The Brush My Hair and Pat My Butt Thread

Women have tough feet. What we manage to ALMOST walk in would cripple many strong men. When I last walked with my Other love I was actually wearing flat shoes, but I didn't notice they hard started to bleed on the heels, and only when we said good bye did I realise my shoes were full of blood and my feet sore. I'd worn my 'sensible' shoes to avoid any foot related mishap🙄.

I won't disagree with you that women have tough feet, it was mainly jest. But I have walked in heels before (yes, for an extended length of time; theater), and didn't find it difficult at all.
I used to find my heels easy, I was always very strict about stretching out my calves ( I had no desire to get shorted soft tissue as it would conflict with other activities I enjoy) and the lighter you are, better posture you have etc the more comfortable it is. Shoe choice also helps :). Some of my shoes now I just cannot wear; too uncomfortable.

I rarely am able to run for a bus in flats but tottering for one in heels is out of the question now, and going down stairs is dicey. :(. I love my shoes but walking in elegantly in them looks pretty dreadful I think.

I spend a lot of time outdoors and barefoot, other than that it's either athletic shoes or combat boots. Haven't done any women's shoes since my theater days.

That slightly embarrassed smile is the best!
The beginning of intimacy last night was her laying her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair, which was predictably tangled after a long day of activities. I would encounter tangles as I "brushed" it with my fingers, and gently pull them away, then dipping back in for another stroke. Hearing her soft moan as I continued was music to my soul. We talked about how long her hair is getting, and that it was time for her to get it cut, which is probably true. But for those moments last night, her hair was perfect.....
The beginning of intimacy last night was her laying her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair, which was predictably tangled after a long day of activities. I would encounter tangles as I "brushed" it with my fingers, and gently pull them away, then dipping back in for another stroke. Hearing her soft moan as I continued was music to my soul. We talked about how long her hair is getting, and that it was time for her to get it cut, which is probably true. But for those moments last night, her hair was perfect.....

As were your hands for her, I'm sure.
Thank you. This is lovely.
Do you have to choose one or the other?

Right now, I don't choose. Outside forces have chosen for me. :( :mad: It's more what I enjoy looking at. Like in the Spread thread. I love that position. There's a passage in Story of O that sticks with me still:

the way in which O was flogged, as well as the position in which she was bound, had no other purpose. Today it was O who would remain for the rest of the afternoon - for three more hours - exposed on the dais, her legs raised and
spread. Tomorrow it would be Claire, or Colette, or Yvonne, whom O would contemplate in turn. It was a technique much too slow and meticulous (as was the way the whip was wielded) to be used at Roissy. But O would see how efficient it was. Apart from the rings and the letters she would wear when she left, she would be returned to Sir Stephen more open, and more profoundly
enslaved, than she had ever before thought possible.


These days, I gravitate to hands doing the spreading vs. clamps.

I still think about that need to cry - the release someone else provides by hurting me. I miss that.
I prefer rough touches. I think soft touches make me feel vulnerable in some way. I am not sure why. I've never really explored into it very deeply as to why I can't be vulnerable in that way. My partner of almost 2 decades isn't much of a soft toucher so it hasn't been an issue. Sometimes in the sleepy darkness, I would reach for him or him for me and there would be tender touch, slow kissing, vulnerable love making....something about the dark, thickness of night would give me the protection to go into that sweet space.

I don't know. I'm kind of complicated. haha I don't wish to be is what it is.

I do wonder if soft touches feel more like love to me...and I always wall up with love. Can't relax into it.

That wall. It's crazy how lots of us have it. Self-protection.

I like how you said this:

something about the dark, thickness of night would give me the protection to go into that sweet space.

It's good you've met someone who fits. :)
I like PDA, I've discovered.
We were walking around and I had these super cute shoes that I hadn't broken in. So, my toes started bleeding.
Of course.
I was mortified.
He sat me down, bought me bandaids and gently took care of me until I could walk like a somewhat normal person again.
He knew I was embarassed, so he held my hand the whole time we were in the store.
Gentle touch from someone who can be so strong is probably the hottest thing ever.

The beginning of intimacy last night was her laying her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair, which was predictably tangled after a long day of activities. I would encounter tangles as I "brushed" it with my fingers, and gently pull them away, then dipping back in for another stroke. Hearing her soft moan as I continued was music to my soul. We talked about how long her hair is getting, and that it was time for her to get it cut, which is probably true. But for those moments last night, her hair was perfect.....

Those little moments. :heart:

I feel like I should link cascadia's Hair Thread here! Or in the Hair pulling thread???

Either way, it's a fun thread.
Cookie, I sort of mean in what you choose to seek in fantasy or want or self identification for 'if I could I would choose..... '

Some people are commited to....veganisism, or vegetarianism. Others feel it's not a meal with out meat. And so on. This isn't how I am; I like meat but don't need it every day, or want it even. Similarly I think I can get a spank AND a pet depending on what's on the menu . Eat seasonally!

Mmm. Sure - I see what you mean. I'm still intrigued by lots of different images. But I'm not talking spanks vs. pats. I find myself reacting in such a different way than i used to - almost revolted by the images of tightly bound women, clamped, in some dank dungeon. What used to be masturbation fodder or even things I tried now seem off limits.

I think I'll always be a fan of spanking, hair pulling, some bondage. :cattail:

And I'm still enthralled with emotional masochism. That need seems greater.

Just weird little changes to ponder.