Tattoo fetish

Image from Kima Kida
I also like tasteful tattooing. But there is such thing as too much of a good thing. My wife and I both have two. I have a piece of flash and a custom piece, my wife has two custom pieces. I might do one more, but that's it. Tattoos were mostly a way to express myself with body art, but once done, I've no need for more.

I do not care for anything trendy in tattooing, and I do not like facial tattoos at all, especially on women. The same with breast tattoos. Why mess with perfection? But that's just me. I'd never speak ill of someone who did like these things.
I remember in our swinging years, there was a single woman active in the lifestyle who had so many tattoos, that her body was covered. We didn’t know whether to play with her or just look at her, lol!
I love tattooed women, they are my soft spot. Just their beautiful bodies painted with tattoos. Something about it, love it.