Thanksgiving - BDSM Style

Hurtme, I really feel you girl... why do you think I didn't mention anything about family in my little spiel? I gave them up for the catholic lent, and decided they were a bad habit I didn't need back.

Seriously though, I just refuse to go to any of their houses, and now I just get 3 or 4 irate phone calls when I don't show up to various people's homes (including my ex-so, who also happens to have been my roommate... god, we are freaky, aren't we?) instead of having to suffer the psychos for hours upon end. And if they are too awful when they call, I just hang up and turn off my phone. Life can be a beautiful place sometimes :D

Lets not talk about X-mass though... that is when I feel obligated to make an attempt to see everyone. :(
right on niteshade, I understand completely. I know that if I don't show up for a holiday, I will be punished all year long. Every couple years I can use a good excuse, like i have to work or something, but it seems like they know when I am lying about do you tell your family "no offence, I just really don't like you guys, and I know you don't like me" blood is thicker than water my ass. I have gathered some adopted family that I love with all my heart, and as far as I am concerned, just cause we came from the same gene pool doesn't mean I have to like you! mY family is all very tight...except I think half the time, it is just so they can gossip about each other, and I have never felt the need for family, to be close to them.
Holly and I just realized that we have added a new family to have to visit for next year (not ready for it this year, at least not for Thanksgiving) ... ug.

We do the nilla thing, she at hers, me at mine. Our families don't know that we are together, so it makes life easier this way than trying to explain why we both go to both when we are just friends... As long as I don't have to deal with extended family, my gatherings are ok. I like my parents (even though I do believe that my father is in beginning stages of Alzheimer's), and I can deal with my brother's and their SOs. Holly's family is more interesting ... first of all, one side of the family is ultra-religious & lectures her for hours about not going to church every Sunday, Wednesday & Saturday, the other side tends to end up shooting at each other (bottle rockets if they have them, guns if they don't ... don't ask). Then there is her immediate family, which always makes things interesting ... her mom is depressed, her dad is psychotic, her brother is married to his girlfriend's sister & has a boyfriend on the side, her sister is finally getting married (maybe) and her fiancee hates Holly cuz she doesn't remember that her sister used to date him 5 years ago (and with at least 20 new relationships a year for the sis, is it really a surprise that she doens't remember the putz?). Anyone confused yet?? This is why we probably AREN'T going home this year ... lol.
SD....I am getting flashbacks of my own family, extended and immediate. Although mine prefer to use fists rather than guns...hope you all take it with as much humor and as little homicidal rage as I do...:p
Notice I said I'm going to my FIANCE's for thanksgiving.

I only began to enjoy holidays when I became the adoptee of various friends and lovers' families. Not spending it with mine.
Yeah, I am the same way, I have adopted family whose homes I enjoy going to, but unfortunately I hav eot get the blood related drudgery out of the way first, and then if I have the energy...
SweetDommes said:
Holly and I just realized that we have added a new family to have to visit for next year (not ready for it this year, at least not for Thanksgiving) ... ug.

We do the nilla thing, she at hers, me at mine. Our families don't know that we are together, so it makes life easier this way than trying to explain why we both go to both when we are just friends... As long as I don't have to deal with extended family, my gatherings are ok. I like my parents (even though I do believe that my father is in beginning stages of Alzheimer's), and I can deal with my brother's and their SOs. Holly's family is more interesting ... first of all, one side of the family is ultra-religious & lectures her for hours about not going to church every Sunday, Wednesday & Saturday, the other side tends to end up shooting at each other (bottle rockets if they have them, guns if they don't ... don't ask). Then there is her immediate family, which always makes things interesting ... her mom is depressed, her dad is psychotic, her brother is married to his girlfriend's sister & has a boyfriend on the side, her sister is finally getting married (maybe) and her fiancee hates Holly cuz she doesn't remember that her sister used to date him 5 years ago (and with at least 20 new relationships a year for the sis, is it really a surprise that she doens't remember the putz?). Anyone confused yet?? This is why we probably AREN'T going home this year ... lol.

on top of this Mistress Holly has chosen to be my "date" for my family dinner, this my friends will be REAL torture, for her that is:p