Ten Stupid Things FemSubs Do

I brought the snacks, Des

Popcorn, extra butter and diet dr. pepper.

I read you can do kegel's at your work desk. So, let's do them together while we snack and watch...... hehehe
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ten Stupid Things FemSubs Do

Quint said:

1.) I have, within my understanding, an idea of God.
2.) This idea of God is the idea of a being that is the greatest that can be conceived.
3.) A being is greater if it exists in reality than if it exists only in the understanding.
4.) If God exists in the understanding alone, then a greater being can be conceived, namely one that also exists in reality.
5.) Premise 4 is a contradiction, for it says that I can conceive of a greater being than the greatest possible being.
6.) So if I have an idea of the greatest conceivable being, such a being must exist both in my understanding and in reality.
7.) Therefore, God exists.

THAT is (a version of) the ontological argument. What you posted before, was not.

Look, I know I am being a huge penis about this and I am really sorry. Its just that here at Georgetown we have to take so many philosophy and theology classes and stating even one premise incorrectly in a term paper can mean the difference between an A and an F. After years of this abuse, I have become incredibly anal about it. I do hope you accept my apology.
Awwww, Dave. I know you want some of the Lance luvvin. I've got hugs for you too. esp if it means I might get some discipline later. ~snickers~

Ruby and Rose. Lets have a competition. I bet I can hold my kegels longer than you. Ready..... set..... squueeeze!
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Re: Oops

Once in a while, I feel like I'd prefer a simple "Let's see if my thingy fits your thingy" thingy.

MissTaken said:
When meeting him, though, it was as if meeting anyone. It was more of a "Let's see what happens" thingy, rather than a "You are the man of my dreams" thingy.
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Desdemona said:

Ruby and Rose. Lets have a competition. I bet I can hold my kegels longer than you. Ready..... set..... squueeeze!

I'm still holding mine.
Re: Re: Oops

monster666 said:
Once in a while, I feel like I'd prefer a simple "Let's see if my thingy fits your thingy" thingy.

I bet it would. But I require that before we find out, we must chat on instant messenger for ten minutes at which point you will collar me and we will begin looking at homes to purchase through the internet and you MUST believe that I am 5'9", red haired and leggy!

(*smirks* Just trying to keep the thread on topic! )
Des and Ruby

Desdemona said:

Ruby and Rose. Lets have a competition. I bet I can hold my kegels longer than you. Ready..... set..... squueeeze!

Can I get a *finger* in on the *action* here.

"Here cums da juuuuudge" !-:devil: :rose:
well as long asYou are offeringMaster..

Can I get some of that "action" too? hmmmm?:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Oops

Sorry I'll have to pass. I'm a monster. My attention span can't handle ten whole minutes of foreplay.

MissTaken said:

I bet it would. But I require that before we find out, we must chat on instant messenger for ten minutes at which point you will collar me and we will begin looking at homes to purchase through the internet and you MUST believe that I am 5'9", red haired and leggy!

(*smirks* Just trying to keep the thread on topic! )
Before I opened this, I thought it was L's personal list. Thinking here we go again :)
Lancecastor said:
Wandered into this and thought it might make for good discussion...I've seen people do most of these things...have you?


borrowed from
COME HITHER: A Commonsense Guide to Kinky Sex.
Chapter Twelve--The View from the Bottom: Sexual Submissives

1. They discover they're sub on Monday, go looking for a maledom on Tuesday, and have their first experience on Wednesday.

2. They don't bother to learn before doing.

3. They believe everything that dominants tell them.

4. They believe nothing that dominants tell them.

5. They get so hungry for submission, they submit to anyone who wants them.

6. They agree to be an Internet correspondent's slave before meeting him in person.

7. They make a lifetime commitment to someone before spending a significant amount of time with him.

8. They measure a maledom only by his ability to turn them on, and not by any real-world considerations.

9. They lie about themselves to dominants.

10. They ignore the advice in this chapter.

All those deals apply to male subs just the same.
MAN! I can't believe we're having a hug party for Lance.

Lance, I'm gonna KICK YOUR ASS!
Oh, Sandia!

come here, sweetums!

We have open arms for you, as well ;)

*big hugs*

MzChrista said:
and my fingers are getting numb.

Dream done *clamped* my right forefinger off. I have to withdraw from judging, so you will have to tell us who the winner is. I gotta go to ER for treatment,...but I will return.Hold on grrrls,... be back in a litlle bit. :rose:
Hey, I'm still holding. Who's judging me now that Art's gone?

Sandia, I'll hug you when Miss T is done.

Dixie... are you still in the competition?
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Desdemona said:
Hey, I'm still holding. Who's judging me now that Art's gone?

Sandia, I'll hug you when Miss T is done.

Dixie... are you still in the competition?

Id help ya out but I dont think Rubys gonna let go of my hand any time soon.
Sandia said:
MAN! I can't believe we're having a hug party for Lance.

Lance, I'm gonna KICK YOUR ASS!

Please note: Rose did not hug Lance. She high fived him.
MissTaken said:
Oh, Sandia!

come here, sweetums!

We have open arms for you, as well ;)

*big hugs*

*sniff sniff*

<snuggling up against MissTaken...>

Now your turn, Desdemona.
as far as clamping..

my Master's finger off,I plead the 5th and I happen to KNOW i can 'out kegel-exercise all of ya ..so there!! STILL holding and I went 2 weeks and a day without a darn orgasm!! top that!! lol:D

p.s. as for Mr.Lance's or who ever the hell's top 10 list that is i'm soon to give Dream's ultimate Cummback on that in just a sec,,stay tuned..:D
Ten Stupid things .. my ass!!

these are MY views!!
1. They discover they're sub on Monday, go looking for a maledom on Tuesday, and have their first experience on Wednesday.

* Discovering you ARE indeed a 'sub " is an ongoing process " not just some 'realization" you come to in 1 given day!! geez
2. They don't bother to learn before doing.
*Subs are Constantly "learning" just like their Doms are also.. We Seek to please therefore try to "learn more ways to do so..
3. They believe everything that dominants tell them.
* Like hell I do!! Dom's get "tested' as much as we Subs do..Trust is "Earned" over time..after all it's My Life I am entrusting To Him..!!
_________________________________________________________4. 4,They believe nothing that dominants tell them.
*If I believed Nothing My Master told me then what would be the "purpose " to be His Sub? ' I would therefore Doubt His Honesty and love and without that it would be over,period..
5. They get so hungry for submission, they submit to anyone who wants them.
get a grip already!! lol My submission is giving to whom I CHOOSE deserves it..Lots of men WANT " Me but I do NOT submit to "lots of men' ..only to Master Artful.Submission is my greatest gift to whom I FEEL is the "greatest man'
6. They agree to be an Internet correspondent's slave before meeting him in person.
*YEAH ..SOO? AND YOUR POINT IS?/ I freely admit I was Artful's online submissive before ttaking it to a deeper skin -to-skin relationship..nothing wrong with getting to know people online 1st at all..many happy & healthy relationships` have started this way..
7. They make a lifetime commitment to someone before spending a significant amount of time with him.
*who are YOU to say what a 'significant amount of time is anyways? it varies from person to person..I knew Artful for a little over 3 mos before we met in r/l and it was the best time for "us"
8. They measure a maledom only by his ability to turn them on, and not by any real-world considerations.
*well altho Artful DOES rate a 10.0 in this category He is NOT solely judged on that alone..He is indeed judged on His ability to "control me" ,His Honesty & openess and ability to communicate with me and to me..
9. They lie about themselves to dominants.
*Sorry ,I find No REAL purpose in lying-EVER..it accomplishes nothing
10. They ignore the advice in this chapter.
*there is NO advice,, only inaccurate statements..stay tuned to MY thread entitled :10 stupid things "Manly Dom's do..lol
