The Final Rejection

really? you said you'd posted lots of stories AND poems. so what you mean is "I cannot post THIS poem"

as for the rest, your cliquish references, well that's just a crock of shit and we know it. post count has nothing at all to do with how we view another writer's talents. you could be a virgin or multi-published, makes no odds to me at all - i address each write as i find it. and yes, you do seem to have an inflated opinion of your own creations - fine, but accept not everyone will share that.

i like most people here, and even those i don't i tend to be able to communicate with civility.

enjoy writing elsewhere

Thank you! I might!

And the idea that there is not a clique going on here is the most absurd thing I've seen posted here in the last few days. There is a small group that closes rank and gangs up on anyone who has the audacity to disagree with their well established wisdom and experience. The LillyRose poem is certainly an example. And how you could have the gall to almost demand that she thank you for a rotten bit of reviewing is beyond my view.

There is no clique here? Bronzeage contributes all kinds of snide comments during my thread, calling me a pouter etc. He says all these things about a poem HE HASN"T EVEN READ. When I give back you come on and tell me I'm being rude to him. TwelveOne posts a poem which seems to be sarcastically copying the style that I used in mine and BronzeAge practically has an orgasm describing the genius of the write. LillyRose bites back after TwelveOne's obnoxious review and you jump in saying TwelveOne belongs on Olympus.

There is no clique here? Please!

".......your cliquish references, well that's just a crock of shit and we know it. post count has nothing at all to do with how we view another writer's"

Yes, "WE know it"....exactly, you said it perfectly.

And another thing: Your quoting technique is irritating.

If there is a clique on this forum, the standards for admission must be incredibly low, if I am included.

I am one of those people who lacks a formal education, so I am at a disadvantage when asked to give a score based on technical points and form. I am able to read, so poems are judged by the effect they have.

This week, I reviewed both 12:01's and Lilly's poem. The first came up on my regular day and the second was by request. I will not go hunt a poem down. I gave 12:01 and Lilly favorable comments.

If there is a clique on this forum, the standards for admission must be incredibly low, if I am included.

As 12:01 and I seem to disagree about Lilly's poem, we may have to form a sub-clique, but there is some minimum quorum for a clique, and on any day this forum lacks enough reads to form a quartet.

Between Koba and Lily, there has been more posting in the past few days than we get in a month. I thank both of you for this.

Let us not forget. This is poetry, the bastard stepchild of literature. Outside of our small circle, no one cares. So, look around the room. This is the audience for poetry, other poets. If a poet can't get along with other poets, he/she will be a very lonely little boy/girl. Cat fights over what someone said about someone else's poem are pointless to the point of creating some kind of negative number far beyond zero.

Take a look around and make a quick count of how many poems make it to a paper based publication, which actually pays for the work. Calculate the number of poems produced everyday by poets who are certain it might be their best work yet, and then suppose poems were published by a lottery. We could all win the Powerball and retire to an artist's colony before a single line made it to a back page of the New Yorker (this does not include any submissions to Chicken Soup for the whateverthefuckitisthisweek Soul).

We can just calm down. There is nothing at stake here. Not money, not reputations, not ego, nothing. It's not worth hard feelings and bruised hearts, just because somebody didn't love your work, or mine.
really? you said you'd posted lots of stories AND poems. so what you mean is "I cannot post THIS poem"

as for the rest, your cliquish references, well that's just a crock of shit and we know it. post count has nothing at all to do with how we view another writer's talents. you could be a virgin or multi-published, makes no odds to me at all - i address each write as i find it. and yes, you do seem to have an inflated opinion of your own creations - fine, but accept not everyone will share that.

i like most people here, and even those i don't i tend to be able to communicate with civility.

enjoy writing elsewhere

Thank you! I might!

And the idea that there is not a clique going on here is the most absurd thing I've seen posted here in the last few days. There is a small group that closes rank and gangs up on anyone who has the audacity to disagree with their well established wisdom and experience. The LillyRose poem is certainly an example. And how you could have the gall to almost demand that she thank you for a rotten bit of reviewing is beyond my view.

There is no clique here? Bronzeage contributes all kinds of snide comments during my thread, calling me a pouter etc. He says all these things about a poem HE HASN"T EVEN READ. When I give back you come on and tell me I'm being rude to him. TwelveOne posts a poem which seems to be sarcastically copying the style that I used in mine and BronzeAge practically has an orgasm describing the genius of the write. LillyRose bites back after TwelveOne's obnoxious review and you jump in saying TwelveOne belongs on Olympus.

There is no clique here? Please!

".......your cliquish references, well that's just a crock of shit and we know it. post count has nothing at all to do with how we view another writer's"

Yes, "WE know it"....exactly, you said it perfectly.
hey, kob, when was the last time i seen you comment on anything but a sub poem, as far as that goes only once
now as far as Mythos, i wanted to test the system, i even think i snuck a plot in it, i do think mine was funnier

TwelveOne belongs on Olympus, hmmm, i do remember a former life, but that was as hercules cleaning out 40 years of horseshit

as far as a clique, don't think so baby, if it is, i wasn't invited and i wouldn't join if i was, no i am an outsider and some of the so-called cliquees probably consider me a big pain in the ass.

now you have been whining about flak you get for Rhyme and Metre, were you here last year, when a holy war was declared against me because of my view on Metre? you were, you just weren't paying attention. so much for cliques. so much for paying attention. so much for participation.
poetry is work, it is getting outside your self, and frankly what does make this place so good and so interesting is there is such a wide divergence of opinion. and i for one wouldn't hesitant to praise someone from the other side i.e. a Metrist for something done well. i do so on a regular basis.
"hey, kob, when was the last time i seen you comment on anything but a sub poem, as far as that goes only once"

No, I have given comments on quite a few poems and stories. Not in the 30,000 range, but I do have other things to do in my life. Yes, it has been awhile, but that is because I sometimes take long breaks from writing. I would say that I have left comments on probably about 5 times as many poems as I have posted. It doesn't entitle me to any award but I think I've done my fair share.

"now as far as Mythos, i wanted to test the system, i even think i snuck a plot in it, i do think mine was funnier"

Well how nice! It is so good to see that the system is so screwed up that we write poems to test it's validity. The fact that it was posted shows there is something broken here but apparently that fact escapes you. And just the fact that you wrote it for posting shows your arrogance. And yes, I'm sure yours was much funnier because mine was about drug addiction, a subject that at least I do not find much humor in.

"now you have been whining about flak you get for Rhyme and Metre, were you here last year, when a holy war was declared against me because of my view on Metre? you were, you just weren't paying attention. so much for cliques. so much for paying attention. so much for participation."

I have no idea what you are referring to. Apparently, you pay so much attention to my comings and goings, even a year ago, that you can state that I was around when you were having problems. That is rather amazing. And you may be right! I wouldn't have paid attention because I find your pseudo intellectual tripe to be rather boring. You consider yourself to be an expert reviewer of poetry; you are not. And what is worse, you think your lame humor is funny; it isn't. There are two people today posting about how sickening your attitude is and I'm sure there have been many others.
I don't think that would matter since the refusal to recognize it as a poem is based solely on the word count. This has happened to others, too. I remember Champagne once wrote an epic poem for a Halloween contest we were having here on the forum and it had to be submitted as a story. But if you looked at it, it clearly wasn't written in prose sentence lengths. And I believe it also rhymed. It's all about the word count to them.

The ironic thing is that only stories here at Lit can win money prizes. There is no such counterpart for poems. But one could, theoretically write a long poem and win "best story of the month."

And Koba, I totally get that you are frustrated. I've read your poems over the years here and I know you can write. To me, it just seems like if you know that whoever approves the new submissions here does not a) care about genres of poetry and b) rarely shows any sign of caring about the quality of poems here (the occasional and sometimes inexplicable award of the E being the exception), why would having it accepted or not even matter? I read your explanation, but I guess I just don't get it. It seems like a waste of energy that could be better spent on writing more poems.

Small correction to this Ange. I wrote Halloween Bill for the story contest and it was finally accepted as a story, but too late for it to gain enough votes to be entered in the contest. I fought long and hard because the only criteria for stories, at the time, was word count and it was not to include references to underage sex or beastiality. However, jerking off in graveyards is all good???

My poem is metred, styled as a ballad, and over 750 words in length, there's also a story structure and a plot to it, but the site kept rejecting it as a story submission and wanted it in Poetry. There were and still are not any prizes awarded in poetry as part of the themed contests, so why would I submit a rhymed and metered horror story as a poem when there was nothing to win if I did? As it was, the battle was too long and I couldn't have won at any length anyway.

Just to prove how far up my ass the fence is, I agree with everyone. If you don't want to battle over semantics with a Lit employee/owner, no one will make you. Besides, it's no big deal when you win the argument; and the only fuss anyone ever makes is when they lose the submission battle. Keep writing and enjoying the process, Koba. You'll be fine and happy no matter what the LitEds say about any one particular piece.

Take Heart.
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"hey, kob, when was the last time i seen you comment on anything but a sub poem, as far as that goes only once"

No, I have given comments on quite a few poems and stories. Not in the 30,000 range, but I do have other things to do in my life. Yes, it has been awhile, but that is because I sometimes take long breaks from writing. I would say that I have left comments on probably about 5 times as many poems as I have posted. It doesn't entitle me to any award but I think I've done my fair share.

"now as far as Mythos, i wanted to test the system, i even think i snuck a plot in it, i do think mine was funnier"

Well how nice! It is so good to see that the system is so screwed up that we write poems to test it's validity. The fact that it was posted shows there is something broken here but apparently that fact escapes you. And just the fact that you wrote it for posting shows your arrogance. And yes, I'm sure yours was much funnier because mine was about drug addiction, a subject that at least I do not find much humor in.

"now you have been whining about flak you get for Rhyme and Metre, were you here last year, when a holy war was declared against me because of my view on Metre? you were, you just weren't paying attention. so much for cliques. so much for paying attention. so much for participation."s
I have no idea what you are referring to. Apparently, you pay so much attention to my comings and goings, even a year ago, that you can state that I was around when you were having problems. That is rather amazing. And you may be right! I wouldn't have paid attention because I find your pseudo intellectual tripe to be rather boring. You consider yourself to be an expert reviewer of poetry; you are not. And what is worse, you think your lame humor is funny; it isn't. There are two people today posting about how sickening your attitude is and I'm sure there have been many others.
no koba, i consider myself some one that gets off my ass, someone that does pay attention, and i'm rather glad to see you found a clique to join, maybe you can all get together and call it the Review my Poem but Only Praise It clique,
or is that only my lame humour dimming though again.

because if you where paying attention, you would had seen i gave her something she could use, she said so herself, and she responds with a lecture and a questionnaire, fuck that

just like I asked you about a sentence, which you ignored, fuck that

here is some more pseudo intellectual tripe for you
i'm not here to kiss the asses of overly sensitive types, and i guess i will never be the poets that you and whatsername are, but i don't care, i'm just some poor schmuck wending my way though the weeds, they grow high this time of year
have a nice day, i did
" but i don't care, i'm just some poor schmuck wending my way though the weeds, they grow high this time of year"

No, I think you're just a loud mouthed asshole.
I feel particularly honored when anyone bothers to comment on my poems, positively or negatively. That someone took the time to respond makes me feel a little Wow. I used to get pissed off at tiny votes on what I thought were good poems but even that doesn't make me feel anything but grateful these days. Hopefully the person in question read the poem first and if the person in question, if the dear reader managed to not only read my poem but to think about it, well, double wow.
petulant child?

Since my poetry is not welcome here, I will no longer participate in this site.

Take a moment to reflect, was this the wisest way to start this thread? For a moment or two, and very surprisingly, you had actually had some willing listeners but you just kept on digging. "You're not my friends any more. I'm going to take my bat and ball and go." "I really am..." "I'm going now"


"I'm still going to go"
Was I wise? Probably not. Am I leaving? Probably. I am still waiting on an appeal. I would have waited quietly but I keep getting notices that the thread I started is receiving replies so I keep looking. And therefore I keep unwisely replying but it is my nature when I get riled up about something.

I made a post to the Forum outlining the fact that I am not pleased that my poem was rejected. I am not stating that the poem was great as some are stating that I am saying. If someone was to say that it is garbage I can live with that. All I am asking is that it be acknowledged for what it is, a poem, and that it be posted as such. I find it very demeaning that I be required to call it a "story" in order to get it posted with a bunch of x rated stories about incest and watersports.

Then I receive a reply from Bronzeage saying I should get in line and obey the authorities. So I ask "why should I". I am then called a pouter by someone who is not even willing to read the poem to see what I am talking about. TwelveOne then posts a poem which sarcastically mocks my poem by copying the style that I used in mine, mainly prose poetry with a mix of verse. He freely admits to posting it just to see if he could sneak it through, even laughing that he put a "plot" into it on purpose. It does go through. Bronzeage then reviews it calling it brilliant even though it is a poem that is of the same genre as mine, for which he calls me a pouter for protesting it not being posted. Now I may be childlike and petulant but this is just flat bullshit.

My response to this whole thing has been rather immature. But so has a lot of the replies I have received. When I receive them I tend to reply in kind, which is admittedly a weakness. But I feel like I am indeed fighting against a clique who is gathering around someone protesting their methods.

If anyone had simply stated; "Koba, I think your poem is indeed a poem", I would have stopped early on. I was just seeking that simple affirmation and respect.
This thread is really fucking up my vanity searches, but this thread is all about vanity, so it's to be expected.
Was I wise? Probably not. Am I leaving? Probably. I am still waiting on an appeal. I would have waited quietly but I keep getting notices that the thread I started is receiving replies so I keep looking. And therefore I keep unwisely replying but it is my nature when I get riled up about something.

I made a post to the Forum outlining the fact that I am not pleased that my poem was rejected. I am not stating that the poem was great as some are stating that I am saying. If someone was to say that it is garbage I can live with that. All I am asking is that it be acknowledged for what it is, a poem, and that it be posted as such. I find it very demeaning that I be required to call it a "story" in order to get it posted with a bunch of x rated stories about incest and watersports.

Then I receive a reply from Bronzeage saying I should get in line and obey the authorities. So I ask "why should I". I am then called a pouter by someone who is not even willing to read the poem to see what I am talking about. TwelveOne then posts a poem which sarcastically mocks my poem by copying the style that I used in mine, mainly prose poetry with a mix of verse. He freely admits to posting it just to see if he could sneak it through, even laughing that he put a "plot" into it on purpose. It does go through. Bronzeage then reviews it calling it brilliant even though it is a poem that is of the same genre as mine, for which he calls me a pouter for protesting it not being posted. Now I may be childlike and petulant but this is just flat bullshit.

My response to this whole thing has been rather immature. But so has a lot of the replies I have received. When I receive them I tend to reply in kind, which is admittedly a weakness. But I feel like I am indeed fighting against a clique who is gathering around someone protesting their methods.

If anyone had simply stated; "Koba, I think your poem is indeed a poem", I would have stopped early on. I was just seeking that simple affirmation and respect.
Ahh! I see. Koba, I think many people agree with you that poetry is purely subjective... What's in a name? "Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?"

Write a well-considered and respectful query to the editor quoting a properly sourced explanation of prose poetry. Calmly ask that your submission be added to the new poems list and cc Laurel and Manu, who still have the ultimate say (I believe) in what gets posted where.

It's a prose poem.
Ahh! I see. Koba, I think many people agree with you that poetry is purely subjective... What's in a name? "Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?"

Write a well-considered and respectful query to the editor quoting a properly sourced explanation of prose poetry. Calmly ask that your submission be added to the new poems list and cc Laurel and Manu, who still have the ultimate say (I believe) in what gets posted where.

It's a prose poem.

Thank you. I shall do that.
One thing I might add that when we were doing Survivor we had to write an Epic which if my memory serves me right had to be a story.
That said I still don't 'get' prose poetry ....... if prose is poetry why do we differentiate?