The Empty Nest(closed)

“God, you feel amazing.”

“So do you,” Marsha groaned as she felt him slide deeply all the way in, filling her and stretching her interior walls to accommodate him.

Marsha could feel her insides contract around his cock as he pumped in and out of her. The sounds of them having sex filled the small room they were in.

“Looks like we have an audience now.”

“We do?”

Marsha turned her head and saw the green light.

“We do. Let’s give them something to masturbate by, shall we?”

She managed a grin before it was wiped from her lips by another moan of pure pleasure. One of these days she was going to get Bill to fuck her from behind. Just the thought of her on her hands and knees with Bill behind her, made her grip her bindings with her fingers.

From the position he had her bound in, Bill’s thrusts were deep and hitting her back wall. If she could arch her hips upward anymore, she would have. She just couldn’t seem to get enough of him.
Marsha’s moans grew louder as her climax seemed to be steadily building. Her body started to tremble as she gripped her bindings and she cried out. A quick glance over Bill’s shoulder confirmed to him that whoever was watching had a perfect view of her exquisite orgasm.

“I think that probably did it for them.” Bill said before withdrawing from her and moving to the head of the bed. “And if that didn’t do it, maybe this will.”

Tipping Marsha’s head back he fed his cock between her lips then worked it deep into her throat.

“Mmm, you know how much I love that mouth of yours.” He said as he pumped it between her lips and teased her nipples.

It was only a few moments before Bill’s body began to shudder. “Fuck yes!” He cried out as his hips fell still and his cock began to pulsate sending stream after stream of us cum into the back of her throat.

As Bill’s breath returned he released Marsha’s legs and the light turned off.

“Hopefully they enjoyed the show.” He said as he released her arms.
“I think that probably did it for them. And if that didn’t do it, maybe this will.”

He withdrew after on last power surge into her body.

“Mmm, you know how much I love that mouth of yours.”

Marsha watched as he crawled up the bed, tipping her head back before she felt the head of his cock press against her lips. At his urging, she opened up, giving him access to the heated inter-sanctum of her mouth and felt Bill press deep, gliding along her tongue until he hit the back wall. She pressed him against the roof of her mouth with her suction, rubbing the underside of his rock hard cock with her tongue.

“Fuck yes!”

Marsha felt the ripple and braced herself as she continued to suck on his cock and was rewarded when she felt the hot stream of his cum coat her throat and like the true wanton she was, she swallowed every drop.

“Hopefully they enjoyed the show.”

Marsha scooped up any remains of his cum that coated her lips with her tongue and grinned.

“Who cares? We enjoyed ourselves.”
Steve exited the observation room with a young blonde in tow still amazed at what he'd witnessed. He'd never imagined running across Marsha during one of his lunchtime visits to Impulse and it was only through a stroke of luck that he didn't find himself face to face with her. As it was, he was stunned to find her bound to the bed with Bill pounding into her when he walked into the observation room. What had first shocked him quickly turned into arousal and he found himself furiously fucking his companion against the one way glass as he watched the two of them together.

Bill and Marsha got dressed then made their way out of the club far more cautiously then when they'd entered driven by lust. At her car Bill gave her one last kiss then put her into the car before heading back to the office to catch up on work.

It was a little past 8:00 when Bill finally got home from the office and found Cara curled up on the sofa with a glass of wine in her hand watching TV.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." he said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?"
The front door opened around 8.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. How was your day?"

Bill came in and dropped a kiss on her cheek. Cara smiled.

“It was good. How was work?”

He seemed a little calmer than when he had left her this morning. Something undefinable was still tickling the back of her mind, but she had simply dismissed it as Bill having to meet with some new clients.

Earlier that day, Cara had mused about calling Jarrod. She had argued with herself all morning. By lunch time, she gave in to her musings and phoned him. They made arrangements to meet in about a week as Jarrod was booked solid until then and she asked if he’d mind if she brought someone along. Jarrod’s reply was easy enough and they hung up. Spontaneously, she punched in Steve’s number, waiting.

“Cara! This is a surprise. What can I do for you?”

She proceeded to invite him to join her the following week to visit Master Jarrod. Steve seemed surprised but enthused. She gave him Jarrod’s address and the time. After she got off the phone with Steve, she could feel the heat in her cheeks.

What was she doing?! Had she lost her mind?
The guilt that Bill felt lying to Cara was almost crippling but after he got through his initial greeting he calmed down a little knowing he wasn’t going to be immediately busted at least. Over the afternoon he starts to worry about Marsha starting to feel guilty and confessing everything to her. As he opened the door he’d envisioned an ambush but it didn’t come to pass.

After changing into some light weight sweats and a tee he came back out and sat next to Cara on the sofa, pulling her body against his. Regardless of what happened, she was still the one that held his heart and there was no way he’d ever lose sight of that.

The cuddled for the rest of the evening then finally made their way to the bedroom when they both started to tire out.

Over the next few days Bill’s wracked his brain trying to figure out a way he could tell Cara what had happened without destroying everything but came up empty. He found himself torn between not wanting the carry the guilt anymore and desperately wanting to protect the secret he was keeping from her.

“What do you think about going to Impulse this weekend?” He asked as the weekend approach. As much as he wanted to avoid seeing Marsha and Steve for a while he didn’t want to give up the thing that seemed to restore their connection.
“What do you think about going to Impulse this weekend?”

Cara put down the magazine she was reading.

“We haven’t been in a while, so sure, why not? Anything in particular you want to go there for?”

She wasn’t nearly as sure of going as she sounded. Jarrod could well be there with one of his clients and seeing him in public with Bill in tow. Well, she wasn’t sure how she’d react. The secret she was keeping from Bill ate at her conscience but not enough yet to come clean with him. It kind of gave her an edge. It made her feel… sexier, maybe? She had already made another session with Jarrod and she was planning on bringing Steve with her, but if all went well, it would by far, be one of her greatest fantasies come to life. It just didn’t seem like something she could ask Bill to do. Share her with someone like Steve or Jarrod. So, she was doing this on the sly.
As Bill had been battling with his guilt over the last few days one of the ideas that kept recurring to him was to allow Cara to be with someone else as maybe a way to ease his conscience. His thinking was that, if perhaps he was able to normalize it somehow, what he'd done wouldn't seem so bad if it ever got out.

When he thought about the idea there seemed to be a handful of options. The obvious one was Steve but that would obviously involve Marsha and the risk of something like that exposing him seemed too great. Another options was the group room but he felt like something like that might be too intimidating for Cara to get on board with since they'd just dabbled, up to this point, with sharing and she might feel self conscious about it. The third option that he'd seen was intriguing though. Tucked away toward the back of the club was a dimly lit hallway with openings on either side of it. Behind those openings were small rooms. He didn't imaging the ones that were clearly meant to be run of the mill glory holes would be appealing to her but he wondered if the larger openings that had a platform beneath where the occupant would lay would be more appealing. From what he could tell she'd be laying anonymously with the lower half of her body exposed through the hole for anyone that passed.

"Have you ever been curious about being taken anonymously?" Bill asked before going into greater detail to describe what he was thinking. "I'd be in the room with you of course to make sure you're ok."

It was by far the most deviant thing they'd discussed so far and he wondered just what her reaction might be.
"Have you ever been curious about being taken anonymously?"

Cara looked at him curiously yet cautiously. She was trying to imagine what exactly Bill was getting at.

“Could you paint me a picture of what you’re thinking, Bill? I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re getting at.”

She was pretty sure it was fucking some dude who didn’t know who he was fucking but just knew he was fucking a woman. If she were right, this was something about Bill that surprised her. It surprised her because she didn’t realize Bill would be okay with something like that.
Bill had hoped he'd described it well enough but his apprehension probably caused him to be a little abstract with his description and didn't give Cara a clear enough picture of what he was proposing. It was already out there though so he decided to be blunt about it.

"What I'm talking about is kind of like a glory hole but instead of guys just hanging themselves in there to be serviced it'd be you hanging yourself out of it to be serviced." He pulled out his phone and did a quick google search to try to find something similar to what he'd seen setup there then handed her the phone to show her the image he'd found.

"Would you find something like that exciting?" he asked, knowing that the picture left no doubt as to what he was talking about.
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Cara took his phone and stared at the images in front of her. Bill was willing to let her try this?

“And you’re willing to be in the room with me, right?”

She glanced at him for some reassurance. If she was honest with herself, and she was trying to be, the idea of having anonymous sex with people she couldn’t even see, kind of made her twitch. Okay, there was no kind of, she twitched. She started to hand him back the phone.

“Does the idea of watching me do this, do anything for you, Bill? Be honest now. This is about us, not just me.”
She knew she still hadn't answered his question, but she would. In a moment.
Bill hesitated for a moment making sure that what came out of his mouth wasn't going to be something he regretted. Even though he wanted to relieve his guilt he didn't want to push Cara into something she didn't want to do in order to do it. He also didn't want to see her do something that he himself would have issues handling.

"I think if it's something that the idea of turned you on, I think it would turn me on to watch it." He started out choosing his words carefully. "I wouldn't want to see you do it just for me of course. That's just not something I'd ever ask you to do for me. But if it's something you felt like you'd want to try, I'd find it hot as hell. We've already talked about sharing at some level. This is just a little bit of a twist on it."

The more he talked the more uneasy he started to feel about suggesting this at all. In the back of his mind he knew it was over the top and not something she'd likely be interested in it but somehow he'd convinced himself that it was something that she might like.
She held out her hand for his phone again.

“Let me see that picture again, please.”

She was hesitant. For one reason only and she voiced her concern.

“Are there individual rooms? Something with a little privacy so I don’t have to listen to other women moaning and groaning or men either for that matter.”

That would be something she could probably do. It was a little titillating to think about. Her legs tied up high, exposing herself, so that any stranger could come in and choose to fuck her pussy or her ass and the idea was a little intimidating as well. They had never, ever, indulged in something like this. Bill said he would find it hot and that just turned her on even more.
Bill had all but convinced himself she was going to shoot down the idea when she asked him for his phone again. He passed it back to her as the tension within him continued to build. When she asked about individual rooms he thought back to the way the thing was laid out. Certainly the ones along the hallway didn't provide the privacy that she seemed to want but there was one or tow of the bays that seemed to be closed off. Whether the walls between them were thick enough to keep out the moans from next door he had no way of knowing though.

"There are a couple at the end but I suspect we'd probably need to get there pretty early to make sure they were still available." he replied, now excited by the fact that she seemed to be giving the idea consideration.

The fact that she seemed to be warm to the idea relaxed him a little and allowed him to be a little more playful. "You're starting to like the idea of getting fucked by mysterious strangers aren't you?" he said nudging her a little with his shoulder as he smiled. As for him, as he thought about it, the image of her body lunging with each thrust from the other side of the wall while he took her mouth had his cock pressing hard against the seam of his slacks.
"You're starting to like the idea of getting fucked by mysterious strangers aren't you?"

His playful nudge against her shoulder made her smile and laugh.

“Almost as much as you are getting excited about seeing me get fucked by strange cock.”

She teased back and handed him his phone.

“So, yeah. Let’s do it and let’s try to get there early enough to secure one of the private bays, otherwise, I don’t think I can do it.”

She was surprised to hear herself say that, but hell, why not? She never, ever thought she’d be trying this out. Her own sensual nature was just starting its exploration and their personal intimate relationship was blooming. She was learning new things about Bill all the time.
What started out as a way to assuage his guilt seemed to morph into something Bill was anxiously looking forward to. He imagined the look of ecstasy on her face as she was taken over the edge again and again and he had trouble containing his excitement.

When Friday came around Bill checked in with her one last time when they'd both gotten home from work to make sure she wasn't having second thoughts but she assured him she hadn't. They grabbed an early dinner at home then were out the door to get there early enough to secure the spot that Cara wanted. When they arrived Bill gripped her hand giving it a squeeze as he led her toward the back and down the hallway. The club was just starting to fill up for the evening and he hoped they'd gotten there in time. As the walked down the hall there was already one woman strapped into one of the bays. Bill stopped for a moment, running his hand down her thighs then stroked her folds softly as he looked into Cara's eyes. His fingers slowly circled the woman's clit and soft moans could be heard from the other side of the wall.

"That's going to be you." he said as he slipped his fingers inside the woman then stroked them in and out of her a few times. He could see the woman's thighs and stomach flexing as her hips gyrated slightly, pleased by the attention. Bill withdrew his fingers then continued down the hall with Cara until he found the bay he'd remembered. Fortunately it was vacant so he led her through the back passageway to the small room.

After helping her get undressed, Bill moved Cara into position then went outside to secure her legs. As he finished fastening the cuffs around her ankles he stood there for a moment admiring the sight of her then slowly lowered himself to his knees and parted her with his tongue.

"Damn, you're so fucking wet already." he said as his tongue traced a long path then found her clit. After a few moments Bill rose to his feet and rejoined Cara behind the wall as they waited for her first visitor.
For the rest of the week, whenever Cara had a moment to think, she thought about their excursion to Impulse that weekend. The idea made her nervous, maybe a bit anxious but it also aroused her in a way she hadn’t experienced before. Friday night, after Bill got home from work, he asked her if she still wanted to go to Impulse and though she felt some trepidation, she enthusiastically said yes. She ended up picking at her dinner before excusing herself to go change for their date. All the way to the club, she found the palms of her hands sweating. Her heart was thumping in her chest so loudly, she was almost certain Bill could hear it. Her panties were certainly wet.

"That's going to be you."

Bill paused as they went down the back hallway to slide his fingers into a woman’s pussy, stroking it. Cara felt a delicious tremor slide down her spine. Fortunately, they found one private bay still open and Bill led her inside. He helped her get undressed and up onto the padded platform, slipping her legs through the enlarged hole. Bill went outside, pulled her legs slightly further through and holding them each up against the wall, secured them with the leather bindings hanging right there for that purpose.

The next thing Cara felt was a tongue, parting her lips. It made her jump just a little until she realized it was Bill.

"Damn, you're so fucking wet already."

His tongue drug between her lips, tasting her until he came to her clit. He could hear her moan. She heard the door open and close.

It didn’t take long before Cara felt her hips slightly pulled toward the opening and felt a bulbous head spreading her lips open before sliding inside her wet pussy and found herself being vigorously fucked. The cock that was stretching her walls around him, wasn’t overly large, about average. His fingers found her clit and encircled it, rubbing and tugging. After the first onslaught of nervousness on her part, Cara forgot about Bill being there and started to find her own pleasure in being fucked by an anonymous cock filling her. Cara knew it wouldn’t be long, the man was pressing to his root and she felt the ripples along his cock just before his hot seed erupted, coating her insides. He was gone, however, before Cara had reached an orgasm. Luckily, another cock came and took the man’s place, gliding in on the seed of another. This cock was huge. It stretched Cara’s interior walls to the max. He was giving her a good pounding. Cara’s hips lifted off the platform she was lying on. Soft whimpers left her throat as her hands grasped the sides of where she lay. On the outside of the cubicle, the man slipped his hands under her ass, lifting it as he drove deeper into Cara’s vaginal canal. Her whole body was shaking with need but it wasn’t enough for her. She turned her head toward Bill and whispered.

“Bill, I need you. I want you in my mouth. I need you to cum down my throat. Please…”
There was a silent tension between them as they waited then Bill heard the sounds of her first visitor arriving. He watched as her body slid closer to the opening and her mouth opened wide signaling that the he'd entered her. Within seconds all doubts were removed when the impact of the thrusts caused Cara's body to heave. Bill watched as her tits bounced and she gripped the side of the platform trying to stabilize herself. His cock hardened and strained against the seem of his slacks as he watched his wife get vigorously fuck by unknown stranger.

The initial activity was short lived though and before long Bill heard a loud grunt from the other side of the wall signaling that he was filling her with cum. He hadn't fully thought through the logistics of all of that. He'd kind of expected the courtesy of leaving her fresh for subsequent visitors and cumming on her stomach but the man seemed unconcerned with what he left for anyone else as he finished then promptly left followed by the sounds of the next visitor.

Judging by the change of expression on Cara's face Bill could tell this guy was stretching her in ways she likely hadn't experienced before. He watched as the look of pure lust took over her face and she gripped the platform hard.

“Bill, I need you. I want you in my mouth. I need you to cum down my throat. Please…” she said between gasps as the man continued to pound hard into her.

With no hesitation Bill unfastened his pants then guided his cock into her mouth as she eagerly took him in. It wasn't lost on him that this was just the way things had concluded with Marsha. A fresh pang of guilt quickly passed through him before exiting his mind as she moaned around his cock and the sounds of the man plunging into her wetness filled the small room.
Cara was lost in her lust. She grabbed Bill’s hips and pulled him closer, feeling his rigid cock slide across her tongue. She pressed him to the roof of her mouth and stroked his underside with every stroke he gave her. The combination of both men fucking her, drove her crazy with need. Cara sucked Bill to the back of her throat and felt the root of him touch her lips. She moaned around his cock as he rode her mouth. The man on the outside must have heard her because his pace picked up until he was bucking into her hard. Cara felt her private parts sting as he fucked her but didn’t hurt really. It made her suck on Bill’s cock harder though.

Fuck me. Fuck me
. Was all that kept repeating in her mind. She was a receptacle for these two men and she wanted it.. She wanted to feel their hot cum splash down her throat and inside her. The anonymous cock wasn’t through with her yet. He abruptly pulled out and she felt the hard, pulsing length of it rub between her ass cheeks. Cara was beyond caring. She lifted her hips in silent invitation, one the man was quick to take up. She felt his cockhead press against her tight little hole before pressing inward slowly. It made Cara moan around the cock in her mouth again. The man steadily rocked back and forth, pressing his cock into her butt a little more each time until he came to the inner ring. Here, he paused minutely before pressing forward, causing Cara to give a muffled wail. By then, he was truly embedded in her ass and had grabbed her ankles and began to saw back and forth in her ass. With Bill’s cock withdrawing and slipping back down her throat, Cara felt well and truly stuffed. Relaxing her ass, she was surprised to feel that she actually enjoyed it. She enjoyed having two men fuck her at the same time. She lifted her hips and the man hammered into her ass as far as he could. Cara hands found the base of Bill’s cock and she began to pump him with her hand. It wasn’t long after that that she felt the hot seed of the man outside pouring into her dark, molten depths, causing her to orgasm around him.
Bill watched as whatever was happening to Cara on the other side of that wall drove her wild. From the ways she was sucking him he could tell she was enjoying herself thoroughly.

“God you’re so fucking hot.” He said as her moans send exquisite vibrations through him. Reaching down he stilled her bouncing breasts in his hands and creased them as he teased her nipples. He knew she was close and he wanted to see her explode when it hit her. Moments later she erupted in a quivering orgasm, the sight of which sent Bill into his own sending stream of his cum down the back of her throat. Seconds later, her body fell still and the man on the other side of the wall seemed to depart. She lay gasping for a moment before suddenly she was tugged down a little further and the next man started anew.

By the time she finally tapped out Bill had lost count of how many men had taken her and how many times she’d cum. Sweat glistened from her naked body and her damp hair lay matted against her forehead as she asked him to circle around and release her.

Bill exited the small room and around to the front but by the time he’d gotten there and opened the door another man had taken up a position between her thighs. He watched through the cracked door as the man mercilessly pounded into her then fell still as the muscles in his ass tightened and he let out a loud groan. Bill stepped away from the door as the man withdrew then exited the room giving Bill the guy nod on the way past.

Once clear, Bill made his way in and released her. As soon as he unfastened the cuffs Cara quickly pulled her legs in and by the time he got back around she was on her feet staring at her legs in amazement. Bill glanced down, stunned at the sheer amount of cum that was pouring down her thighs.

“Holy shit!” He said in astonishment. “That’s a lot.” Tipping her head up he pressed his lips to hers. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.”
“God you’re so fucking hot.”

Hearing Bill say that, drove Cara even wilder. Her orgasm triggered his and she swallowed his hot sperm as it barreled down her throat, coating it. It wasn’t the end of her sexual adventure. More men came around and used her. Cara was a quivering mess by the time she had had enough and asked Bill to release her. However, Cara had one more man take her before Bill could let her legs down and she was a quivering puddle by then. Somehow, she managed to slide off the platform as her legs became free. Bill was just entering the room again.

“Holy shit! That’s a lot.”

They were both staring at her legs and the sheer amount of combined cum that was slipping from her.

“I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

Bill kissed her. Cara glanced at her husband and grinned.

“It was definitely an experience but not one I’m looking to do again anytime soon. I think I need a quick shower and then you need to feed me again. I’m famished.”

The room had provided a large towel for their occupants use. Cara wrapped herself in it and gathered up her clothes before heading out the door. She stopped briefly to kiss her husband again before exiting the room. Once in a bathroom that provided showers, she hung her clothes as she stepped under the steaming shower. She felt dirty in a naughty sort of way. She washed up and the rest would have to wait until she got home later that night. After dressing hurriedly, she found Bill sitting at a table with a couple of drinks. She slid into the chair next to him, fluffing up her hair.
Bill wasn't quite sure how to interpret it when she said she wasn't looking to do it again soon. It was definitely one of those things you wouldn't want to get into a habit of doing. Honestly, he wasn't quite sure what he'd think if she said she wanted to do it again next weekend but at the same time, he wondered if she had regrets about it once the heat of the moment had died out. What really struck him though was the fact that even entertaining the idea of something like that 2 months ago would have been so unthinkable but here they were now.

When Cara came back he couldn't believe how well she was able to recover from what she'd just been through. Even her hair, which he thought there was no real hope of salvaging looked amazing.

"Got us a couple drinks to help unwind." he said as he reached over and clutched her hand on the table. "Also have some food on the way."

When they finished eating Bill looked across the crowded room and saw Steve and Marsha enter hand in hand. He felt like they had a full evening so far and he still wasn't excited by the idea of getting Cara and Marsha together yet so he didn't bother to flag them down or call them over. He watched as they exchanged a kiss then parted ways. Steve crossed the room and approached a tall blonde woman that Bill had noticed there before. She was the type of woman you weren't likely to miss in a place like this with curves that often attracted a lot of attention. As they greeted, it was obvious that Steve had known her. Moments later Bill watched as Steve led her by the hand into the room he'd occupied with Marsha just days before.

"Looks like Steve's having some fun, wanna go watch?" he asked Cara as she pushed her plate toward the center of the table.
Cara was tired but not enough so that she wanted to go home just yet. The evening was still young. Bill ordered them some food and a drink. Sitting back in her chair, she looked around and saw Master Jarrod teaching a new pupil. It made her smile. The food and drinks came and Cara devoured what was on her plate. She and Bill made small talk as they ate. Sitting back in her chair, completely sated, Cara saw Steve and Marsha enter. She watched as they kissed and parted. It didn’t take long for Steve to find some busty bombshell to go off with.

"Looks like Steve's having some fun, wanna go watch?"

Cara grinned, “I noticed,” she shrugged her shoulders, “Sure. Why not?”

Might as well go watch someone else get stuffed for a change, she thought to herself and took Bill’s hand as he led them through the myriad of tables and chairs to the observation room. They slipped in quietly and Bill drew back the curtains so they could watch. Cara idly wondered what Steve would be up to tonight.
When Bill drew the curtain open he watched as Steve stripped the blonde of her clothes then strapped her onto the St. Andrew’s Cross with her back facing him.

“Guess he’s gonna get a little kinky.” Bill said as he took Cara’s hand. Trey watched as Steve removed a leather flogger from the wall than returned to the woman and lashed the woman’s back. “Damn!” Bill said, jumping a little as red streaks became visible on the woman’s back and she writhed against her bindings. “He’s not fucking around.”

The woman’s moans grew louder as more red streaks appeared on her back and ass.

“I want to hear you beg me to fuck you!” Steve hissed out as his hand wrapped around her throat and pulled her head back.

“Please fuck me! Please!” He begged breathlessly as she attempt to press her sad back into him.

“Good girl.” Steve said as guided his cock between her bound, outstretched thighs then began to pound into her.
Cara watched, fascinated. She was intrigued by the power play aspect. She could even feel the heat of the strikes that Steve had given the blonde’s ass, could feel Steve’s hand around her throat as he demanded the woman beg to be fucked, which she did. Everything they were watching was erotic as hell to her. Cara couldn’t wait for her next session with Master Jarrod to happen or for Steve to join them. She turned her eyes toward Bill to see his reaction to what they were watching.

“Does this do anything for you, Bill?”

She whispered in the quiet room. She was curious. Her husband had been showing Dom traits lately. Cara was fine with that.