The GB... enter at your own risk?

perdita said:
I'm glad you're here, Sugar. You add immensely to my pleasure on the AH. Without apology to Maths,


Perdita :kiss:

p.s. Love your AV pomes.

Ain't she the bestest =)

*hugs to 'dita*
Shhh, don't mention the war. We don't want them launching another penis pic attack, after all we were so under-whelmed last time. :rolleyes:

If I remember correctly, they wanted me as part of the truce. Odd, I'm still here. :devil:

Just want to throw in a bit of luvvin' for Ice: you are one of the many diamonds around these parts. I've got a tear in my eye, heck, I love you all. I feel all happy, happy, joy, joy now. Quick, somebody show me a cock pic.

Lou :heart:
Tatelou said:
Just want to throw in a bit of luvvin' for Ice: you are one of the many diamonds around these parts. I've got a tear in my eye, heck, I love you all. I feel all happy, happy, joy, joy now. Quick, somebody show me a cock pic.

To make you feel even better?
Like this?
Don't tell anyone...

I have to confess now. Now, just hang on here, it's good for me and may be good for you too. Give me some time while I gather my wayward thoughts and get a grasp.
By the way some mustard in chicken noodle soup is great, especially of you have it with extra noodles as I do... but I digress...

It's good to see most of my Lit friends on the one thread...

Err well yes the other boards, yes yes I'm plucking up the courage... theres nothing wrong with a good skirt. Arond an issue I mean, I do NOT wear skirts apart from the kilt that is. ;) Now where was I, oh yes the other boards. I only found them by accident honest... Dinna laugh.. thats cruel. I left the AH and was looking for the readers wives pages... oops did I say that?
Edits frantically. Bugger! a rubber dont work on the screen, ereaser to my NA friends. Trying to slide into the naked ladies I sort of adccidentally mis clicked, and yes its very messy, and found I was in , in, err... *plucks up someting* the shh... whisper,, the GA.

I'm sorry, I truly am, I won't ever ever ever again. Especially if you stop caning me....

Don't mention the war

The GB lost.

General Og (and it was no thanks to me. I just stood back and watched everyone else slaughter them)
Re: Don't mention the war

oggbashan said:
The GB lost.

General Og (and it was no thanks to me. I just stood back and watched everyone else slaughter them)


We didn't so much slaughter them as much as eat their... um... meaty bits. :eek:

Lieutenant Lou
Well, I know that if Lou doesn't get her daily dose of cock every day, she gets grumpy.
This is a great page! from top to here -

I get praised all K-H, very funny cocks, The War is slightly flamed, and Angus made me larf and larf (I just may miss him while he tools around Canadaland.

Nice mornin' for Perdita :)
To me it goes without saying, (but I'm going to say it anyway)
You're a big part of the reason I (and some others) stick around.
Or in my case why I post on the discussion boards.

Hugs and Kisses

The Mrs.:kiss:
Dest, stop it. No, don't. :)

Thanks, bitch*


*you know that means only good kissy-huggy things.