Tartes Trousseaux for Ladies and Lesbians

I see these photos and I get so envious . i think my ears are turning green (as I green with envy).
I don’t find it difficult at all, it may add a few seconds to pull the suspenders down, followed by my panties, the same when I pull them back up, but it’s not a great impediment to me, it’s the correct way to wear them, if we wear panties over the suspenders, it spoils the line of our skirts or dresses, and they don’t hang properly.

Of course it can be a matter of division for us, as there are lots of girls who prefer to wear panties over, but it’s a matter of individual choice which way we wear them, and it’s panties under for me, always.

To me, the choice of over or under depends on design of the panty and garter belt set. With a full brief panty, over may work best with most garter belts. But, with the set pictured above, under is definitely the way to go.