
Have you ever seen
anyone as bored
as a drummer
in a disco bar
with no jazz to play?

What's he doin'
sittin on a stool
with no reason to tap
out a syncopated
heart beat to the
rhythms of a magic
man's thoughts?

No velvet notes
or sultry songs
from silvered tongues
or ruby lips.

Drummer, improvise
a back beat
for a jazz baby
to dance to.
champagne1982 said:
Have you ever seen
anyone as bored
as a drummer
in a disco bar
with no jazz to play?

What's he doin'
sittin on a stool
with no reason to tap
out a syncopated
heart beat to the
rhythms of a magic
man's thoughts?

No velvet notes
or sultry songs
from silvered tongues
or ruby lips.

Drummer, improvise
a back beat
for a jazz baby
to dance to.

Now you're talkin. :D
Cheyenne said:

See? You have a very nice thread started in your name. :cattail:

Don't pull on that loose end whatever you do.

Oh and - Hello you two, good to see you slummin'
WickedEve said:
What's a taltos? Will a taltos change my life? Does is require batteries? I have batteries. :rolleyes:

I figured you for the extension cord kind of girl, actually. No worries on losing power--well, unless you cause a brownout, that is. <g> <wink> :devil:
Lillylicious said:
There lies within each one of us
The beauty like a rose
When it's used in touching others
Then its beauty overflows

How wonderful to see you here.... :rose:

tis a childs hand
disguised as a rose that rests
deep inside
it's tentative reach
with curious fingers trembling
always come to rest
on your heart

and your heart smiles
and hums
Tathagata said:
How wonderful to see you here.... :rose:

tis a childs hand
disguised as a rose that rests
deep inside
it's tentative reach
with curious fingers trembling
always come to rest
on your heart

and your heart smiles
and hums

I think I know that one-

All my best Tath, as always.

Cheyenne said:
Cool. The Taltos thread actually turned into a poetry thread!

Every thread here turns into a poetry thread. :)

Blue Muse Bop

Funk that groove.
Kinesiology moves me
bone deep, hip to hip,
slip rocks my cradle.

Liberty is notes shifting,
switching in and out of time
and dreams in closed eye
synchronicity. This jazz

don’t mind no p's or cues,
just slides straight up,
to twang my muse

walking in bass beat
rhythms falling, dancing
at my feet.

Wag tailfeathers.
You know sweet blues melt
so cool, swallow whole souls

neat and sparkle, flicker
into flames of leaping saxy fusion,
tenor toney hollow honey
cruising to completion.
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Tristesse said:
Don't pull on that loose end whatever you do.

Oh and - Hello you two, good to see you slummin'

Loose ends, are NEVER to be pulled upon.
Patted firmly ... saucily.
That's tha ticket ~ :catroar:
