The 2022 Literotica Awards

I do have a processes and procedures question about what happened this year, pertaining to 2022. I was scared to ask in the contests forum, there are some warnings in that thread not to rock the boat.

No skin in the game this time around, but something curious happened.

How it worked per documentation, in the past:
Loosely speaking, since I forget part of the process now, each monthly award winner is part of the pool for the yearly contest, and the top 5 of that pool of 12 become the yearly contest entries.

For 2022, the monthly awards fell extremely far behind, and as far as I see, weren’t done at all for May to December.

So I’m curious how the yearly pool was made. We’re the entrants computed even if the monthlies weren’t announced?

EDIT: I see my error. The monthlies did happen, on the story side as normal. Unlike past years there wasn’t a matching forum post announcing them, that’s what threw me. You can ignore this question.
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The only people who will see this are forum members. If you're a member of this forum you know about these awards not just because of the links, but some of the people who are nominated-especially the OP-have mentioned about ten times already that they're nominated.

This isn't about "its sad people don't support this" its a plea for votes.

The same people who will say themed contests are flawed popularity contests get all in on this which are far more easily manipulated because of the low vote totals. Does it suck they get so little attention, sure. Can anything be done about it? No. But politicking for an extra few votes never hurts.

Twice. You should have mentioned that I was nominated twice. Which is the same number of times I've brought it up on the AH.
There's nothing at all wrong with a little attention-seeking. The thing about a little marketing and advertising is . . . they work. It's nice to know that somebody out there actually reads and likes your story. That's part of the point of doing this. As long as people don't take these contests too seriously there's nothing wrong with having fun with them and enjoying being nominated.
The monthlies did happen, on the story side as normal. Unlike past years there wasn’t a matching forum post announcing them, that’s what threw me.
Where can one go to see the results of the monthlies? (And we’re not talking about periods, are we?)
It’s a bit of a mess: There is a member account named “Literotica” (literally), where most story award announcements are posted nowadays, as if they are stories themselves. Here. (And scroll down roughy halfway down.)

Regarding my “it’s a bit of a mess” comment: - Notice only 2021 and 2022 monthly awards are there.
- There’s an “archives” page (part of the website proper, not under the bounds of the “Literotica” member page) that stops at September (2022) at the moment
- There’s an index of awards all time (yearly awards) that stops at 2009 - It’s linked to, from at least one page, this one:
- And what threw me, on the forum side, there was a time when a forum post would be also made regarding each month’s monthly awards in the “awards and contests” board (second from the top of the list of all forum boards) that would link to the story side. But that didn’t happen beyond april 2022. And the absence of that was why I thought the monthly awards hadn’t been done.
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