draw a line about acceptable vs. unacceptable behavior, and I rather agreed with her on that call, despite the fact that I was, and remain, quite fond of Eluard and I miss him.

Granted, they both needed a good spanking (and I'm just the one to deliver it, except that Ange is way cooler and it's her job and stuff) but El went WAY too far. That's not cliquishness; that's Ange being a voice for the general feelings of the majority, which she was, very effectively in that situation.

That is of course purely my opinion. What I saw and how I interpreted it. I'm overjoyed to be disagreed with when necessary.

Too bad, she must have been asleep a while ago. Glad to see your both awake and on the job.

I'll rest easier tonight, knowing that you people (your term not mine) are minding the store.:D
Oh foolish me, I was under the illusion you people were moving, i.e not still life. I see a thread entitled The Poetry Way - wrong. A way. In which case, there is no reason for Senna to post, no reason to react, you all can sit down and have your asses take root like Kudzu and grow together, until it becomes one green clump. And tath and whoever else wants to join can exchange shots with me.

Note:ambiguity of word shots

Now I have to go do something important, like find another picture for my AV, something in an simian decour.

your term.
not mine.
