Taking up Space ( the good, the bad and the ugly)

Have you thoughts about looking up your profile(s) and then looking up all your post on that profile? It might be easier than sifting through thread after thread.
EriAliSaa said:
Have you thoughts about looking up your profile(s) and then looking up all your post on that profile? It might be easier than sifting through thread after thread.

I go through the passion thread because there is some fantastic work stored away in there. When I began my search, it was for inspiration from people who are no lonegr here and then I found so much of mine, I figured, hey, I dont even remeber writing that!!

so I started putting it here, that way I benefit twice, I get to read SP, and perks and so many others I miss terribly. Its worth the time and if you ever get bored, go there and be prepared to laugh and cry. I do

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EriAliSaa said:
I love that! Are you going to sumbit some of this stuff? I like this one. God! Football players have such great asses don't they?

nope, I dont plan on submitting it. Its all impulse writing, like the brainstorming exercises they give in school :)

it really is freeing to write that way, maybe you should pop into the passion thread and let yourself go crazy!!


This town's not big enough
for all of me, I look for room
many places at the same time
but get lost in divergence
should have arranged a meeting place
and time, for it's easy to go missing
in Sanity
tungtied2u said:
This town's not big enough
for all of me, I look for room
many places at the same time
but get lost in divergence
should have arranged a meeting place
and time, for it's easy to go missing
in Sanity

hey TTTU!!

I love that last line. Can be taken a couple of diffent ways

Maria2394 said:
maybe you should pop into the passion thread and let yourself go crazy!!



I think that is grounds for divorce :p :nana:

(I still want a dancing penis instead of the nana)
Maria2394 said:
hey TTTU!!

I love that last line. Can be taken a couple of diffent ways


I take sanity where ever I can get it....lol :D

and by the way, I'm having a love fest for all my favorite Lit ladies tonight
of which you are one....

so here's a big :kiss:
half baked

I dont want to be
but stimulation would be nice
without ringing in ears
without the plunge
of a rusted knife

the taste of life is what
you make it, the flavors
that you choose to add
spices, methods of cooking-
authenticity, baby,
you just cant fake it

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EriAliSaa said:
I think that is grounds for divorce :p :nana:

(I still want a dancing penis instead of the nana)

yeah? me to..maybe I should put on some disco music and go play with hubby, lol

tungtied2u said:
I take sanity where ever I can get it....lol :D

and by the way, I'm having a love fest for all my favorite Lit ladies tonight
of which you are one....

so here's a big :kiss:

OOOOHHH< yummy!!

I return that :kiss: and raise you a :nana:


Maria2394 said:
I just had a feeling


Well, I'm taking my nana and heading to bed.....

you can join me with your feeling if you'd like...

but I'm guessing your hubby will be the lucky one.... :(
Maria2394 said:
Dear 1201,

doesnt apathy suck?
my own, I mean, not yours
or his or theirs
but double blossomed daffodils
didnt have to care,
they bloomed with me still here
and they would have bloomed
if I had gone..so whats the point?


I didn't get past this:

>>doesnt apathy suck?
my own, I mean, not yours
or his or theirs
but double blossomed daffodils
didnt have to care,
they bloomed with me still here
and they would have bloomed
if I had gone..so whats the point?<<<<

For the life of me I can't understand why
you wouldn't just start the stanza
along these lines:

My apathy sucks<<<<<

You pose two questions in one stanza
neither of which a reader can answer
any better than you--- THE POET.

I do like the idea of the blooming
daffodils but, your choice on
how to express the thought
could be tuned up.

Anyway, I have read some of your poetry here
and it seems to me that you would rather
rush your way through a poem to finish
and post than you would to refine your
thoughts and rework them.

Just a subjective observation.

Much of it appears to be automatic writing.

If that's what you're after, then fine.

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tungtied2u said:
Well, I'm taking my nana and heading to bed.....

you can join me with your feeling if you'd like...

but I'm guessing your hubby will be the lucky one.... :(

That is kinda eerie, TT2U, I had barely typed that and I realized he was looiking over my shoulder. He grabbed me, and.... :)

well, he thought the comments about raising the nana was "cute" to say the least.

No, i didnt get in trouble, unless you call, that trouble :D

Thank you for your sweet notes last night.


it is always a pleasure to see you after such a long absence

welcome to the thread, Andy. Here is where you can impart some of what you have learned in your life and writing career and possibly help me and others become better poets. We can learn a nd have fun without being meanies, whatcha say?


ya'll have a grand day!!

pax vobiscum
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Maria2394 said:
it seems we made a collective decision
to put on ignore, the source of derision
and write like we were meant to do
without wallowing in mountains of poo


ya'll have a grand day!!

pax vobiscum

Thank You and you do the same.

"Wallowing in mountains of poo"

I'd take a real good look at that one.

Writing is easy. All you have to do is open up a vein and let it spill out onto the page. :p :nana:
EriAliSaa said:
Writing is easy. All you have to do is open up a vein and let it spill out onto the page. :p :nana:

Ali, that IS what it feels like sometimes.


Maria2394 said:
The way I see it, I am not a hopeless case, I learn pretty fast. I am open-minded and well, language is a tool and I am not proficient with that tool yet. Im great with a 4 inch grinder, but that has nothing to do with poetry.</snip>:D
LOL... I take it that next month's poetry challenge will be taken up by you and it will be power tool poems?

bring out your drills ... bring out your drills
i'll sharpen the bit and hammer the mills
but today there's a special
so bring out your drills.
champagne1982 said:
LOL... I take it that next month's poetry challenge will be taken up by you and it will be power tool poems?

bring out your drills ... bring out your drills
i'll sharpen the bit and hammer the mills
but today there's a special
so bring out your drills.

Anna and I w ould have to share that one, she has the power tool fetish worse than I do!! ( by her own admission ;)

dontcha, anna :D



( a while back, someone who could not remember my numbers, gave me that shortened version, I like it!! , but say it aloud, what do you get?

impound!! hehehe)
there she was
one among seven
squirming wet and warm
snuggled up next
to her mama's breast

just a month or so later
fluff ball running in the yard
teaching me to love a dog

silly wet tongue on my face
loving me silly
and blond fluffy hair
framed her black Shepard face

Scout was the were-dog
spinning around and growling
inside she was laughing
at how she freaked me out
watching me jump
up on the couch

I was angry
that the sun came up today
and the birds were singing
it should have been
a day of mourning
but all I mourn is my loss of her
her spirit is free
from her old wise dog body

and those gentle brown eyes
will be sorely missed
how she smiled with them
and promised with them
that she was my girl

good bye sweet one

scout 3/7/92-10/09/03

I'm really missing my deceased pets today. Especially my Scoutster.
~ big fuzzy woobie hugs, sweet Girl. :heart:
Try using it as an expletive - "Oh for sythia's sake!"


ever since you made the suggestion, Tess, it has stuck in my memory. We moved from that hill and I took as many plants with me as I could. Everywhere I have lived since moving I have left a forsythia or two :)