The Best Laid Plans

Mia (continued)

So weird..

“The black one, and those two white ones. I liked those.” And now we’re talking! The girls wearing the three lingerie Lexi liked step forward for a confirmation nod before vanishing into the back to change. And this is how it goes. A red cocktail, and another. A gown, some strappy thing. Shoes and clutches to match each and costume jewelry presented to go with each set. Not all were put on the four girls modeling, much of it was just shown, laid out or presented in a silk lined box. Held up or draped, and the evening gowns were modeled. All of them were just stunning, I helped where I could, when I could. A lot of these colors were the same colors my mom wore. And all of them were perfect for Lexi’s coloring. The things shown to me were equally gorgeous, just different colors than the pallet they felt brought out Lexi’s beauty and it worked. Everything I saw, if I liked it, it was added. And if it doesn’t fit into the car, they will deliver it by the end of business today.

“Daddy will love this..” Is the soft remark of the silky champagne gown. “And that red one with the slits up the side? That is gorgeous, be hard to pay attention to any dinner meetings with you wearing that..” She seemed reluctant, at first, but each little praise and compliment and smile given seemed to ease her uneasiness. Flattery was winning her over, and my seed planting was taking root.

“Do you think so?” I hear her ask me in that soft, small quiet voice. She has panties in her hand, some tiny thing of lace, feeling it with her finger and thumb before nodding. “Make sure there is a variety of colors for her, socks as well. Bra, panty, tennis shoes. Oh, we need some work out attire too.” I didn’t tell Lexi about the penthouse in the city, I should but I really want to keep it a surprise. Her reactions to the clothes, to just everything is endearing. I hope I am not overloading her? I wish I could read her thoughts, but I can’t. I know she is shocked a bit, but Alex noticed a while ago and started taking off the tags before showing the items to her. Smart woman to notice a frugal soul when she sees one. I am not that soul, nope. I grew up spoiled, I know this and I am used to it all. When you grow up in it, it’s nothing major to you. Sure, pretty things make me smile and excited, but everything purchased is well worth it’s cost. These aren’t clothes that will start to fall apart so easily nor unravel at hem lines nor bleed its colors onto other things. These are items worthy of red carpets and boardrooms.

“Alex, that diamond tennis bracelet?” I point to a mannequin hand on the counter showing off the delicate thing in gold and diamond shine. “I would like to try that on.” I set forward a bit to put down an empty flute and wait. “You should pick something you like, Lexi.” Taking the bracelet, fixing it to my wrist, I move my hand a bit and lift my arm to see if it fits well or will go down too far. “Yes, this is lovely.” Little golden ivy weave and wind around diamonds set into golden ivy leaves. It is so tiny and delicate looking, dainty. I like dainty things. “I will take it, thank you Alex.” And I sit back, studying the bracelet while the ladies return with office suit sets. “Make sure the skirts are not too short but not too long either. Maybe one or two pencil style but the rest should be above the knee. Blouses, not many with ties, that’s old fashioned as hell.. Oh the jackets, most of them short sleeved to mid-forearm. Anything longer is annoying.” I rattle off what I know my dad likes and what I am positive will look amazing on Lexi.

Five hours later, we’re both tired and quiet, music off as we drive home much slower than when we spend off this morning. We’re both exhausted but we bought all we need, and we ate and now we go home to pack up and sleep. It’s been one hell of a day, I managed to talk Lexi into buying a pair of pretty little earrings. Tiny gold roses, no gemstones. She didn’t want to buy diamonds on Daddy’s dime, nor any other precious gem. Plain roses but somehow, they are perfect on her. Sweet, and simple. Lovely. She may be from a different world than I am but she has that .. something about her. Like Lady Diana or Jacklyn Kennedy? Not sure, but she presents a lady none the less. She hasn’t said much, and I am talked out. I seriously carried all the conversation today, Lexi couldn’t get her mouth to work! No idea when that happened, since when is Lexi the quiet one?

At home we unload, lock up and haul our loot upstairs. The front door entry is packed with more bags and a wrack of wrapped garments. I don’t know if Dad is home or not yet, he said he had a lot to do but if he was, he’d seen that pile at the door. Hope it made him smile, I know I am.. inside, because my mouth hurts from smiling and talking all damned day.
Lexi –

It is all just so much. All of it, and I know Mia asked me to enjoy myself but my god! My stomach is sinking, each new article of clothing is more costly than the last one and she buys like its one minute to closing in the Stock Market, and she has a deal of a lifetime to gobble up.. and gobble she does. Wine, finger foods, my sanity.

“Mia..” I mean these panties are a hundred and twenty for a single pair! WHY?! I try not to notice the tags and Alex is pressing more and more items my way, going on about design and fit, the colors and how they compliment. Perfumes, make up, belts and bags. I am on my second glass of champagne, feeling more than a little tipsy as I empty it in a gulp. Fun, she asked me to have some fun.. I am trying. I will try!

But doesn’t he owe this to me? No. No one owes me anything, least of all Mr. Harris. I could justify it with how he ruined my family and drove my dad on the run, my mother to drinking and serial dating but they all made their choices on their own. A small part of me wishes I could be as chill as Mia with this extravagant spending spree. No one owes me anything..

“Oh this is so soft..” The skirt held to my cheek for a soft brush of the golden fabric, it is such a gorgeous dress and so soft. Fairy like a princess gown no doubt and I feel that pull, that little twinge deep down. I want it, I really do. I know it will look spectacular on me but when I look for a tag, there is none. Alex explains the design, the stitching and the material, all of it foreign words to me but I am smiling, “Okay….” Would he look at me differently if I wore this? If I buy it, I am going to wear it somewhere at some point.. would it please him to see me in this?

“OH, daddy will love this..” Mia croons beside me, she too is touching the sheer material over lay and silky skirt beneath. That cinched it for me, and I nod to Alex who smiles at me. A flurry of energy bubbling up, both women begin to show me more things, necklaces, watches, shoes and handbags. Gloves, because we may go to an opera. An opera? Sounds very.. uncomfortable but I smile for Mia’s sake as she is beaming. So happy to buy me these things.

“These..” And she hands me panties, of silk, of lace. “And these..” Garters and nylons, a small clutch in black sequins. It just keeps going and coming, more and more items and I find myself scooting forward and looking further, and agreeing to more, only nay saying things I know I would never wear, to colors I can’t bring myself to accept. Olive green is just a hard no, anything too light against my skin makes me look pale, and I am not a pale girl.

“Mia, this is a lot..” I hear myself saying, and she is gaping at me again. “I know.. It’s just..” So much! So, so much! I couldn’t possibly wear all this in a year, let alone one summer! Her bubble of laughter is infectious, and I find myself smiling, she is amused with me and I can see it. “You should buy you something pretty..” Holding up the tennis bracelet with what look like real diamonds. I say nothing, just a smile and hope she forgets that idea. I can buy clothes, justify their need with work, but jewelry? I can’t.

“Can I have some water please?” I ask Alex who calls for the young man to return, with a cold bottle of water. Busy my mouth, and my hands. Watching things begin to get sorted out. Mia’s and mine, each item approved taken by one salesperson or the other, bagged or boxed and piled somewhere out of sight. It’s been hours and I feel drained, I gave up a while ago trying to keep track of how much money was spent. It is a disgustingly large amount of money, of that I am positive of. Dress slacks and heels, boots and business skirts, jackets and blouses, gowns and cocktail dresses and ALL the trimmings. It is too much! Every concern I had with this Mia brushed off, smiling, reassuring me that it’s okay. Daddy will love all of it. Those words, the way she said it, it did something to me. A small warming tingle, and even the lingerie she convinced me I needed, brought to mind the fact that you’d probably never see these things but assured if you do, you will love it all… And I like that thought. You did say I could call you dad too, still unsure how to take that suggestion. I know you meant well when you offered, a welcome sort of thing… but the thoughts I keep having aren’t so innocent and calling you daddy seems.. dirty.

The ride home was quiet, Mia hummed with music, and I sat staring off at the scenery passing by. Too tired to smile and wave or try to see the mansions behind the gates this time. It’s been a long day and I am feeling worn out and sleepy. Too much champagne perhaps? Riding that high of shopping I’d never experienced before. Torn about it, both thrilled and scared? Maybe scared, it’s something there. It’s not all bad but damn that was a lot of money! I never spent that kind of money, ever. I don’t have that kind of money to spend it like that either. What if it displeases you? Mia keeps assuring me ‘it’s fine’ but man… that was …

“You’re doing it again, stop it. We had fun didn’t we? You are glam’ed out to the max, yeah? Looking smart AND sexy?” Mia’s poking at me, grinning as we wind up the driveway.

“Yeah..” I can’t really argue that, all of it looks damned nice. Real damned nice, going to be hard not to feel like a queen dressed in those clothes..

“Well, just say ‘thank you daddy’ and kiss his cheek..” She winks at me and hops out of the car, grabbing some bags and heading in. The delivery truck is supposed to be only a half hour behind us, but we still filled the back of the car too.

“DADDY!? We’re home!” Mia is calling from the door, my hands taking up a few striped bags of sexy undergarments, following her in.
Sunday 4 PM, Seminole Country Club, Juno Beach Florida

Rolling my neck, the car picked me up at 7:30, the three hour flight down to West Palm in the Citation, it’s a nice ride, but still, four hours playing the grueling Donald Ross layout at Seminole, needing to sink a 20 footer on 18, the difference between wining and losing $50 grand, it was the kind of day I loved, but it was tiring, all the time weaving business into otherwise old frat boy behavior. Finally in the Men’s grill, each of the four of us sipping 21 year old Jonny Walker Blue, smoking smuggled Cuban Cohibas, these were days I normally loved, but found myself wondering what the two of you are up to.

“So what’s up with you Rick, did you know you’ve had a smile on your face for six straight hours?” Dan McCumber, the forty five year old CEO of McCumber Steel, my partner in today’s golf game and the member here at Seminole is looking at me, a bit of a smile on his face. “It’s been a long time since I have seen you happy like this, my friend, is it a woman?”

It makes me think, for the first time in years I had finally gotten laid, fucked like there was no tomorrow by a woman I knew that Dan had not only met, but hit on himself when I had hosted him at my member/guest at Baltusrol. Yet despite that, there was no doubt that the smile had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with the two young ladies that I was confident were wrapping up spending my money like it was water sprinkled on daffodils. I had faith in my Mia, that she would somehow convince, cajole or downright intimidate Lexi into enjoy the time with Alex and making it “worthwhile”.

“I guess it shows, Mia’s back… “ I saw Dan move a bit uncomfortably as the mental picture of my daughter danced through his head and likely straight to his libido. “Settle down there cowboy, she is my daughter … Daddy’s little girl.” He brought his crooked index finger and faux bit down, “I know that is what makes it even worse. You have to know what a little she does to men…” Only giving a frown, I move on, but yes I knew and was doing my best to act like it wasn’t true. “She brought a friend home, Alexis, a very sweet girl, she is going to intern with me this summer. I love having that energy back in the house…”.

Dan only crooked his brow, “Get your mind out of the gutter would you…” I felt hypocritical even as I said it, but damn it, they were mine to protect from men like Dan.. and me! Suddenly out waitress was at the table, “Mr. Harris .. there is an Alex on the phone who would like to speak with you, she says it is important …”. Again I see Dani’s playful and eager look, Dan has been married, largely faithfully for 15 years to his wife Carol, a lovely woman, if a bit on the conservative side. Dan hungers for the raw passion and hunt that only the pursuit of a woman can bring, and I know he is wanting to live vicariously through me, but I have left him lacking, I just hadn’t been ready.

“I thought her name was Alexis?” He asked, hardly able to contain his excitement, and I can only imagine what his imagination is conjuring, and even then he probably won’t do it justice. Again giving him a bit disdaining, bit teasing, frown, “Different woman, this is Mia and Sarah’s…” The mention of my deceased wife takes a bit of the oxygen from his flame, “… personal shopper, my guess is my daughter got a bit enthusiastic.” To that Dan can only laugh, as I get up, he knows I spoil Mia, just as I did Sarah, just as he does Carol, but they have never been blessed with children.

Seminole has a strict no cell phones on the premises, so my phone left up front is monitored, and if there is a call, members and guests are notified, and should they want to take it, there is a few small soundproof cubicles to handle business. Alex is a force in her own right, a wannabe designer, with considerable skill, but it is a tough business. She has naturally refined looks, perhaps a bit too thin, but gorgeous and a woman that clothes simply hang on, as if they were made for her. She looks as stunning in a cocktail dress by Dior as she does in skinny leg jeans, or lingerie. Having accompanied my wife on occasional sessions, I have seen Alexis in all, and did my best to ignore how often her eyes would catch mine, only to have her nipples harder or her lips needing to be whetted. I have never approached or really considered, but deep down I knew the interest was there from her, at least of some sort.

“Hi Alex, are they finished, did they have fun?” Our conversation begins.

“Hello Mr. Harris…”

“You know you can call me Rick … what’s up?”

Listening to a warm chuckle and a bit of a breathy, sultry voice, “Your daughter has really grown into a beautiful young woman, with exquisite tastes ….” Alex is nicely trying to explain just how much damage my Mia did, “It was very sweet to see her friend and her together, am I right that Miss Lexi is not used to this life?”

I can only imagine what Lexi must have felt like in the eye of Mia’s hurricane. “No, she is not, were you able to help her, did she enjoy it?”

I hear a slight chuckle, “Eventually, I could tell she was uncomfortable with the costs so I removed the tags … she is a very sweet girl… and very pretty, she and Miss Mia could almost be sisters.”

This took me aback, but I could see it, there were definitely features, despite their coloring being so different, Mia’s much more like my wife’s. “Rick…” My name sounds like hot sugar off her accent, still English, but with dialects obviously picked up in her travel and schooling in Paris. “… Mis Mia picked out a tennis bracelet that was $34,000 and the total bill was over $52,000, I thought I should make sure….”

Cutting her off, I had worked like a maniac my whole life, money was more like keeping score and appealed to the athlete in me, but all I wanted to do with it was make people, and particularly my daughter and now her friend, happy. “That’s fine, did Lexi choose anything like that?”

“No, just business attire, evening dresses, shoes, bags, lingerie….” I can’t help but feel a shudder, a nice but inappropriate shudder run down my spine…”Lingerie?”

A giggle, the voice comes back a bit huskier, “Panties, bras, nighties, stockings, garters, all quite beautiful, I’m sure they will look stunning on her….” There is a pause, “Perhaps you’d like to see?”

Now it is my turn to chuckle, “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary, however, I’d like you to send over a matching bracelet for Lexi, and necklaces, a single diamond pendent in a platinum setting, something that would look nice, given the necklines of the dresses they chose, can you do that?”

Alex was hearing the dollar signs, I had just ordered likely $50,000 or more in additional jewelry, “And Alex, choose something for yourself, I appreciate all your help, I expect it to be beautiful and at least 2 carats …” There is a pause and I can tell she is touched, “You have always taken such good care of us, I want to show my appreciation.”

“Rick….” She is thinking, “will you be back tonight in time to possibly have a late dinner … I could even whip …”. Again I stop her, “Thank you but no, perhaps I can have a rain check… we’ll see, okay? And thank you for everything today.”

The call ended, I check my phone, there is a message from Kyoto, she and Nasagi have beaten the girls home as I hoped. They are the finest in Geisha services, I have hired them to give the girl’s mani, pedi’s, facials, massages, exfoliate, and head to toe pampering. The women kept massage tables at my home, stored back in the pool house as well as equipment to soften feet and nails. By the time the girls got home, candles and incense would be burning, hordourves laid out, all they had to do was get undressed and be serviced.

7:00 PM, The House in the Hamptons

Kyoto is just coming down the stairway as the girl’s walk in, “Miss Mia, it is so nice to have you home again, I have set up the tables out in the pool house as your father requested, the kimonos are in yours and Miss Lexi’s rooms, if you could change and meet us out there, we can get started?” She sees the surprise, and politely shakes her head, “Your father thought it would be nice for you before you begin your new responsibilities…now please….go upstairs and undress and meet us in the pool house”

She can see the delight in Mia’s eyes, but is not so sure about the other young girl….
Mia -

"Giselle?" Calling from the entry to find her coming from the kitchen, wiping her hands as she stared back at me, "We have a delivery scheduled, they should be here within the hour.." And I pause, widening eyes finding Kyoto coming from the pool area!

"Kyoto?!" A squeal and bounce, my grin is spreading! Daddy! You wonderful, spectacular man! Oh I love you!

"Miss Harris.." Kyoto is holding out both hands and air kisses to each cheek because I saw Paris do it and so It became a new must-do. I know, I know the bow is more her style but I always worry when she tips over like that, that her cute hair is going to come undone and spill out all over the place.

"Miss Mia?" Giselle is there closer, waiting to speak but not too patiently so. "The delivery has been changed to the penthouse. All you need to pack is what you brought home with you. Alex was informed to have your purchased taken into the city.." She stops as Lexi comes through the door trying to at least, carrying what must be every single bag her and I bought, from the car.

"Lexi!" Turning as a bag and then three smash up against my butt, giggling as she tries to get through the doorway loaded like that. "You don't have to bring it all inside in one trip.." She does this, a time saver she calls it. I think it's a manicure ruiner but we never agree on that either. "Look who's here!" Excitedly bouncing, turning to grab some bags out of one hand and set them down. "Look.. I want you to meet Kyoto.."

Head lifts turning to check out the house for the tables. "You aren't alone, are you?" I ask Kyoto who smiles and quietly assures me that she has brought another.

"Up with you, get changed. We're in the pool house." Kyoto then bows and waits until we are headed upstairs before she heads off to make sure all is prepapred. My smile is so big right now, "He thinks of everything.." Is the pleasured little growl.

"Who?" Lexi sounds tired, looks even more tired than when she crammed all night for finals, without sleep! Who does that? Dark circles, droopy eyes, that's just not smart to ruin one's beauty for a silly test. It wasn't even that detrimental for her, I saw all her grades, the girl is an over achiever. She could have not shown for finals and still passed and graduated. Shaking my head, I help sort the bags between hers and mine. "There is a robe on your bed. Strip and put it on, you are in for a treat!"

"Another one?" She sounds miserable, to which I frown a bit from. Did she not sleep last night? I stop stripping and look her way, trying to figure out what she is going on about? I can't read her today, she seems.. shuttered a bit?

"Are you okay, Lex?" I am concerned, if she is not sleeping well, maybe a new bed or pillows? Maybe she misses home or has emotional difficulties? Maybe she just didn't sleep well, but if she'd have had an orgasm or two, she would sleep like a baby! I know I did.

"I'm good, just a little tired." and she is out the door to her room and shutting herself in. So am I going alone? Pulling the small jewelry box from one bag, I can't help the smile that comes with the opening. It is so beautiful, I wonder if Lexi will like it or not? A bit extravagent but .. Daddy will understand, that I am certain of. I wanted to give her something pretty for christmas, and i think this will do. Once wrapped in a robe, I take the box with me to my dad's room and closet, a small safe is here behind a low panel and behind is old running shoes. Punching in the date of his first big deal, it pops open. Now to find something for Dad... And Giselle and Alex.. Oh and maybe the gardeners? By the end of summer I should be making a nice sum of my own and I have plans!

In the hall I bump into a sleepy Lexi and hook an arm through hers, "This will be fun.. Just make sure you tell Kyoto you don't like fake nails.." Our fingers twine together and down we go, tugging her with me as I descend. She is sluggish and I know she wants to nap, the yawn is a dead give away. "The massage is going to knock you out.." I say with confidence only one who has been there can understand.
Lexi -

"Just a light coating and no polish please, just clear coat." I do not like fake nails, mine grow naturally long all on their own. Those things are obnoxious to say the least. Over priced annoyances, no thank you. So strengthen my natural nail and make them shiny, same for the toes.. I told them all this, and they all three looked at me like I was weird.. Maybe I am, but enough is enough.

I suffered with them touching my feet, tweezing my brows, mucking up my face with goop. I had a few of these little snack things and a whole bottle of water, and I am still feeling myself drift off a bit. It if weren't for the weird stuff, I'd been upstairs asleep by now. Who wraps their feet anyway? Fuck, am I ticklish! They all make small talk about cloths and fashion, food and other random stuff and I am trying not to jerk each time this other pretty Asian woman touches my feet.

I lost track of how much was spent today, Alex made sure no tags made it with anything I purchased, at least not in these bags. How am I to know how much I owe if they don't have the damned tags on anything?

Nasagi is looking at me strangely when she held a cucumber slice out and I took it and promptly ate it. Chewing as I lay back, Mia went into a fit of giggles. Why? I don't know, just so weird... Until the woman put one on each of my eyes... okay? If they try and slip a cucumber anywhere else, someone's getting punched!

"This exfoliates.. Cleanses.." blah blah blaaaah BLAH! Whatever lady.. I feel ridiculous, like some weird ass imposter playing dress up.. or dress down? This is so weird, too weird and to think women pay to do this on the regular? I am so not used to be nearly naked around so many people and not strangers. I don't get this naked in the gym lockerroom! What? You did? Not my fault you're a weirdo! I used the curtained showers to undress to shower and dress in clean clothes, not where others could gape and gawk at my naked ass. They always stared, most still do to this day. And yeah, it makes me uncomfortable.

Tomorrow starts a big day for me, I thought I would be excited but all I find myself feeling is apprehensive. Can I pull this off? Do I have what it takes to do this? I am not good with deceit and I have no idea what 'proof' i need to find. I need to get closer to Rick and that makes me even more nervous. He is very smart and much more attractive than he has right to be, and with him on my mind I fell asleep face down on the massage table with just this small strip of towel across my bottom.
Typically I would have spent the night down in Florida, and heard the ribbing, “If I didn’t know better Rick I would think you were heading back to a woman, not your daughter??” It had been both a tease and a bit of an accusation, I couldn’t look him in the eyes as even if I didn’t want to admit it, my friend was far more right then he even suspected. “Fuck off, I am a good dad, and they are young and need protection.”

Yeah right, in three months I would be sending them off to college, and my guess was my gir(s) would do just fine. Hmmm, was I already that possessive over Lexi too? The answer was YES. There were a few parting comments, and while I wanted to laugh, they were a bit too close to the truth. On the entire flight home, I could not get the two girls out of my mind. Even I had to wonder, given the interlude and incredible time Beth had given me, why all my attention seemed to be on Mia and Lexi. They brought a smile to my face, gave me an energy too long repressed. That was really it, wan’t it? I couldn’t allow myself to even think it could be anything more.

Kyoto had sent me a note that they were tending to the girl in the pool house. The round of golf and the two plane rides, admittedly by the nicest form of travel, still had me stiff. I knew Kyoto would gladly stay and give me a message when the girl were done, so going up to my room, I took a quick shower to get rid of the thin layer of sweat residue I had from earlier, and slipped on my big terry cloth robe, completely naked underneath other than a pair of shower flip flops.

A check of my phone showed the charge for your shopping spree, letting out a small whistle, I could only smile at what I knew had been Mia’s doing. My little girl was very good at being spoiled, yet I loved it, only imagining the smile on her face and dancing eyes as each new article was appraised and purchased.

Flop, flop, flop, moving down the steps, and across the bluestone tile to the pool house, making sure the tie of my robe was securely fastened, before opening the door and entering. There the two of you were, heads buried in cradles, towels wrapped around wet hair, your backs glistening and smelling of vanilla oil, candles burning, while the two women, dressed as geishas attended.

You looked so peaceful, “So… are my two girls finally tired of being pampered…” My voice has a bit of a chuckle, “I hope you’ve enjoyed yourselves?”

“Daddy…” I hear squealed and am pretty sure it is Mia, although heads stay firmly in cradles to not disturb the deep muscle treatment to shoulders. “Hello Kyoto, Nasagi…” I look into the lovely Asian faces as they politely bow, I see you’ve taken care of MY girls.” Not even thinking of how Lexi might take this, endearing or over reaching? Kyoto gives a little chuckle, “You’re in a robe Mister Rick… nuru massage tonight Sir?”

Kyoto is cute. So proper with a fun little wickedness to her sense of humor. I am assuming/hoping that neither of you know what a nuru massage is, an ancient erotic Japanese technique where the female masseuse lathers her body in nuru gel and uses her body to both soothe and arouse her client. “You are a naughty girl Kyoto, but no, just like your doing to the girls will be fine, when they’re finished?”

“Four hands Sir?” Now this is more borderline it can mean where both women use their hands to more thoroughly and simultaneously work pressure points, but other times could mean one woman doing a massage while the other works teh male cock, balls and prostate. Kyoto is more flirt than substance so I assume it is the former and nod, “Possibly, we’ll see”

Meanwhile my God the two of you look scrumptious, the thin layer of material barely covering your backsides, and if i were at teh other end of the table there is no doubt of the view I would be receiving. I stay firmly planted in place. Crocking my brow, I wonder, is it possible that these women have tired Lexi in a different and far more fulfilling way than I expected, but again am sure not, and I am really letting my mind venture where it should not!

“I think we may be losing Lexi…” I tease Mia, seeing the deep steady rise and fal of Lexi’s back. “I guess she is not as used to these kinds of days as you are, is she?” I am smiling at Mia, I know she loves this, and I love her, yet it appears their massages are coming to a close….

“Ooh.. Mmmmmm… that feels so good..” Is the soft groan, face down, hips wiggle a bit as kneading hands go to work on my shoulders and back. Each stroking hand is melting some part of me, making my tired self want to drift away too. If not for the arousing caresses that tend to wake me up, I might end up asleep on the table in no time.

“You are tense..” Is the tisking soft voice of Miss Kyoto. Her hands are miracle workers, and I can feel the tensions just melting away. Giggling when I hear Lexi’s deep and even breathing, she talks a little bit in her sleep sometimes.. and right now she is making these little moaning noises.

“So… are my two girls finally tired of being pampered…” Your voice has a bit of a chuckle, “I hope you’ve enjoyed yourselves?”

“Daddy!” Is the happy little exclamation, head popping up as does half of my body. “This is so sweet! I love you!” The pearly whites are on display in the grin aimed right at you. I can see all of you so I don’t have to really move my gaze much to take in the sight of you but damn you look good. My own grin matching yours, spreading as the two women offer their assistance with you and your relaxations. I am pretty sure what they are offering you is intimate in nature and just the thought of it.. You and them, together, has my nipples hardening.

I shift, side to side and look towards Lexi’s sleeping body and grin, “Yeah.. She’s exhausted. I don’t think she is used to any of this.. In fact, I know she isn’t..” Fingers curl and scratch at one breast as arms cross onto table’s top. Brushing over twitchy nipple already peaked and greedy for some affection. If you were at the other end you’d see the soft pink line of bare pussy and anal area. There is a faint glow all over the ladies have massaged their oils into me, avoiding any area that is blatantly arousing, but still their soft touches have me in an achy need.

Turning back to you, I can see your eyes are trying hard not to roam where they shouldn’t and losing the battle is right there. The cusp of giving into desire to do the unthinkable? I shift again as if nothing is going on here that is not normal, hands cupping breasts knead a little as if in idle thought and unaware of what my hands are doing while I ask, “How was your trip, Daddy?” Head tipping a bit, cute smile in place and genuine curiosity of the things you did while off with ‘the boys’. “Did you miss me?” Teases, as I know the answer to that question is always “of course, baby girl.” Or some other endearment. Two hands glide down my back and just under the sheer material covering my butt, and eyes close momentarily, lapping at lower lip and letting head droop down a bit. “That feels so ….” Breathy purr coming out, “good..” and next to me, Lexi mutters something about homework.
Talking to Mia while enjoying my girls

Smiling at how genuinely excited you were to see, or at least hear me, I prayed that would never change. Watching Kyoto work your little body, sinking her hands in deep to those young, firm muscles and hearing your reactions, moans and sighs, it was almost sexual, and I wish the tone didn’t resonate as deeply or intensely within my body as it did. Yet eyes stayed glued, not noticing how Kyoto looked and tracked my eyes to the spots that were almost, but not quite revealed, and in turn sliding your towel down just enough to tease. Kyoto could be a wicked little vixen! You’d already given me a little show already today, sights no Daddy should see, yet the way you did it, half admonishing, half teasingly tempting, always adoring, was simply irresistible, but did you know that?

Heart is warmed, even as eyes pan down and enjoy territories I know I should not, but can’t resist. “I love you too Kitten, and you know I love spoiling you .. I heard you two did some real damage, I can’t wait to see what you bought?” Blue eyes scan over to Lexi, seemingly having nodded off to a deep sleep. “How about our guest, did she enjoy too?” Chuckling as eyes also pan up and down our relaxed young guest, but there is not the helping hand of Kyoto to spice the show. I can’t help but wonder what else the two of you might have been up to, to be this tired? And grin spreads a bit at the thought. “… I think I like spoiling her too..” Giving you a wink as my eyes go back to my daughter now looking up, not seemingly caring how you reveal your upper torso.

Momentarily ignoring the slightly flirtatious overtures of Kyoto, she is a woman schooled in the delivery of relaxation and pleasure, trained with centuries old techniques, a beautiful woman in her own right who takes great pleasure in being able to display her talents to her clients, man or woman made no difference. She has long and continually made sure I was aware that more was available on the menu than I had ever chosen to partake, but something, two of them being right here lying on the tables, another the dalliance with Beth, and then the comments from Dan earlier today, seem to have my resistance weakening.

“Kyoto, remember my daughter is an innocent, or at least that’s how I like to think of her … “ Your eyes now meet mine, and there is a connection that sends a shock up and down my body, there is no doubt you are very quickly coming of age, God help me. “And Mia… I’d appreciate if you might remember that too, and not give your Dad a constant heart attack.” Yet damn, even as I say that, this playful admonishment, I can feel myself hardening as I watch Kyoto’s skilled fingers work your young body, not all that careful of what is exposed or kneeded, the passed out Lexi, receiving similar treatment.

“I’m sure Lexi can learn to enjoy a bit of spoiling, she has a very experienced little mentor…Doesn’t she?” You hear the chuckle and feel the love, you must, as you are my world! I am moving, coming up beside you, to let my hand, fingers spread, comb through your angelic blonde hair. Even as I pet your hair and Kyoto continues, “Once Mia is done Kyoto, I think I’ll take you up on your offer, let me change into a robe.” Moving into the dressing room, I am still within earshot, talking with Mia, as I strip naked only to wrap the lush, Turkish, terry robe around me and reappear, standing just to the side of you, the robe slightly tented in partial arousal, but not truly exposing. As I momentarily saw the delicious little view of tight little bum, and soft pink slit, only to quickly divert eyes and come up beside you. Yet the vision remains even after eyes close, and soft moan escapes my lips without even thinking.

“Everything okay Mister Rick….” I hear the Asian lilt of Kyoto’s soft voice. The woman doesn’t miss a thing. “I’m sure we can work out that stiffness after a tough day.” I find myself briefly assuming a fig leaf position even though I know she can’t see me, and I again avoid her teasing.

“To answer your question, the trip went well, Uncle Dan made sure to say Hi, we won … and I think we got the pension plan of Kelsey Tool to invest.. Lexi and I will go see them next week…..” Taking a moment, “And of course I missed you, I always miss you. Uncle Dan wanted to know why I didn’t bring you and I told him that I no longer trust him with my beautiful daughter … “ Giving you a wink .. Dan is womanizer extraordinaire, not sure you know that or not, and I am not willing to let you learn first hand, literally!

Kyoto is wrapping up, she finishes with a light but playful swat on your behind. “Try to wrap up Miss Mia… “ She says, as if expected, although not necessarily meant. Kyoto doesn’t seem to carry any moral judgements, perhaps it is just her training or just her. A Japanese doll with a keen sense of the wicked. Lexi is out and we both chuckled at her homework comment, “You two have some real difference don’t you.. I’m not sure I’d want to know your dreams…” Again teasing, but God the way we look at each other, such a mixture of devotion and chemistry, I love you so!

Giving you my hand to help you up from the table, I try to make sure my eyes stay fixed to yours and don’t move to body parts exposed in transition. “Billy will pick us up in the morning, I am pretty sure he still has a crush on you.” Billy Napier is our 28 year old, ex Navy seal helicoptor pilot, “Try not to put his job in danger….” Eyebrow raised, as I know you expect us to be picked up by helicoptor tomorrow, but Lexi won’t. “Are you packed for the week?” We begin to transition spots, as for a moment our bodies are facing each other, lightly brushing as we each move into position … and momentarily, my hardness brushes across your cute, toned, tummy.
Mia –

Oh daddy, if only you knew my dreams and how not-so-innocent that I am. Have thought of you in so many ways and when I discovered porn, those broader scope dreams really began to torment me. My pulse is picking up and it is not due to Kyoto’s hands but that look in your eyes right now. I seen that glance towards Lexi, and I get the sense that my plan is working far better than I had hoped it would.

Do your eyes darken with my soft sighs and low groans? It seems to have an affect or so I am hoping, but then you step out of sight and change. Am I bad to spread a little further? Yes. Does it stop me from doing so? No. I widen my thighs and arch my back just that little bit extra, and perhaps light will shed on those secret places no father should let his mind wander to.

“Uncle Dan huh?” There is a giggle, I know what kind of man he is. He has a new slut every week, since his divorce he has had no shortage of female company. Some costly, some free of charge, but you can bet all are more than willing to tolerate all his flaws for a chance to be his missus. He doesn’t appeal to me, even though handsome and charming, he is nothing compared to you.

“She will get used to it..” Or not but whatever! It’s fun and once in the city, I am going to show Lexi what it is like to live our lifestyle. Nothing denied, be it clothes, clubs, events. We have so much access to so many things, she will not lack for adventure and opportunity. I just hope no boy steps in and messes up my plan I have been working hard on since.. well since I convinced Lexi to summer with us. You come nearer, reaching out to stroke through my hair and make me smile so much more than I was. A soft little sound and I tilt my head to your touch, kissing your hand when it draws near to lips.

Mentioning Billy just makes me grin a bit more, “I will try Daddy…” which tells you that I won’t try too hard. But will I? My sights are set on you, what can Billy offer me I don’t have here at home? Other than a little fun… No, not Billy. He is too valuable to mess with, even if he is kind and quiet, his eyes intense when I find him watching me. He won’t cross those lines you set clearly awhile ago, not without clear invitation and even then, would he risk his fat paycheck to bone the boss’ daughter? I doubt it, and I don’t have the heart to hurt Billy.

“Your turn, Daddy..” I shift as I rise, the towel is slipping away from my bottom to the table and your eyes are on mine, doing so well not to look elsewhere. My smile must remind you of mom, but it is uniquely my own too. “Thank you Daddy..” A lift and kiss to that dimpled cheek nearest me. “I am tired too..” and my pulse leaps a bit as we brush by each other. I felt that! You are growing hard? Was it me, Lexi? Kyoto? I want to ask and I don’t, but enjoy that brief contact, I do! If I were braver I would stop in that midway step and rub myself against you but I can’t. So startled, I look down before you can see my expression, turn enough to take the robe from offered hand and wrap myself into it.

I wish I were braver…

“Thank you, Kyoto.” I say to the woman holding my robe out to me. I could sneak upstairs to your room and watch the camera… Would you let Kyoto pleasure you with Lexi laying right here?

Lexi! Shit.

No, no I can’t wake her.. I could but… “Daddy? Will you help Lexi to bed?” I tie off the robe and move away from the warmth of your body, keeping my back to you as I hear the robe being taken off. “She is so hard to wake up and I don’t want her walking off into the pool..” Is the exaggeration but that girl sleeps like the dead.. and she’s almost naked. Would the temptation…. I can almost see it in my mind and am both jealous and flushed all over again. Not sure if I am jealous of you with her and not me, or if it is jealous a bit of her not with me? If all goes to plan….

“I am so tired, I think I best go to bed..” And not think of you, naked, hard and pressing up against me. I need time, more time and I need to cum! I turn back to you laying face down, towel over hips and all that sculpted hard body exposed but the best parts. Is laying face down hurting? I almost say something, but bite my tongue to resist. I bet if you lay on your back, we’d have a white tent.. And from the heat in Kyoto’s eyes and her telling smile, I am correct. A soft chuckle, I should be used to how women react to you by now..

Moving to your side as you had done to me, my fingers slide into your hair and stroke through, getting your attention and I smile, “Good night, Daddy.” Is the tender whisper, bending to kiss your cheek, closer to the corner of your smile. So sexy and tempting.. I can’t remain, I need to ease this heat and so I quickly make my escape to lock myself into my room and find my little toy.
It’s quite the conundrum isn’t it? The filthy thoughts of my gorgeous young daughter, your fantasies and desires? How you have the luxury to tread in such taboo territories I cannot allow my mind to go, no matter how riveting or unavoidable the constant and ever increasing temptation.

Are you trying to drive Daddy crazy sweetheart? For if that were the intent, you could not execute more perfectly. I may just have the hot water turned off to my shower with not only you, but your little friend here around with you. You two are bad, bad, bad and God I am enjoying the teasing, the playing, stop it! Thank God Beth had dropped by before I did something I really regretted, yet already i feel it building again. How does a man go from years of celibacy to seemingly having a perpetual hard on for the past week, the answer gorgeous, 18 year old girls in near constant states of undress.

Propriety be damned, short of being blind, how can’t I look, and short of being castrated, how can I not enjoy and respond. I am trying to be a good man, a good father, I love her so, more than life, but Jesus baby girl, do you know that you are raising up just the perfect amount to make your nipples clearly visible and damn it Kyoto, pull that towel down a bit to not have… mmm, the sweetest softest little light pink pussy lips smiling back at me in her reflection. OH GOD!

Turning to an angle to try to disquiet my instantaneous and raging hard on … prunes, dog poop, vomit … my mind tries everything to dissuade the throbbing needy organ barely hidden underneath this robe, and stop my mind from wondering if those soft lips in the mirror are possibly even more delicious than the perpetually pouty ones on your beautiful face?

“You’re turn Daddy” and we try to change positions, but I can’t stop my hard on from grazing against your body, pushing my hand town in between as if trying to shield my daughter from my manhood! Your soft kiss and lilting voice only make it harder. “Of course sweetheart, sweet dreams!” As we both momentarily forget the other, stunning, but sound asleep 18 year old in the room, thankfully her face down, her head turned away. You suddenly remember Lexi, but I simply need to get you out of there before I make an even bigger ass of myself. “Yes honey, I’ll make sure she gets to bed, you just go get that beauty sleep and enjoy those sweet dreams.” It is such a nice fatherly thing to say while my body endlessly betrays me.

“Oh Mr. Rick you look so in need of relief.” I can only hope it is my haggard face after a long flight she is responding to, and not the tented terry that seems to suggest far more. Even moving to get on the table is no small feat as Mr. Happy seems bound and determined to make an appearance. I hope you don’t notice and I am embarrassed as I feel your small hands and petite fingers, run through my salt and pepper hair. God, it feels so good, but I need you to leave as this is agony! “That feels nice Sweetheart… “ Hoping my ass slightly perched is not too obvious. I feel your breath even before your lips and it sends an inappropriate shock wave of pleasure up and down my spine.

“Good night Kitten…” is but a whisper as I fall back to one of your many nicknames as a little girl, as I watch you sashay out while not lifting my head. Relief that hopefully you do not realize your effect on your poor father.

“She’s gone Sir…” I hear Kyoto, “you should probably turn over, don’t you think …” Comes the all too knowing voice, “But…” stammering, embarrassed beyond belief, angry that blood rushing to cheeks does not have greater antecdote on throbbing prick. “It’s okay Mr. Rick, Kyoto is a Geisha, we understand male needs, powerful male needs.” There it was, and who was I to question?

I truly have no choice as I turn over, and my throbbing pole rises due north. “I’m sorry, I …” How do I finish, trying to apologize that I have such a massive erection after watching her with my daughter and Nisagi with Lexi. Kyoto on one side, Nisagi on the other, they dutifully undo my robe and slip it off my arms and body as they extend. There I lay, momentarily fully exposed, naked and in full glory as my mouth goes completely dry, knowing the women at the other end are observing all I have to offer.

“Mr. Rick it is beautiful, please do not be ashamed, Nisagi and I are honored to witness its magnificence….to service such a worthy man. A man’s cock is his strength and yours is beautiful.” I could only moan as she seemed so utterly unphased, actually pleased to be gazing at my needy, throbbing member, achingly hard and pointing straight up. I felt myself relax as her words somehow reassured me this was somehow all quite normal, an extension of an ancient and noble tradition. When necessary a man can rationalize anything. Nisagi giggled, and then softly purred, “Yes, thank you Sir.” OMG, thank you, she’s thanking me, but what else can I say, trying to be gentlemanly in the most lurid of situations. “No, thank you.” Is growled, heart pounding in chest.

She continued, “it is virility and power all in one beautiful form.” Nisagi makes my hard on sound poetic and a source of price, quite in contrast to the humiliation I am feeling. “In Japan .. women are trained on these things, the importance of milking, inspiring and taking care of a a great man’s essence.”

She will ask a question but it is rhetorical, we all know the answer is YES. “Please Sir … let us help you?” Us is interesting, for why let two hands do what four might do so much better. Nervously looking over at Lexi, please God let her be asleep. “I … I guess … are you sure she’s asleep?”

What am I saying, but Kyoto and Nisagi right, and Jesus, my essence needs urgent attention. “Sir .. Mr. Rick …” there is a softness in Kyoto’s voice, but there is also confidence, knowledge, “Mr. Rick … it is not just the cock that needs attention… “ And then I feel it, I am not looking down, but there are two hands on my cock, oiled and skilled, a third hand on my balls, and then a fourth, a long, manicured, well lubricated finger presses up and inside my ass .. “Jesus” I moan, but Kyoto has not yet finished, “but also the prostate.”

Holy fuck… who am I to object to the skillful hands well trained in the oldest of erotic arts? Again head turns to Lexi … please, please, please be asleep!
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“It’s okay Mr. Rick, Kyoto is a Geisha, we understand male needs, powerful male needs.”

The dream shifts, the lilting soft laughter and whispers that aren’t quite loud enough to be heard always, and then this comes through almost clearly, yet seemingly at a great distance. Brows furrow in sleep, in the dream there is this playful little water nymph who is teasing the near perfect replica of Mia’s father. A soft exhale, and it fades away just a bit, a soft little whimper within one’s dream, ‘No! No, come back?’ Moving through the thickest jungle I have never seen and only read about, towards the sound of soft sighs and gentle groans and some how… I know it’s him.

“Mr. Rick it is beautiful, please do not be ashamed, Nisagi and I are honored to witness its magnificence….to service such a worthy man.” Who is speaking? I will kick the slut I hear speaking, her little giggle quite annoying me and ruining my dream! I know I am dreaming, have to be… He is beautiful… can a man be beautiful? Well, fuck convention, he IS gorgeous.. and Mia’s father.. and destroyer of my LIFE! But.. Oh, so damned gorgeous!

“A man’s cock is his strength and yours is beautiful.” THAT has my eyes popping open, the words echoing in my ear, disoriented a moment but still as death. I hear more movement, a snap of a cap on something, the sound of.. squirting. Lotion! Or oil? Maybe? Did I hear what I heard or did I dream it? I am still, trying to keep my breathing normal, ears straining but I hear nothing for the longest few moments. Not a single sound other than the squirting farts of lotion being squeezed out. Onto hand? Body? Then the deeper sigh..

OH SHIT! That’s not Mia! Eyes were closed, now pop open once more.

She continued, “it is virility and power all in one beautiful form. In Japan .. women are trained on these things, the importance of milking, inspiring and taking care of a great man’s essence.”

Essence? What the fuck is… OOoooh… Oh!? No way!?

“Please Sir … let us help you?”
Kyoto is doing the mouth bit of begging to please, to sate whatever ‘needs’ have risen, and I have no idea what that entails exactly but by the words and tone of her voice, I know damned well it’s not innocent!

“I … I guess … are you sure she’s asleep?” I hear your words and instantly my eyes are shut as I feel one of them lean over me to peek, then a soft whisper response, “Yes, Sir Rick..” Nisagi’s whisper is playful, wicked almost and onto her small hands she is pulling on a glove. Warm oil is rubbed into her hands and over the glove, her eyes lift to Kyoto’s, their smiles are shared, knowing. Slipping between your spread legs with a bare oiled hand wrapping your sack, the other sliding lower and in. “Relax Mr. Rick..” Is the husky whisper to your ear, Kyoto’s eyes gleaming as she takes you into both capable hands and begins to stroke, Nisagi then in sync with Kyoto’s stroking and both women feasting on the display of you laid out on the table, bare and flexing your hard body.

I don’t know what is going on, but I can feel the heat rising, trying hard to remain calm and quiet and seemingly asleep. Deep even breaths, Lexi! The tacky sound of lubricated fists sliding over your cock… It has to be your cock, right? I want to peek, roll over and interrupt? NO! Oh god no, I couldn’t do that! Could I? I hear your breathing changing, your low groans of pleasure and I can feel my nipples tighten and my pussy growing wet. I need to remain calm!



That low groan and curse, I feel my body flush, my wild imagination is nothing to the unseen reality going on behind me, not three feet from me! How the hell do they think they can do this and NOT wake me up!? I am torn between horror and arousal, disgust and lust. This is madness! I know if I make even the slightest sound or movement it will all end abruptly… can I do that to you? To anyone? They think I am asleep… and I lay here as silent as death as if I am asleep.. I wonder too, what would happen if I turned over and watched what was going on right now? Would it stop or continue?

Louder, but not by much and deeper are those sighs. I can hear the cushion noise with your movements.. or is it theirs? Is she stroking you or fucking you? I do not hear a peep out of either woman, just the wet sounds of some kind of sexual act going on..

FUCK! Didn’t I just think that a moment ago? Yeah… but oh my gosh the sound! Correction, sounds! I wish I could be bold and just get up and either comment or walk to my room, or even more bold and .. No! NO! Absolutely will NOT help them! Or you! What the fuck am I thinking?!

What are YOU thinking by allowing this type of situation?!

I am in the fucking twilight zone or something.. Was it twilight zone? Maybe it's another universe time ripple thing? God, I ache, I mean ACHE, ache! Throbbing and I find my breathing is quickening, though I don’t want it to. My body is responding to what I hear and cannot see. My mind a visual array of wild three ways going on with you dead center, yet it’s not them but Mia and I instead. No, I can’t!

The crescendo is coming.. or is that cumming? I can hear it, I can hear Kyoto whispering into your ear but not quite what she is saying to you over the rather loud and swift gripping slide of her double fists ‘milking’ you.
Lexi, Kyoto & Nisagi…

Kyoto was nothing but comforting and reassuring. The words she said bordered on filthy, but said in her reserved, soft, submissive manor, her deferential voice, it all seemed okay. Women dedicated to service, worship of the most forbidden kind.

“You know Sir, you are the only client I would ever offer my full services.” Full? It was an offer probably needing clarification, but I was in no position. Of course it could be a line, but I did not doubt her. “We want to serve you, we both do, in any way we can.” Oh God, how was I letting this happen, I knew I should stop, but how they massaged my ass, my balls, how each of their hand, their delicate but expert fingers worked my cock, OH GOD!!!! “Would you like us to remove our robes, it might make things easier?” Make what? How? Yet my mind couldn’t help but wonder what might lie beneath. I loved an Asian woman’s body, usually lean and soft, pale skin with dark nipples, and if there was hair on her pussy, it would be the fine, feather like silk, that was so nice to the touch, delightful to the tongue.

“No Kyoto, not …” She cut me off. “That can wait, we’ll get to that eventually.” What was meant, unspoken in these words. What was she thinking, fucking them both, or … my mind was whirring, my cock only growing and throbbing harder!

“I feel you building Mr. Rick… I want to experience it with you, delight in its eruption!” Stealing glances over to look at Lexi, I would be mortified if she turned over, as the molton lava in my balls was brewing.

Fuck I’m hard, and fantasies start to roll on a fast reel tape. Her mother had enjoyed this, sitting naked as I stood in front of her. First it was her lathering of my my pubic area and balls, her delicate and precise application of a straight edge, the sting of the sharp steel against my flesh, her hand soothingly rubbing the after effect. All the time as she moved, shaved she would tease and pleasure my cock, keeping it at full attention, arced upward as she teased it made shaving easier.

Only when finished would she kiss the tip and idly run her tongue along my length, tickle my sack, suckle each ball. She would then, only then guide my hand to her shaft, and then I would hear her husky voice laced in lust. Only one woman had ever commanded me as such, how it made me react, want her like no other, to enjoy and defile. “Paint me Rick…” Her eyes were locked staring down the barrel of my cannon, and I would jerk, long slow jerks as she perched herself back, hands behind and supporting her, legs spread, back arched, nipples hard, mouth slightly open. No man could have a more spectacular canvass to paint with his passion.

For a moment it was my wife, the original, and to date only woman who I had ever so enjoyed, but then her face faded, replaced by my daughter, even more willing, even more beautiful, then that too faded into a mist and I was looking at Lexi, eyes going to stare at her bare back her hint of exposed ass crack teasing me, did she know I was fantasizing at this very moment about firing my cum all over her young body. If I had known she and Mia were actually virgins I no doubt would have fried right there, erupted much to Kyoto’s glee, and likely given the angle of my cock, listing ever so subtly to the right, rained down on Lexi as well.

it would be so easy, I needed release so bad, so very, very bad. “Good, good Mr. Rick … please let us disrobe and enjoy you?” STOP! Jerking and tensing, my PC muscle squeezed tight enough to choke, “I … I can’t … I … I’m so sorry… but …” I heard their echoing murmurs of clear disappointment. They were artists, masters, and I was forcing them to stop. “Ladies, it’s not you.. but she is young … I can’t do this .. It isn’t right!”

Kyoto understood, Mr. Rick was a man of honor, it only made her want to service hm more. “We can be very quiet …”. I laughed, can’t blame a girl for trying. “I’m sure you could, I couldn’t and I have responsibilities…. But thank you, you have no idea how much I needed this .. but …No.”

Getting up, reaching back to pull my robe up over my shoulders, tying at teh waist. There was no hiding the massive tent my erection created, but I would need to tend to that myself. Lexi was asleep, just slips of towels covering what they could. “I’m going to lift her up, but close my eyes, please cover her so I can carry her?” I requested.

“Oh wait… “ My cock sticking straight out, slightly up turned, I looked ridiculous in the robe I was sure. I didn’t care. I went back to the locker and grabbed my wallet. I took four one thousand dollar bills out and gave each of the ladies two. “Again thank you!” Kyoto smiled, “Sir, when you’re in the city, all you need to is call, perhaps when the ladies are out and about?” Chuckling, it was most certainly tempting.

Now coming back behind you, my robed covered cock lightly poking you in the ass as I move to slip my hands under your shoulder and thigh, rolling you slightly as I closed my eyes and picking you up in a cradled position. A king with a hard on, carrying his nearly naked princess to bed. “She’s all set Sir.” They had arranged the towels as best they could. If I had tried there was not much I couldn’t see, but I didn’t try.” Your hand fell down and as your arm hang and swung, I was well aware of just how close you were to touching my cock.

You were light, easy to carry in my strong arms, and I carried you up quickly to the main house, through the back doors with minimal difficulty, and then upstairs to your room. It was nearly pitch black your bed turned down by the housekeeper, and it was easy to slide your oiled body between the fine point Egyptian cotton sheets. I kept my eyes on yours as best I could, the towels slipping away as I set you down and pulled the sheet up around you.

Leaning over I kissed your forehead softly, “Goodnight Sweet Princess…” I spoke, tenderly, fatherly. Yes, I was still rock hard, and I knew you were naked and …. Incredible. Heading into the room I turned on the shower first thing, set the temp to frigid, discarded my robe and hopped in. I let the water beat down on me for nearly ten minutes, until I was shivering and shriveled. I was not going to masturbate, I had done the right thing, finally, and I was happy … needy, but happy!

The work week begins

The alarm at 6:30 came soon enough. The helicopter would land in about an hour, and I needed to pack a small bag for the week, a couple of suits, custom tailored shirts, no ties, I rarely wore ties anymore, and then decided to throw two in, just in case. Work out clothes, Vouri shorts and t-shirts to sleep in, toiletries, jeans, and a couple of other nice t-shirts. It was plenty. There was a smoothie and hard boiled eggs waiting for me downstairs.

I drank and ate and put what I needed in my briefcase. The rotaries were running at half speed in the helicopter that would take us to the city. I wondered if Mia had explained our method of transport, my car would pick us up there and drive us briefly to the penthouse. I had meeting starting at 9, and looked at my watch. Where were you two anyway?

I had little doubt that these two ladies offered their services gleefully. They play coy and shy, yet eager to serve so sensually, even I am finding myself wanting them to continue. Offering to strip for your pleasure, to give you whatever you desire.. Is this normal? To many women only too happy to give you whatever you desire. HA! No doubt a player like you is used to this treatment, and any second, I am going to have to lay here, playing fucking dead to the world so you can fuck two pretty well-trained sluts.

No! I am not jealous! Disgusted! So gross, so throw themselves at you like that. Have they no pride or sense of self worth? Well… Whatever. I am going to try and return to sleep, ignore the giggles and softly cooed offerings as best I can. I am not jealous damn it! Sickened a little, or so I am going to tell myself.

It’s so hard! God, No pun intended! The sound… Oh my god, the sound is just.. it’s.. It’s lewd! I can feel my pulse picking up, racing more and more. That sound of something wet sliding over what I am betting is your penis, it’s filling the room.. As is your deeper breaths of air and softer growls and sounds. Fuck, I don’t want to hear this.. I bet you feel him building! Got your hands on his… Well, I haven’t peeked, no way I could get away with rolling over or even shifting to see a thing but boy do I hear it! All too well in fact.

My mind is a whirlwind of how sleezy you are, how privileged your money has gotten you. Anything, everything you want at any time you want it. It’s gross.. and maybe it is envy spewing this in my mind and heart, rage definitely. I want to roll over so badly and tear into all three of you for doing this while I am in the room.. but I could have stopped it before it got out of hand too.. fuck. I am curious, god knows I am so damned curious right now. It’s practically bubbling up my throat, wanting to see all and closer than that camera showed of you. Within feet of me..

WHY? Why do I want to do that? WHY? Fuck, I wish you weren’t so damned hot! I want to smack these two women, and for what? Doing their job? They’re paid to do this stuff, and you aren’t obligated to anyone! Though I bet Mia would see it differently.. Wouldn’t she? I am not too sure anymore on that one. Mia is a little wild lately, her hormones are going ballistic as hell lately. So much so that she is spying on you fucking… Well, okay, I did too..

“I can’t..” and the room gets quiet, frozen. Silence for all of four seconds before Kyoto speaks. You make excuses, and damned good ones too! Hell yeah! I am IN here too! You sluts! I can’t believe you stopped yourself, I mean they were both ready to ride you into the wee hours I’m betting! Maybe that’s why you stopped? My body is practically humming, between the anger and mortification, that curiosity and desire, all rolling into a heated coil low in my belly just getting more and more control over me and my whole damned mind!

No, it was wise to stop this.. Shit! Shit, shit, shit! You’re coming over to me, I lost track of where you were and what was said and going on, I have to hurry to force myself to boneless dead weight! Towels shift over me, soft feminine hands tucking the towels around me as you push under my shoulders, my back. HOLY SHIT! You lift me as if I weigh nothing and pull me into your arms, and chest. I felt that hard brush of dick against me.. I got to let my head droop down and glad of it, I do not want you to see my shifting eyes, my frown or my goose is toast! Goose, right? Something is toast! Arm slipping, I can’t possibly stop it or grab for you, that would present me with an embarrassing ‘wake up’ call I don’t need right now.

Asleep! You are asleep, Lexi! Sleep… limp, rag doll.. boneless.. Thoughts keep repeating it trying so hard to ignore you carrying me, to ignore your hands gripping my side, almost touching my breast, and at my knees. I hang low enough that now and then, every few steps or so I can feel your cock wobbling and bumping my buttock. ASLEEP!

Into bed and rolling onto my side, facing you. I can feel you bend over me, your hands tugging sheets up and the soft touch of your lips to my forehead. I was going to peek out, to see what.. but that kiss, that soft tone of voice and the tender way you call me princess.. I can feel a tear well up but I tuck further into my pillow, refusing to open my eyes, refusing to give up the charade.. I am torn between so many emotions, and thoughts are all over the place. Sleep is what I need, I must find a way back to that. It’s safer in my sleep, my mind is quiet then.

Unsure how long it was before I managed to find sleep, it wasn’t long enough for the bubble of blond energy that bounced into my room at six fucking A.M. in the morning.

“Wake up sleepy head!” a smack of hand on my sheet covered butt, and Mia is flying around my room while I am trying to figure out why I have a damned wadded towel digging into my ribs? “We got thirty before we got to go, I am sure there is coffee downstairs and bagels waiting for us.” She is talking and tossing things into my small carry on. “Most of what we need is already in the city, just a few personal things..” In goes my charger cord, deodorant and make up bag, not much else is here really. “Just throw on something to travel in, work clothes are also there.” And out she goes with a loud, “HURRY UP!”

Last night….

“Wow..” laying there, recalling it all but what lingers the most in my mind is the sweetest way you tucked me in and that tender kiss and even equally tender voice. A twinge makes me jump up out of bed and furiously prepare for battle.. I can’t get soft now! I just got here, I got retribution to deliver damn it! No soft moment is going to mess this up for me.. I could reason he thought I was asleep but that just makes it worse in my book. Mean’s he’s legit a good guy. It’s an act. It’s always an act, remember that.. Hopping and wiggling into the tightest pair of jeans I got, not because I want to… my other pair is… somewhere? Fuck, where are my old clothes? Whatever..

Phone chimes a text, I can see Mia’s face pop up, it is probably another “LET’S GO!” she will hound me until my feet are out the door, bet me. A demi-bra and a Def Leppard T-shirt, I barely get my hair tamed and brushed, teeth brushed and tennis shoes on when it chimes again.

“Oh my god, Mia give it a rest!” Going to my phone, I got it, my bag and my ass running down the stairs to the kitchen. Yawning as I athelete the shit out of these stairs, looking pro as I go. Glad I do this shit every other day, in heels too. A good skill to move quick and agile, trust me on that one. Breezing in, I recall to not look so grumpy and give a small smile, our eyes meet as good mornings are shared. Moving to Mia, she hands me half her bagel she’s chewing on and scoots over a black cup of coffee.

“Going in a few minutes..” She is saying with a mouth full of bagel and cream cheese, looking up from her to find you reading some papers, placing things into a briefcase. All business today and looking good too. My mouth dry, I occupy myself with the cup of coffee. Wincing as it burns my lips a bit, scrunching my nose at its creamerless flavor, but too damned tired to cease sipping it down. I need this, I so need this wake up juicy juice of life and if anyone tries to take it, I’m gonna bite their hand off! In fact, both hands are now locked on as I sip tar juice down. So needs some damned vanilla or something in it but whatever..

Stopping at this odd sound, my face scrunching up as I listen to this odd.. beating sound? “What is that?” I ask, looking to Mia who is sucking cream cheese off her thumb, to you as it gets closer… by the sound of it.
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“Morning Daddy..” Is the sweet sounding soft purr into an ear just as I lift up to kiss your handsome cheek. Humming some Sia song, going about toasting a bagel. I move around you, brushing your butt, your arm, passing back and forth between bagel and fridge. “Man, I feel so good today…” Smiling, spreading the cream across the bagel. “Did I say thank you, Daddy? If not..” Another kiss to the other cheek, leaning into your arm, gripping at your hip. “Thank you..” Another sweet soft baby girl tone and back to bagel making.

The coffee machine is already been on and done brewing, but I really don’t recall what Lexi puts in hers? Mine is doused with cream and sugar and a dash of mocha and a hint of mint before it is stirred and set to the counter opposite of my father. Whom, I am watching, smiling too but watching.

“Lexi is coming… boy is she going to be surprised..” A wicked little giggle before resuming my breakfast. “Did you find a spot for me in the firm, Daddy?” Which firm I don’t really care. I just need the experience, the pay check is nice but mostly the experience. I want my own law firm and I don’t want to be fifty before that happens. Dad’s connections in the city will be a huge door opener, at least to get the job. Doing it and keeping it will be all on me. And boy are they in for a surprise. I may be cute and sweet and doll like in appearance but I am a demon when it comes to the law.

The thought does make me grin a bit. No doubt they will discover my big old sharp teeth real quick.
“I didn’t tell her anything..” Elbows to the counter top, I know my blouse is almost sheer but the slip under that is solid silky white. With my arms like this and bending, well I know what my tits can do to catch the eye, and yes I am toying with you Daddy, will you notice? Probably not so much, a driven man with work on his mind doesn’t have time to dally in titty valley…

When our eyes meet, my dimpled smile is your reward, eyes locked as I sip at my doctored idea of coffee. Can you see the mischief in your daughter’s eyes? Yeah.. that smile tells me you see it. You always see me. Grinning in return, I set that cup down as feet come stomping down the stairs, stuffing bagel into my mouth to hide my grin away.
Back To Reality

I felt good about myself finally, resisting temptation and setting Lexi down in bed. I had been so tempted to peak the young sleeping beauty and had somehow resisted, perhaps I wasn’t quite yet damned!

Any intentions to seek relief from the stimulation of Kyoto and Nisagi, even the carefully skirted temptation of carrying a near naked and gorgeous 18 year old guest in my home and carefully laying her down in her bed, were quickly killed by a phone call from Carol Angelos, the much younger wife of Peter Angelos, one of the largest vineyard owners in Napa Valley, and real estate moguls in California.

Peter was 84, and had just had a massive coronary, but I did not ask any questions, not really my business. Peter was in very good shape for his age, regularly did a mile or more of ocean swimming, but he greatly enjoyed his trophy wife. Carol was Miss November 1991, later named Playmate of the year. Peter had married her five years later, having fallen head over heels for the still stunningly attractive woman. Full of silicone and Botox, Peter could afford the best surgeons to keep her forever 29, firm and as sexy as she had been in her true 20’s. He enjoyed showing off both his trophy wife and his own virility with a woman who had been partially created by Mattel.

He insisted on fucking her almost every night, and to ready himself consumed Viagra like most men might enjoy M&M’s. Carol was tearful, I truly believed she loved him, or at least loved the life he created for them. She had insisted on not having a prenup before marriage, and his love of her body, and the few sexual favors she had granted pre marriage, had given her all the leverage he needed. He had two children, a son, five years older than Carol, a daughter, two years younger. With an estate valued at just under $4 billion, a fight and likely extended probate was inevitable, absent a clearly defined will reflecting the current situation.

According to Carol, Peter was still cogent, but on life support and had asked to see me. I knew I had to get there tomorrow, Monday, as the Doctor’s made it clear, he had at most a couple of days before he would be brain dead, I could only hope his entire body quit before sustenance was in his wife’s and children’s hands.

Peter had been a long term client and much much more, I was personally managing nearly 3/4 of his assets, about a quarter of that liquid. “Rick those bastards of his …”. “You mean his children Carol?” “They are going to try to cheat me …” I stayed quiet. “You know I am about to be a very wealthy woman and perhaps we…” I cut her off. “Just take care of Peter, I will call Michael, and we will be out there by tomorrow afternoon. Just try to keep him lucid, he needs to be the one to finalize this last will.”

Michael Osborne was Peter’s personal attorney and also a close friend. He lived in Monterrey and when I called him he answered on one ring. Michael had heard about Peter, but not from Carol which was odd, but from one of the children. It didn’t matter, Michael was a good man, and all either he or I cared about was following the last wishes of a man who had been both a client and friend for over 20 years. Carol had already booked me a private Maison, one of the elegant stand alone villas, at the five star Auberge du Soleil hotel in Napa Valley. She had booked us for three nights, although I hoped it was no more than two, at most. When I told her I would be bringing my new assistant with me, a young woman who was a friend of Mia’s, she had a wicked tone as she asked if I would need a second bedroom. “Yes Carol, two very separate bedrooms.” God I felt almost guilty, could she possibly know I had just laid said assistant into bed moments ago, completely naked? Anyway, Michael agreed to meet us at the hotel as 4 PM, Pacific and we would head to the hospital together.

I really couldn’t believe it. Peter was more than a client, and in many ways I owed him my career. Of all the people my former partner had cheated, Peter had been the biggest, nearly $10 million, it had taken me three years to completely repay what had been stolen, but Peter had not only stayed with me, but what was then a $30 million account had increased 100x since then. Michael said the kids had asked for me, which I appreciated, just as I did Carol’s call, absent the somewhat indecent proposal. They each wanted very different outcomes but both trusted I would work with Peter to make it right.

The hard on was gone, and sleep came quickly. Up early, I was in my suit, no tie as Lexi, then Mia came down. My bags were packed and set by the door leading to the heli pad. As Mia expected there were bagels and muffins, the cook would whip up eggs if the girls wanted, I just had a cinnamon and raisin bagel with cinnamon flavored cream cheese, and three cups of black coffee. Today was going to be a busy day, so the helicoptor was already waiting before Lexi or Miami came down.

“Not very nice …” Teasing Mia about surprising Lexi with our transportation. “She better not be wearing a billowing skirt…” And then I did the devilish eyebrow wiggle that always made Mia laugh. While we waited for Lexi I gave Mia the good news. “Justice Williams…” Barthalomew (Bart) Williams was Chief Justice of the New York State Supreme Court. “… has agreed for you to clerk for him this summer. I know it isn’t corporate law, but a second year law student from Harvard would kill for this, and you aren’t even a freshman in college. You will take dictation, edit briefs, and if you are lucky and good, sit in on some of the presentations and perhaps even do some research. Mia… you know he likes you, and part of why he is doing this is to convince you to go to Columbia rather than NYU, you owe to at least listen to him. His recommendation would likely get you into the law school of your choosing. And yes… you can flirt, but I expect you to be Daddy’s good girl, understand?” I had little doubt she would have Bart wrapped around her little finger, I almost felt sorry for him.

Finally Lexi was down. “I guess you can see we will be getting into the city the fast way?” I let her eye look out and jaw drop to see the awaiting, luxury black hawk helicopter. “An emergency came up, we need to fly to the West Coast in an hour for a few days. You can pick up some things that were delivered to the apartment, you will need ideally three cocktail dresses, heels …” And you know Mia has advised you well. “A few more casual working outfits, I prefer dresses but slacks are okay, and I’d bring a bathing suit or two and some sort of cover up, maybe a work out outfit, and .. oh yes something to sleep in. We will be gone for a couple of nights, three at most, but we are all the way across the country in Napa.” I look at you, hoping you got it all down.

I saw the slight frown on Mia’s face, she loved Napa Valley and she loved the private jet. She would instead be in a law library in one of the most powerful courts in the land. “If you have any questions Lexi, ask Mia or me, she has been there lots of times, we are staying at the Auberge du Soleil.” I turned needing to suppres my grin, quite certain that my daughter was about to stomp her foot and renounce her passion for the law.

I had already taken my seat in helicopter as I waited for the girls to appear from the house to join me.
Mia –

My smile is sweet but my eyes are definitely mischievous. “And ruin the surprise Daddy?” Gasping softly, trying not to giggle. The look on Lexi’s face is priceless, watching her approach the helicopter with something akin to horror, fear and hatred all rolled into one.

Pay back! Grinning as I shout, “Get in here already!” Motioning for Lexi to get her butt into high gear so we can get going. This is pay back for that rollercoaster ride Lexi talked me into doing last summer. It is a ‘tame ride’ she had said, and I was green most of the day! Tame, my ass!

Lexi finally picks up her steps, a look of determination on her face as she climbs in. Luckily, she had on jeans and a t-shirt. It’s pretty much all she owns until we reach the penthouse. Me? Flirt? With Justice Williams? That is a really .. gross thought. I mean, he is OLD! Old, old, not medium old or aged or just older but ANCIENT old. Nope! No way I am flirting with Williams. Hell, if I had a grandfather, he’d be younger than Williams is! Hard Pass! “No problem, Daddy.” A sweet smile and grin, I am betting you think my smile means I will be up to no good.. and I plan on that! But not with Williams!

“Justice Williams is a really nice internship, Daddy. I don’t know how you got it for me but thank you! I mean, THANK YOU!” Sitting back with a grin on my face about one-kay kilowatts, Bartholomew is a serious man with a serious job and not one of those wanna-be sleezy types. I won’t have to dodge that old man’s hands and I am grateful for it. Maybe that’s why you got me in with Williams? And it is in New York, not somewhere else where I would have to find new lodgings for the summer. This position allows me to stay in the penthouse too! I am bustling with excitement already and we’re just barely lifting off. Columbia instead? Not sure I want to, haven't really given either school any real thought, I got to make it through summer first. "Columbia, Daddy? Why would I want to be so far away from you as that?" The grin is flirty, the dimples deepening and my eyes are all yours.

Sitting across from you, I watch you as you go through your I-pad and phone. Admiring the seriousness of your expression as you work. No doubt you are sending a flight plan and alerting the crew, setting up a place to stay. Damn! I want to go to the valley with you too! That place is absolutely gorgeous and the view? The outdoor shower is my favorite sin. I can’t sulk, I set this up. So I can’t be jealous of Lexi and where they are going. Adult life is sacrifice and I mean to be one of the best attorneys in the state.. Means I have to stop being a kid and get to it.. Still, I wish I could be there to see you use that shower again.. Or the bathtub, that tub is just.. AMAZING!

Lexi looks kind of sick? Her face is a bit pale, but maybe it’s height? No, we went on that coaster, that shit was insane! I wonder what is bugging her? She catches my concerned eyes and smiles, weak but a smile. Returning it, I reach out for her hand and give her a squeeze of reassurance. “You okay?” I mouth the question, to which she gives a curt nod back. Well, alright then. Hope it isn’t flying because she is going to be flying around a LOT! Leaning nearer to her, her shoulder is a nice rest space and she seems to settle more comfortably as we fly. Perhaps it is comforting? Not sure but she isn’t complaining and she is no longer gripping my hand in a death’s grip. Makes me smile, as does watching you perse your lips together in thought. I’d like to kiss that mouth, in a manner not chaste and parental like..

My thoughts my own, not feeling like talking much, my mind keeps shifting to work and less on what Lexi might convince you to do while in California.
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Too busy repeating that list in my head to make conversation with either of them. I needed to bring so much stuff with me on this sudden trip I had nothing of? Well not here, at the penthouse but how long until we reach there do I have to wait to recall what to pack? Too much time because I was already beginning to forget. Quickly grabbing out my phone and a little note app, typing as fast as my mind can recall, I nearly run into your back.

“Oh, sorry Sir!” rushes out of my mouth, blushing to have bumped into you like that. Thank God it wasn’t the front! A shiver instantly rushes down my spine with the recall of last night’s events. Tucking me in like that, so sweet and tenderly. Resisting that desire of two gorgeous women who wanted to appease you in .. well.. Am I blushing or flushed? I can’t tell but I can tell you that I can still feel that tapping hard dick thumping against me as you carried me upstairs.

Don’t get aroused! Don’t!

Think of something gross…

Did she say bathing suit? Why would we need bathing suits? Shit, I don’t recall half of what was listed but they are already heading out the door and I am still bumbling with my damned cell phone’s little note app! Where the hell is my carry on? I turn around twice before I spot it by the front door, Giselle there with a smile and bag in hand, “Hurry Miss Lexi..” Right!

“Thank you, Giselle, you are a god send!” A quick hug, which is a little odd, but she is so sweet I hugged her without thought of my action. She seemed surprised by it but gave me a hug back and shooed me out the door. The sound was louder, and I know I am standing here on the paving stones, gaping like a moron at this magnificent helicopter. It looks a lot like the president’s helicopter, maybe a little smaller? “Wow…” We are going to the city in that?

“Hurry up!” I hear Mia over the whirring blades and pick up the pace. Getting inside the thing is easier when this charming pilot gives me this huge smile and his hand to aid me up into the machine. Oh my gosh, he’s HOT too! Does everyone around here look like fucking magazine spread models? Jesus… In beside Mia, I got a grip on her hand, nervous as hell. Not sure why, my hormones are all over the place and suddenly I am picturing being wedged between the boss and his pilot!

Shit! I do not need that either! Though the pilot is probably safer to fuck around with than the boss.. Too bad the boss is my target. Too bad the damned boss is hot as hell too.. I need to get through this summer, through this task… I close my eyes to will away the dirty thoughts as we head to downtown or wherever this penthouse is located.
“For such a cute and smiling young lass … you really can be quite wicked, can’t you?!” I was teasing, I loved my little girl’s heart, and how she loved surprises, she would be absolutely bubbly and bouncy on Christmas morning, never wanting to know her presents early, eyes wide as she undid every bow and ripped the fancy paper from the box. “Just remember how new all this stuff is for her, she must feel like she is in some odd new world, and you know me, I talk fast and give direction and she will need your help to interpret and adapt.“

The conversation turning to her summer opportunity, “He’s a good man, I think you can learn a lot, and he will want you to ask questions, and I’m sure if you are interested he will let you pursue something that is relevant to his cases, but really interests you.” I had definitely pulled strings for Mia to get this so early, but it was the gift of privelige, powerful men or women taking care of their own. I had recently helped Justice William’s own grand daughter get a job at Bain Consulting, in my opinion the top business strategy consulting firm in the world.

However, what people don’t feel to appreciate, as these aren’t pure favors, the candidate had to be worthy. Caroline Williamson had worked as an intern for me after her second year at Williams, she was smart as hell and would gladly and diligently work 20 hours a day, a true perfectionist, and she would be great. Justice Williams had met Mia, and a year ago I had dropped hints she was interested in law, and then Mia had been the hostess for a party I threw for various NYC power brokers last summer. She hadn’t known it, but the extended conversation she had held with the judge, one that covered a myriad of topics had been her interview, and he had tested her composure, her curiosity, her energy and my little Mia had shined.

People never know when opportunity is knocking, and so every conversation, every idle chat when given the opportunity with power brokers, could be your break. But it hadn’t been just that, it had been a moment later when one of the waitresses had dropped a tray of drinks, the way Mia jumped in, consoled and helped, how she handled an awkward situation and made the young nervous girl feel consoled, that had won her this job. “You earned this, don’t think you didn’t, and as for distance, my spoiled little daughter, a 30 minute Uber versus ten minutes isn’t exactly torture…”. Winking, even though my preference for her was also NYU, far more diversified student body, just a bit more down to earth experience, but both schools were terrific. That was her decision, she knew my perspective, but I would not push.

I wanted to get out to the helicopter before the girls. One thing last summer’s party had shown me was how much MY little Mia had grown up, and how to any man, particularly alpha males, my Kitten was pure catnip to the tomcats who proliferated amongst my friends and frankly any men.

Manny Rodgriguez was my personal pilot, twenty eight years old, he had served two tours in Iraq, an Army Ranger he could take a helicopter into the most dangerous of settings, I trusted him in the worst of conditions, I trusted him far less with my most precious cargo. “Manny, I want you to remember this is my daughter and as far as I am concerned from your perspective, they are both my daughter.” The message clear, in the great spectrum of career limiting moves, treating my passengers as any more than eye candy, and even that with some reasonable constraint, would be a bad move.

Was I perhaps over protective, YES, and the events of the last two days even made it more so, but that wasn’t all. Manny had seen some bad things, done some bad things, and he was still getting over it. My girls, no matter how impressive they might be for their age, weren’t prepared to deal with his shit, I had him in therapy, but their had been some incidents, Manny was already on strike 2 … I wanted him to succeed.

Engrossed on a few things I needed to finish before we left town in less than two hours, I didn’t realize Lexi’s struggles at first. When I looked up I smiled, “It is something you’ll get used to, but it is the fastest way to town. How long will you need at the penthouse to get your things together?”

I assumed if you had questions, you’d ask, part of this was testing to see how much you remembered, part was your willing to be assertive when you needed, and part was how to use your resources, one of which was holding your hand. “Sorry to have you rushing so early, but then we’ve got a 4.5 hour flight, even at high altitude, you and I can go over things then, for now, just enjoy the view, and you might want to hold your stomach when we land, Manny tends to go down fast.”

I saw the look on Mia’s face, but did not dignify her likely dirty thoughts with a reply, only a stern look. “As for you young lady, how about a pencil skirt, heels and a nice blouse, I think that would set a nice tone with the justice. Lexi, you can be more comfortable for the flight, we will shower and change before dinner tonight, it will be a small affair, I think 8 of us, you will be my escort.” It wasn’t a question, and escort, although having lurid implications was simply my +1 in this instance.

We landed on the helipad on the top of our two story condo, it was the penthouse with a huge patio that was unused for entertaining, but could also serve as a helipad. Climbing out of the helicopter, there was a single servant at the condo, Irina was a one man wrecking crew, serving as maid, cook and anything else we needed.

She was standing at the sliding doors and came up giving me a warm hug. “This is Mia’s friend Lexi, she will be with us this summer, could you help her settle in, she and I will be leaving for the airport in 45 minutes, headed to Napa for a few days, I’ll let you know when we’ll get back, Mia will be staying here.”

Irina, knew the drill, she was on full time, highly compensated salary, and once we showed up, she was fully dedicated to our service, otherwise, she lived in her own room at the penthouse and could live in NYC, doing as she pleased. She was incredibly professional, incredibly capable, and could easy serve as my executive assistant as needed or as my accompaniment if I needed someone on my arm for a specific event.

“Yes Rick, I’ll take care of her and Miss Mia…” Moving to give Mia a warm hug before extending a hand to Lexi. “Okay Mia, the Justice expects you in his offices after lunch, Lexi, I’ll see you back in in 45, all right?” And I was off, forty five minutes would be tight, I had two calls I had to make, one other I would like to. But 45 minutes, a Yeti with hot coffee, I was ready and waiting as Lexi walked up …

“Yes Daddy, a pencil skirt would look nice.” everything tailored to fit with a pricey perfection well worth every cent. As always, you are right and you are giving me scolding looks knowing where my mind went with your statement on just how well Manny handled this machine.. From what I hear, how Manny handles everything he touches, with a very well-practiced ease. I can imagine many things but as hard as I try, it isn’t Manny that I see handling me, just you, Daddy.

If you knew my thoughts as well as you think you do, would you be mortified or turned on too? I give you my sweetest smile and turn my attention to Lexi. Huddled together I give her a list of items I think she should take with her to the Valley, knowing very well that as sharp as she is, even with a topic like fashion, which she dislikes, she knows each item I suggest packing.

“Don’t worry, I will help you. You shower and change, I will get your things together. Anything you want to take specifically?” I clear the landing area and am inside before Irina has had a chance to say a whole lot. To me, she is a fixture who has been here awhile, even before when Mom was alive, Irina has been here. For some reason she never tried for my dad, I suspect she feels a little guilty merely for reminding my Dad of my mother, as Irina and my mom could have passed for sisters.

“Hey Reena!” I pass on by in a blur, moving to the bedroom I know will be Lexi’s. Situated between me and my parent’s bedroom, I am not giving up the view on my end and really.. I do moan rather loud at times, I need to space between Dad and me, otherwise he’d get more than he bargained for! Inside the spare empty room are the bags and boxes I knew would be waiting and behind me, in awe of the pretty penthouse, she comes, walking like an old lady.

“Come on Lex, you don’t have all day to gawk girl!” The new luggage is here, and empty. Taking the single-wheeled case, it will be perfect for all that’s needed. Fishing through the boxes and bags, I am rather quick with this. I am a pro-shopper after all and luckily the tags are all removed. Irina outdid herself, as I saw laundered dresses hanging in the closet in their clear plastic-wrapped packaging.

They are going to be alone, in a villa I recall is quite secluded… Her bathing suit I toss into the case is revealing without being trashy, a two-piece and no sarong to go with it. The cocktail dress is in a lovely sapphire blue with a plunging neckline to reveal swells of breasts and is loose about the thighs, barely coming down to caress just above both knees. Matching lingerie, of the lacey sort, and heels are all added to the suitcase. The rest is just necessities, toiletries and silky PJ’s that don’t leave much to the imagination. I add in her comfortable sleep shorts and t-shirt, in hopes that she won't wear them. Either of them but I doubt one trip number one she is going to suddenly seduce my Dad. Shame but here’s hoping. Right? I want that, don’t I? I am torn and for a moment that little stab of jealousy eats it’s way into my heart. I wish it were me going…. I’d make use of none of this, I’d just wait naked in that shower and see what Daddy would do then?

She comes out in a towel, looking worried and a bit doubtful. Of what, I don’t have a clue. Perhaps it is intimidating? I wish I could read her mind, now I know Lexi’s mind would be a hell of a lot of fun to get inside of. That girl is a critical thinker, her mind buzzing fifty different ways all at once without breaking a sweat.. And when sweating, it’s probably a good thousand directions up in that mind of hers. “Stop it, Lexi you will do fine. Relax. It’s wine country! You will love the place, I’ve been a few times. It is lovely. Just relax, enjoy yourself and learn from the Master.” A wink and a nudge, I manage to get her to smile and then drying off. Into a blouse of near sheer white and jeans that fit like a second skin. She wears booties with her painted toes peeking out and then wraps her long dark hair into a messy bun. She looks … “daaaaaamn..” and whistles, grinning as I say, “Delicious.” Wouldn’t you know it, she’s blushed!

It is all so much, so luxurious and rank with wealth. It is beautiful and disgusting all at the same time. This kind of money is grotesque, and yet divine just the same. I do not know what to say, how to act. I read that he had tripled his net worth in a short ten years but holy hell! How much was that amount? I got to wonder and feel sick both at the same time. I don’t want to know, I don’t need more resentment. I feel horribly out of place, I don’t belong here. I move slowly and carefully, so many fragile knick-knacks on tiny pedestals and glass everywhere. I am such a clutz too! I am to live … here? In this HUGE high-rise penthouse surrounded in filthy rich overly plush and soft and pristine? I am going to screw this up.

My room, I am told, is between the two of them and it elicits some thoughts in my head that are nothing but pure unadulterated porn-quality scenes, only sans the bad acting. It wouldn’t be acting, no on my part at least. Wedged in their sandwich… I feel both aroused and like a science experiment. How did I get here again? Right! I worked my ass off so I could stand right here and I could clear my father’s name. I did this, brought this upon myself. So suck it up girl! Let’s get this shit show rolling.

“Don’t forget my cosmetic bag.” Bending over now, toweling my hair to try and get it dry. I need everything in that bag, including my birth control pills. They keep me regular and prepared for that horrible week all women are cursed to endure. Knowing when will keep a lot of embarrassing shit from happening, trust me on that one too. Timing is important and well, we won’t get into period details cuz ew! Rushing is nothing new to a college student who spent too much time up far too late, cramming for exam after exam so when I am standing before you with having only taken up twenty of those fourty-five minutes, You do not seem surprised that I am ready to go so soon.

Smiling when our eyes meet, my bag in both hands, fingers toying with the retractable handle. “I am ready.. Boss..” Without words, but a handsome smile and a glimmer of approval, you go and I follow you out. To the helicopter once more. We ride in silence, your phone is going off like crazy every few seconds. Someone wants something done pronto it seems, and I am glad you are busy with work. It allows me to relax more, not much but some. It gives my head time to come right around to where it needs to be and stamp down doubts and little fears that keep wanting to creep over me. Confidence is not an easy thing when out of one’s element and I am so far out of mine, I am not sure how I can manage. Not yet, but I will figure out how. I am determined to do this. At the jet, your hand is at my lower back, the driver has our luggage, and you are guiding me into the plane a few steps behind. You are warmly greeted by everyone, and your flight attendant is as lovely as all the other women who work for you.

Do you bang them all?

I try not to think along those lines but it’s hard not to when you are surrounded by playmates left, right and center. I feel more mousy now than I have ever felt in my life. Are they all blonds? Jesus. Alright! Focus! Into a seat sitting across from you, I strap in and settle, given a bottle of water, our knees touch but you stagger yours so we do not knock knees.

If I knew your thoughts I don’t know what I’d do, part mortified, part confused and most assuredly crazed with a taboo desire. Thank God that cute little face and those dancing blue eyes have a mystery all to their own. Today I am back in business mode, tons of things awaiting my attention yet trying ot mentor you to get off on the right foot with the Chief Justice.

Toward that end, I know all of my guidance is likely unnecessary overkill, the next person, let alone the next man that you didn’t sweep off their feet and in your own little way wrap around your finger, would be the first. Yours truly included.

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions Kitten … he’ll like that, and I think he expects that from you.” The pet name falls easily from my mouth and yet I don’t like the way it makes me happy that Manny doesn’t hear me . That will not be used in public again, even though I see the little grin and eye flash from you as I use it.

In some ways, many ways, it really won’t matter how old you ever get, you will always be my little girl, the one I used to walk hand in hand with to see Santa, the one whose little feet stood on mine as I taught you how to waltz, the one I hoisted up on the pony I had rented for your 6 year old birthday party.

Coming over to say goodbye, gently caressing your cheeks between open hands and tilting your head down to give extended and heartfelt kiss to forehead. “Be a good girl okay? I’m going to miss my kitten.” Tilting your head up for one last look into your eyes, a bit of a tear in mine, I love you that much.


I have plenty to do as I wait for you, meetings had already been scheduled back to back in the city today, not to mention a lunch and a dinner. All had to be rescheduled or apologies sent for late cancellation. My clients would get it, and the Goldman Sachs dinner would just happen next week. Last bit of clearing my schedule accomplished as I see you walk in.

“Okay Mia, we should be back either late Wednesday or Thursday … but I’m sure you and Lexi will be talking anyway, but I’ll let you know.” She knows the drill, and usually, before I would have brought her with me, she could shop, pool, sight see while I worked, and I knew she was safe and with me. But now, since she too has a job, it will be good, I will get to know you better.

Want to hit the road, we have a brief wheels up window, or will be stuck for nearly an hour, some sort of dignatary flying in our out has a no fly zone scheduled starting at 11. Looking at my watch it is 9:45, twenty minutes to get to the FBO, another few minutes to board and the flight crew to do their necessaries, it will be close.

“Need me to carry anything?” Is asked absent mindedly as I move behind you, hand to lower back to guide you to our propeller based chariot. I haven’t really taken a good look yet, but a wave of you fills my nostrils. “You smell nice, is that a perfume or just your soap… it is nice, like a Spring morning.” I am moving quickly, with purpose, not lacking social graces but not dallying either, a man with a purpose, Rick in business mode, you will get used to it.

As we enter the helicopter I hand you a set of ear phones, large, sound cancelling ones. “You can sink them with your phone and listen to music if you want, but either way, cancelling the noise is nice. I need to get a couple of texts out before we get on the jet.”

Agenda dictated, I am back at work, and you might note the various expressions as some responses tact thought and finesse, some are humorous banter with friends, and some are setting the plan for this evening of meeting with the family and better understanding exactly how much time we might have?

We are to the Westchester FBO faster than I realize, but I have done what I need to, and the trip can actually be a time to relax and get to know you, I am looking forward to that.

This time I am first off the helicopter, extending a hand to help you down, and that is the first time I really see you, how your body looks in those jeans, the sheer white blouse and the clear out line of your upper body and lacy bra underneath. You are casual, but my God you look amazing and I am unsure where to let my eyes rest, and so force myself to focus on your dazzling greens.

“I should have noticed before, but you look perfect Lexi .. casual yet stunning.” Grin follows words and once down, hand again finds your back to escort you across the short walk and up the small set of steps that lead to the cabin of the Cessna private jet. While I don’t own the jet, it is a fractional ownership, 6 slots, but I maintain three of them to get preference as needed.

It is arguably an unnecessary luxury, but for me time and convenience are money. Each wheels up will run about $15-25 thousand depending on the duration of flight, but the plane can easily handle 10-12 passengers in utmost comfort, and there is a bedroom in the back if I need to sleep or shower if headed to Asia or Europe.

Candice Stenmark is our flight attendant, the pilot and co pilot already up front doing control checks. Candice has not been with me long, she was engaged to an investment banker, but had recently spoken to me about some concerns she had about his relationship with his sister who had come to live with them. It sounded messy, and I tried to stay supportive without intervening. The crew was dedicated to this plane and part of our annual fee was supporting them handsomely so they would be available at a moment’s notice.

“Can I get you something before we take off, Bloody Mary, Momosa perhaps?” Chuckling, “This is her first day on the job… Lexi will be my personal assistant this summer, but let’s try to not get her intoxicated before lunch, okay Candy?” Candice was a flirt and while friendly I did try to keep a certain professionalism, so a Coke Zero would be good, and when she moved off to prepare the galley for our lunch I finally had time to focus on you.

I had first noticed it when Mia introduced you, but I hadn’t really let it resonate like I was truly realizing right now, alone with you, about to embark on a summer working hand in hand. It was in that moment, as the sun streaked in through the windows, and highlighted your dark hair and your classic jaw line it hit me, and hit me like a lightning bolt. You didn’t just look like her, you were her! Why hadn’t I seen it before? Maybe with Mia always hovering I had really never taken serious notice but now it was unmistakable. The resemblance was uncanny, of course you were a few years younger than the woman I had known, and if I were honest, fallen in love with, the only woman who had ever truly threatened my marriage and one whom I had made a mistake I would forever regret, my former partner’s beautiful wife, Gabrielle.

I wasn’t even sure how long I’d stared as it hit me, or where my eyes had gone, wanting to drink in every ounce of a body that for the briefest of times I had so desired. Swallowing as I realize, taking a long sip of the sugar free drink, finally lowering my glass. “Lexi, I’m sorry… I just realized how much you look like a woman I once knew, a woman I cared about deeply … it was a long time ago, before Mia, please forgive me … “ I am babbling but inadvertently disclose a great truth, it had indeed been before Mia, but not before I was married.

Apology given, I still found myself staring, remembering, God for a moment there, so long ago, I had briefly lost control, given in to a weak moment and a breathtakingly beautiful woman…. And now, here you were … like a reincarnate … shaking my head.

“Sorry, I don’t know why I went there.. “ Yet I did know, I felt a moment of that pain of when I’d said goodbye, how we had fixed a bad situation but also made it more complicated… I had to get myself centered again. You weren’t her, nothing close …. I had only later realized all the issues she had herself, and tried to do the right thing.

“So tell me, are there things you would particularly like to get out of this summer, experiences you are most interested in seeing our learning?”
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