The 10 Commandments of Ramona

ramonathompson said:
That's why I'm here. To put shit like you back in the crapper that you came from so that the nice people of this board who are too shy to fight back can have a voice.
ramonathompson said:
I am 1000 percent sure and if there is any doubt then when my time comes I will take that up with my lord.
are you going up to that spirit in the sky?

Ms_Lilith said:
I didn't read the thread, or even the entire first post, but here's my thoughts anyway:

1) It's "though SHALT not", you ninny.

2) Christ, woman, get over yourself.
thou, not though, you ninny.
ramonathompson said:
I don't claim to speak for my savior but I know that if he could see how people like you have made this world that he would rethink dying for your sins.

*jaw drops*

I can't believe you said that.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

It's nowt we do, sushine -we're all sinners, always were and always will be till the day we die. Christians are no better than anyone else, hell most times we're twice as bad because we should know better!

You really need to drop into the lit bible study thread and look especially hard at the posting about the prodigal son story.

I hope you do some soul searching soon, because I can tell you, your witnessing leaves ALOT to be desired.