The Adventures Of Buck Cocky : Episode One : He Shot It Up My Nasal Cavity

I edited the ending the give the reader the appropriate closure necessary and to serve as further justification for having written this craptacular nonsense.
i'm a guessin this has a sumptin' 'bout to do wid male fantasies

Both those guys have packed and gone.
I don't think either of them are. Expressions of fantasies are nothing more than that. D-bag doesn't come into play until you get to interactions with actual people.

That's the beauty of you being you and me being me.
Hey, I like Tokuqinn's poems. I remembered a stanza of his months after reading it, out of the sheer absurd, over the top quality of it. Which is more than I can say about the crap I read on New Poems.
Hey, I like Tokuqinn's poems. I remembered a stanza of his months after reading it, out of the sheer absurd, over the top quality of it. Which is more than I can say about the crap I read on New Poems.

Some of his writing is very good and quite imaginative, I'll grant him that.
Hey, I like Tokuqinn's poems. I remembered a stanza of his months after reading it, out of the sheer absurd, over the top quality of it. Which is more than I can say about the crap I read on New Poems.
It also was in New Poems, you could have commented. He could have told you to suck his dick also.
Fuck him. Not for the "poem", for the dead weight he added.
Look if you post in NP and on the threads, without comments, thank you, three rimes, blah, blah, you probably are dead weight.
other such recent wonders.
It also was in New Poems, you could have commented. He could have told you to suck his dick also.
Fuck him. Not for the "poem", for the dead weight he added.
Look if you post in NP and on the threads, without comments, thank you, three rimes, blah, blah, you probably are dead weight.
other such recent wonders.

Commenting? What for? In any case, I'd like to keep my poems to comments ratio below 500, I'm depressed enough as it is.
I've been reading NPs but for the most part I've found it's better to keep my mouth shut rather than to comment 'I don't know what the hell you are talking about'. Nobody wants that sort of comment and it's not their fault I don't understand, perhaps I should practice non descript comments that annoy no-one.
Isn't it obvious?

For being a douchebag.
why yes you are

Here is the subtitle
Misogyny Like Space Has No Boundaries

which was addressed in another poem, in other words it is easy to tap into, a ready audience.

Your target is wounded, crippled. He did that himself.

The reaction to a certain poem, was way out of proportionate to the text of the poem.

It is too easy, you are playing to a ready made audience. This is not the first time.

It comes across as demagoguery.

vox LCD populi

the example I posted was not, it was going up against an entrenched order.

Some of his writing is very good and quite imaginative, I'll grant him that.

Now this is a value judgement, of which I wouldn't mind seeing some evidence of.
Look at it this way :

I chose to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

I wrote a poem comparable to another's poem.

The only difference being, I didn't make any excuses for what I wrote and why I wrote it.

What I wrote was inspired.

It tells a story that makes sense and thus requires no excuses.

And for the record, I didn't call any other poets a douchebag.
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Actually it wasn't yours I was sighing over ............ I've just retreated from a pinball machine

I was mostly replying to 1201, but now you must explain .....

..... are you the paddles batting the balls about or are you the balls being batted about by the paddles?
get caught in a cross fire, come talk to me then
you pick the easy meat TQ was TKO'ed

and this bullshit noise, was tso going after the lit darling Senna, but it managed to get my shit bounced, didn't it?

And you add to the noise, hero. You haven't lived the lit life till you had monkey turds flung at you, while the lit mods look the other way.

"I see nothing."

Pick your targets carefully.

There's a difference between

going after an easy mark for the sake of noise being heard


finding a creative way of voicing one's opinion.

And I've had endured my fair share of zings and arrows and banishments and under the bridge dwelling trolls before I ever set foot at Lit.

I just want to write, get better at writing and entertain others and myself in the process.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to shy away from speaking up when I see something truly offensive, which I did.

I don't care if the guy is a writer and his poem is a fantasy and this a shared exhibit where everyone gets to hang their framed masterpieces on the wall.

I'm going to write about the [airquotes] art [/airquotes] hanging up on the walls inside of the exhibit as much as I write about what's going on outside the building.

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