Thanksgiving Challenge

unpredictablebijou said:
Nuh-uh. By definition you just gave it...


Have you ever noticed that in the word 'facetious' all the vowels appear in order?
I shiver at your sharpness. Honestly, it is a delight.
this looks fun :) i'll give it a go.

i'm going to try something for the ekphrastic challenge too - i know the piece i want to link, now i just have to write what i need to. duh - that's the hard part :D
where should we post them, Angeline?

and if there's time, can we do more than one?
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sophieloves said:
where should we post them, Angeline?

You can post em here in this thread. If you want to submit them here at Lit as well, go for it. :)
Line 1+2: single line from lorencino's - cyber born

Last two lines: single line from Remec's- an unexpected reaction


and two souls began to whisper
quiet persistence into eachother
gossamer strands to
build something stronger than
supposed a vacuum could support
each glistening filament cast
in hope
some falling short, though
got caught
within the sensual tanglings of the other's mind
two webs spun at once - a
for thoughts to cross
to be explored

and so it hung there
in the vast surrounds
shining with a milken glaze
a thing of crazy beauty
swept suddenly away by
hazing circumstance's hand

one became two

the me
and the you

the mind-gauze rent with careless force
left me spinning, of course
reeling, wondering if you, too, span and fell
and i paused

...unsure myself of how i was
sophieloves said:
Line 1+2: single line from lorencino's - cyber born

Last two lines: single line from Remec's- an unexpected reaction


and two souls began to whisper
quiet persistence into eachother
gossamer strands to
build something stronger than
supposed a vacuum could support
each glistening filament cast
in hope
some falling short, though
got caught
within the sensual tanglings of the other's mind
two webs spun at once - a
for thoughts to cross
to be explored

and so it hung there
in the vast surrounds
shining with a milken glaze
a thing of crazy beauty
swept suddenly away by
hazing circumstance's hand

one became two

the me
and the you

the mind-gauze rent with careless force
left me spinning, of course
reeling, wondering if you, too, span and fell
and i paused

...unsure myself of how i was

Beautiful! I especially like this:

and so it hung there
in the vast surrounds
shining with a milken glaze
a thing of crazy beauty
swept suddenly away by
hazing circumstance's hand

one became two

the me
and the you

Angeline said:
Beautiful! I especially like this:

and so it hung there
in the vast surrounds
shining with a milken glaze
a thing of crazy beauty
swept suddenly away by
hazing circumstance's hand

one became two

the me
and the you


thanks a lot :D

i have to admit to borrowing some ideas from Walt Whitman's A Noiseless Patient Spider re gossamer and the vast spaces :)
sophieloves said:
Line 1+2: single line from lorencino's - cyber born

Last two lines: single line from Remec's- an unexpected reaction


and two souls began to whisper
quiet persistence into eachother
gossamer strands to
build something stronger than
supposed a vacuum could support
each glistening filament cast
in hope
some falling short, though
got caught
within the sensual tanglings of the other's mind
two webs spun at once - a
for thoughts to cross
to be explored

and so it hung there
in the vast surrounds
shining with a milken glaze
a thing of crazy beauty
swept suddenly away by
hazing circumstance's hand

one became two

the me
and the you

the mind-gauze rent with careless force
left me spinning, of course
reeling, wondering if you, too, span and fell
and i paused

...unsure myself of how i was
:nana: :nana: :nana: :D :nana: :nana: :nana:
sophieloves said:
:D :nana: :catroar:

thanks for the dancin nanas, lol
They're dancing 'round the pedestal
I'm keeping you on for the next 15 minutes.
So be content, to bathe in admiration
for a moment or three,
then I'll lift you down to safety
on the ground.
lorencino said:
They're dancing 'round the pedestal
I'm keeping you on for the next 15 minutes.
So be content, to bathe in admiration
for a moment or three,
then I'll lift you down to safety
on the ground.
nooo! put up me on a pedestal means they all get to see up me skirt! :eek:
Swimming in the untouchable
grief is no country for old men.
Tomorrow when I wake
I’ll make the day grow bright
again and paint the gray sky
gold, remember how he smiled
or leaning quiet days he asked
to hold my hand and keep
our winter warm. I’ll laugh
tomorrow, tend memories anew
from bluebird flight to lasting storm.

Line 1: 2rivers, being as small
Line 12: Rybka, Apples Grow in New Hampshire

~And special thanks to W.B. Yeats~ :)
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Line 1 from Tesse, "Why do crows stay?"
Line 32 from Bijou "Her gods counsel her..."

Why do the crows stay?
Talking shit with catcalls
from power lines.
As if to say,
“You poor fool,
there is no higher plane for you,
here, seek your answers elsewhere.”
And I do.

and shamble from place to place.
Overcoat stained with piss
from the floors of bar bathrooms
Where the light never shines
brightly, showing smiles
in frantic motion;
seeking lust and literal translations.

Alluding to the truth
with each swallow.
With a leering smile
and yellow eyes
he hands me a drink
of his special brew.
Made in a decadent place
of fire and ice that

freezes my mouth
and burns all the way down.
He talks of special magic
only he can bestow
through his dark passion,
liquid offering of his soul.
Thinking reverent thoughts, I
carry my paper cup away like a grail.
The_Fool said:
BTW, you have some other really cool lines I am going to steal too. If I can find some good closers.

I PMed you. You didn't reply. I waited. Nothing. I cried.

I have stuff mostly posted in here in the challenges (5/5 primarily probably, but a few in the live writing threads). This is a good idea for a challenge. I'll be reading a lot of poems this week.
Giving You Up

All I find that matters is my dream:
succulent promises, heated
warmth against me.
That flame, buttery, sizzles,
finishes each day
while I slip inexorably,
compelled to join, to bind:
soft, red-orange flower-
blinding fire-ball.

The flame
the molten wax
whisker burn and skin burn and even sheet burn
that are offered to the Sun
spill across the sky and disappear
and I unfold to your hard grace.

My fingers tear at the sheets,
the day, and know the warmth of you,
the one that lightning struck, scarred.
We might have sparkled,
air over ice.
Unwind from the night:
you can light your own cigar.

Line 1 Remec, from Dear Clair
2 Angeline, from Caramel Suite
3 Tristesse, from Camping, Cape Breton
4 Angeline, from Caramel Suite
5 Tristesse, from Camping, Cape Breton
6 Lorencino, from Will My Sinews Loosen?
7 Tzara, from Darwinian
8 and 9 Remec, from Night’s End
10 and 11 Sophieloves, from Written while falling asleep
12 mysticmoon, from Untitled, Writing Live #909
13 The Fool, from Seasons
14 Champagne, from On Waking Up Before Dawn
15 Angeline, from Anointed
16 Champagne, from The Ecstasy
17 Champagne, from On Waking Up Before Dawn
18 Tzara, from Light of Distant Cities
19 Tristesse, from Glose
20 sophieloves, from Written while falling asleep
21 Remec, from Night’s End
22 Bronzeage, from Daddy and Little One, Ch. 20

Punctuation is my own. Line 4 was originally in past tense: "sizzled."
It's like the poetic form of "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"
PG I'm sorry, I was already finishing this by the time you got in here.
unpredictablebijou said:
Giving You Up

All I find that matters is my dream:
succulent promises, heated
warmth against me.
That flame, buttery, sizzles,
finishes each day
while I slip inexorably,
compelled to join, to bind:
soft, red-orange flower-
blinding fire-ball.

The flame
the molten wax
whisker burn and skin burn and even sheet burn
that are offered to the Sun
spill across the sky and disappear
and I unfold to your hard grace.

My fingers tear at the sheets,
the day, and know the warmth of you,
the one that lightning struck, scarred.
We might have sparkled,
air over ice.
Unwind from the night:
you can light your own cigar.

Line 1 Remec, from Dear Clair
2 Angeline, from Caramel Suite
3 Tristesse, from Camping, Cape Breton
4 Angeline, from Caramel Suite
5 Tristesse, from Camping, Cape Breton
6 Lorencino, from Will My Sinews Loosen?
7 Tzara, from Darwinian
8 and 9 Remec, from Night’s End
10 and 11 Sophieloves, from Written while falling asleep
12 mysticmoon, from Untitled, Writing Live #909
13 The Fool, from Seasons
14 Champagne, from On Waking Up Before Dawn
15 Angeline, from Anointed
16 Champagne, from The Ecstasy
17 Champagne, from On Waking Up Before Dawn
18 Tzara, from Light of Distant Cities
19 Tristesse, from Glose
20 sophieloves, from Written while falling asleep
21 Remec, from Night’s End
22 Bronzeage, from Daddy and Little One, Ch. 20

Punctuation is my own. Line 4 was originally in past tense: "sizzled."
It's like the poetic form of "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"
PG I'm sorry, I was already finishing this by the time you got in here.
Hey. I was going to write a cento, Ms. Smarty Pants.

Very cool, though.
I would like to take part in this challenge. I admire the work and the authors in here. I don't have much to offer in exchange; only one essay posted so far and two poems in a thread. But here is my offering. Thank you for putting up so much good work to read.

line 1: Tess, from Exodus
line 30: Lorencino, from A Lifetime in a Moment

The gardens grown over the blood
are not for the coward or the casual hunter,
the plain man, the recreational diver.
That dragon spine baptism
is reserved for the true disciple of women.
That rough taste of copper and earth and salt
that bare animal gluttony of the darker gods
is ours: we fear no plunge into the war and surf
we will swim in the river, jungle dive
and come up proud-soaked with the paint of power
stripes from the red ritual. Fear the assay:
a sword points at your heart and the path
is riddled with serpents. Leave it to us, the ones
with enough hunger to wake that Medusa
to drive the steep road to the flowering.