The 2021 Pew Political Typology report

Which are you?

  • Faith and Flag Conservatives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Committed Conservatives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Populist Right

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Ambivalent Right

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Stressed Sideliners

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Outsider Left

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Democratic Mainstays

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Establishment Liberals

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Progressive Left

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
Note that the Pub-leaning groups total 40% of the population, the Dem-leaning groups 45%. The 15% who are Stressed Sideliners are the battleground.
Note that the Pub-leaning groups total 40% of the population, the Dem-leaning groups 45%. The 15% who are Stressed Sideliners are the battleground.

The amount of right leaders that still focus on Trump and still believe his lies is disturbing.
The amount of right leaders that still focus on Trump and still believe his lies is disturbing.

They don't believe his lies, they only pretend to. Nobody in the GOP leadership has any illusions about him.
I am probably closest to the Democratic Mainstays, although I agree with the Republican base on crime, race, and immigration. I say "the Republican base" because the Republican Donor Class wants more immigrants so that they can cut wages and raise rents.
Demographically, I think we can expect the Faith and Flag Conservatives to die out in our lifetimes -- while the Progressive Left grows (but the next typology report will give both groups different names -- every report uses different names).

Dbags like you were saying that in the 60's:rolleyes:
I am probably closest to the Democratic Mainstays, although I agree with the Republican base on crime, race, and immigration. I say "the Republican base" because the Republican Donor Class wants more immigrants so that they can cut wages and raise rents.

There is a real division on immigration within the GOP. The last serious attempt at immigration reform was W's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 -- which was scuttled by a backlash within his own party.
The populist right is not conservative at all, and the progressive left is not democratic. They are both arrogant, angry populists from opposing wings, interested in ramming their ideas down the centre's throats.

The moderate centre probably covers most Republicans and Democrats. Pew's research is fundamentally flawed in seeking to emphasize differences rather than commonalities.

Extreme views however, make for a lively media and an insane internet.:)
I love it when partisans view the world as a binary choice between us and them.

The Left and the Right are not the only axises on the political compass - although it benefits them for people to think that way.

In this chart, the higher you are on the graphic, the more authoritarian you are. The lower, the less authoritarian you are.

I love it when partisans view the world as a binary choice between us and them.

The Pew Typology report, of course, presents a more complex and nuanced picture than that -- and it does not necessarily map onto any purely conceptual political spectrum or compass.
I am a conservative Demcrat.

During the War in Vietnam I was a left-liberal Democrat and a democratic socialist.

Now I am a conservative Democrat. I am conservative because I am pessimistic
about human nature and human potential, and I think there is often wisdom in
tradition. I am a Democrat because I believe that the government has an
important role to play in society.

I no longer believe in socialism, but I do not dislike it. I accept capitalism, but I
do not like it.

One could also say that I am a traditional Southern Democrat. I support the
reforms of the New Deal, but I have become disenchanted with the civil rights
movement, after supporting it as a child, a teenager, and a young adult.

The New Deal coalition of Northern social democrats and Southern segregationists
was less incongruous than it appears to be in retrospect. The Northern social
democrats were post capitalist in their sympathies. The Southern segregationists
were semi feudal in their sympathies, and pre capitalist. Both disliked the
corporate establishment and commercial values.

In terms of practical policies, I am liberal on economic and environment issues,
and conservative on many social issues, especially the issues of crime, race, and
immigration. I have always disliked the sexual revolution, and I regret the decline
in religious observance. Nevertheless, in a country like the United States there is
little the government can do to influence sexual behavior and religious
participation, so I do not consider them to be political issues.

Since 1980 I have viewed the religious right with interest and a degree of
sympathy. I regret the religious right's choice of presidents. In 1980 the religious
right abandoned the most sincerely Christian president the United States has
probably ever had for a product of Hollywood who rarely attended church. In
2016 the religious right reached even lower and choose a dishonest, foul mouthed
womanizing pagan who has only attended church services a few times since
compulsory chapel at the military school he attended, and who has been plausibly
accused of rape.
Last edited:
Since 1980 I have viewed the religious right with interest and a degree of sympathy. I regret the religious right's choice of presidents. In 1980 the religious right abandoned the most sincerely Christian president the United States has probably ever had for a product of Hollywood who rarely attended church. In 2016 the religious right reached even lower and choose a dishonest, foul mouthed womanizing pagan who has only attended church services a few times since compulsory chapel at the military school he attended, and who has been plausibly accused of rape.

Millennials are less religious, with a higher percentage of self-ID'd atheists (25%), than any elder generation. We may expect the religious right to fade from importance in our society as religion itself fades.
During the War in Vietnam I was a left-liberal Democrat and a democratic socialist.

Now I am a conservative Democrat. I am conservative because I am pessimistic
about human nature and human potential, and I think there is often wisdom in
tradition. I am a Democrat because I believe that the government has an
important role to play in society.

I no longer believe in socialism, but I do not dislike it. I accept capitalism, but I
do not like it.

One could also say that I am a traditional Southern Democrat. I support the
reforms of the New Deal, but I have become disenchanted with the civil rights
movement, after supporting it as a child, a teenager, and a young adult.

The New Deal coalition of Northern social democrats and Southern segregationists
was less incongruous than it appears to be in retrospect. The Northern social
democrats were post capitalist in their sympathies. The Southern segregationists
were semi feudal in their sympathies, and pre capitalist. Both disliked the
corporate establishment and commercial values.

In terms of practical policies, I am liberal on economic and environment issues,
and conservative on many social issues, especially the issues of crime, race, and
immigration. I have always disliked the sexual revolution, and I regret the decline
in religious observance. Nevertheless, in a country like the United States there is
little the government can do to influence sexual behavior and religious
participation, so I do not consider them to be political issues.

Since 1980 I have viewed the religious right with interest and a degree of
sympathy. I regret the religious right's choice of presidents. In 1980 the religious
right abandoned the most sincerely Christian president the United States has
probably ever had for a product of Hollywood who rarely attended church. In
2016 the religious right reached even lower and choose a dishonest, foul mouthed
womanizing pagan who has only attended church services a few times since
compulsory chapel at the military school he attended, and who has been plausibly
accused of rape.

Very similar pattern for me. Although I fell for the Camelot crew, today I despise their double lives, I feel duped that pretend to be Catholics were such hypocrites and liars. They broke the most sacred trust of all, their loyalty to their spouses. Then comes Clinton and he’s even more vile when it comes to having a moral spine. I too was a card carrying Democrat and as I started to dig into Robert Byrd and Biden I slowly shifted to more of a libertarian and finally to the conservative side.

I find it Ironic that Democrats find Trump a womanizing Pagan while glossing over JFK, Robert Kennedy and finally Bill Clinton. I also find it revolting that Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden promoting abortion while touting their fidelity to their Catholic faith, they’re lying right to our face.

I believe in conservative values and all you can do is vote for someone close to your values
Very similar pattern for me. Although I fell for the Camelot crew, today I despise their double lives, I feel duped that pretend to be Catholics were such hypocrites and liars. They broke the most sacred trust of all, their loyalty to their spouses.

I don't suppose the importance of the rule against adultery, nor believers' compliance with it, are any different for Catholics than anyone else.
The Left and the Right are not the only axises on the political compass - although it benefits them for people to think that way.

Wrong. There are 2 Parties that garner the vote. Two. So when a "Libertarian" votes Republican ...that means they support the Republican ideals. If it bothered them that the Republican policy is to limit voting....take away women's rights....and on an on....they wouldn't vote for them. You vote for policy...not a person
Very similar pattern for me. Although I fell for the Camelot crew, today I despise their double lives, I feel duped that pretend to be Catholics were such hypocrites and liars. They broke the most sacred trust of all, their loyalty to their spouses. Then comes Clinton and he’s even more vile when it comes to having a moral spine. I too was a card carrying Democrat and as I started to dig into Robert Byrd and Biden I slowly shifted to more of a libertarian and finally to the conservative side.

I find it Ironic that Democrats find Trump a womanizing Pagan while glossing over JFK, Robert Kennedy and finally Bill Clinton. I also find it revolting that Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden promoting abortion while touting their fidelity to their Catholic faith, they’re lying right to our face.

I believe in conservative values and all you can do is vote for someone close to your values

But you refuse to hold your Party accountable for what you complain about. Guess what....that makes you the hypocrite. Stop pointing fingers at others and look in the mirror. Live by the the morals you hold dear, and let others live by theirs. That is the difference. .
Wrong. There are 2 Parties that garner the vote. Two. So when a "Libertarian" votes Republican ...that means they support the Republican ideals. If it bothered them that the Republican policy is to limit voting....take away women's rights....and on an on....they wouldn't vote for them. You vote for policy...not a person

Libertarians are Republicans who smoke pot.
The populist right is not conservative at all, and the progressive left is not democratic. They are both arrogant, angry populists from opposing wings, interested in ramming their ideas down the centre's throats.

Oh, like that's the worst thing you ever had rammed down your throat!

The moderate centre probably covers most Republicans and Democrats. Pew's research is fundamentally flawed in seeking to emphasize differences rather than commonalities.

Differences are the essence of all competitive politics.
That's because there aren't enough of them to rate a group of their own. As anyone who has spent more than 15 seconds on Lit knows, most self-styled libertarians are Republicans who think of themselves as too nonconformist to ever identify as such.
What they are is vulgar libertarians.

[TD]The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.[/TD]
[TD]—John Kenneth Galbraith[/TD]

Vulgar libertarianism (otherwise known as "LOLbertarians", "brogressives", or "glibertarians") is a term used to refer to libertarians who approach that political philosophy with an altogether cynical attitude[1] or more generally as a term that describes libertarians who exist for the purpose of justifying unfair socio-economic hierarchies using appeals to laissez-faire capitalist and socially liberal ideology. The term was coined by the "free market anti-capitalist" blogger Kevin Carson as an analogue to 'vulgar Marxism'.
Millennials are less religious, with a higher percentage of self-ID'd atheists (25%), than any elder generation. We may expect the religious right to fade from importance in our society as religion itself fades.
Religious sentiment rises and falls. During the 1950's a higher percentage of Americans attended churches and synagogues than did during the 1920's.