Tattoos, who else is an ink-free space?

I don’t have any real tattoos. Just a trauma tattoo on my knee from a childhood bicycle accident. I personally don’t like the look of tattoos.
Now that I think about it, I started donating blood before I was legally able to get a tattoo. Donating always seemed more important than decorating.
None here. I love the look of them on other people when done well, but never seen the appeal of having one myself.
No ink for me but I genuinely love and appreciate some of the fine art I see on other’s.
If money had never been an issue, I would have had a least a few gaming ones a few years ago. Mostly MMORPG's. But ...
Ink-free for two reasons:
1. My mom despised tattoos, and often lectured my older brothers on their many tattoos (nothing wrong with them, btw). So during one such speech about them, I volunteered never to get one, to make her happy.
2. I'm a full body donor, so I don't want the medical students at Texas Tech, or wherever they ship my corpse, to make fun of a "MR. BAD EXAMPLE" tattoo I got during a manic bipolar episode.