The Chinal Pearl Inn part 8

The book I couldn't get through was the Pickwick Papers. Maybe if I read it as an adult, but as a teen it was just too laborious to get through. I mostly read mystery/detective type books.

I like mystery / detective stuff too. I've long admired noir film / fiction and just re-read the Philip Marlowe stories.
Never heard of them, but that isn't a surprise since they are English. :) Poetry huh? I can't say there is a specific poetry book I like but there are a few poems that I enjoy. I have been exposed more to children's poetry than adult poetry, though. I always liked the Highwayman by Noyes. We had to memorize it in school. :)
Morning all.

I have always enjoyed the Cadfeael Mysteries as they combine a good detective story set in a medieval Benedictine Monastery in Shrewsbury England.:D
Morning all.

I have always enjoyed the Cadfeael Mysteries as they combine a good detective story set in a medieval Benedictine Monastery in Shrewsbury England.:D

I have heard of those, although I never read them. I have read both the Thomas Pitt and William Monk series which are set in Victorian England.
Yes; I reember several years ago I was passing through Shrewsbury and remembered they'd cashed in with something called (I think) Cadfael world, or some such. By the time I got there it had closed down though. Popularity is short lived :(
The problem is that these days what someone says or does is around forever on the internet. People are saying and doing the most ridiculous things for their 15 minutes of fame and, even after all these years, most haven't figured out that the internet lasts a lot longer.
The problem is that these days what someone says or does is around forever on the internet. People are saying and doing the most ridiculous things for their 15 minutes of fame and, even after all these years, most haven't figured out that the internet lasts a lot longer.

Looks confused...

"What's the internet?"

A wry smile bows my lips at the banter between S F, Chris, a CFMB.

Another series I enjoyed along those lines was Midsummer Murders.
I think you mean the world wide net or interweb.

*Shows off his mastery of this modern terminology*
A wry smile bows my lips at the banter between S F, Chris, a CFMB.

Another series I enjoyed along those lines was Midsummer Murders.

I believe Midsomer is one of the most dangerous places to live, re murders per 1000...
