The General Commentary Thread

scent: petrichor
sight: open fields
sound: cars honking
taste: rain drops

touch: hot

It's amazing how itchy
The tall grass is on my body.
It must be after 3pm.

I can hear the cars stopping,
At the end of the open field,
At the traffic light.
One angry car threatens another,
with a honking
to move along.

But I’m comfortable, yet itchy
Lying naked here.
In the wide-open field
where I undressed and
Let you.

When the clouds finally squeezed
Their last rain drops
And the rustling of the grasses
silenced after you finished.

I smell it now.
The petrichor,
Of the grasses
The fumes,
of the cars going by.
And your sex.
Our sex.
It all lingers upon me.

This hot September Monday.

scent: burnt marshmallow
sight: fire
sound: laughter
taste: sugar
touch: soft
This is so well written, and so apt for the literotica boards. Well done. 👏 👍👏👍
Dear Poets,

Is this a misplaced love letter? Not really although it's tendered with ❤️. Thank you for all the great August poetry and for keeping the forum brimming with your words, rhymes, ideas, laughs and music. Special thanks to the new folks who chose to post here this month. We're glad you're here. The August challenges have gone really well so thank you Harry and puddle_girl for coming up with those. And thanks to all who've posted in my flash challenge. That's a lotta love!

We should be set for September with challenges on board from 29wordsforsnow and XMarilynX. Those will be posted no later than September 5th (but if either of you want to post between now and the 1st, go for it!)

There are a few spots open to lead challenges from October-December. If you're interested in taking one of them let me know. Post your interest in the Leader Sign Up thread or message me and I'll add your name. And if you haven't led a challenge yet and are thinking about it, please volunteer. It's easy and I'm always available to help out if necessary.

It's not too early to think about 2025! Anyone want to do a poem a week again or more challenges like this year? Ideas for themes? Something new? Drop your suggestions and opinions in this thread.

Thanks again. As Margaret Atwood said in her fine poem, Spelling ~

A word after a word
after a word is power.

Ash I love your sweet nostalgia love letter. ❤️

I'll never forget the poets you've mentioned, especially dear Annie, (UnderYorSpell), who was always up for a challenge and a giggle. And since I'm sure she's watching over us from above, I'll not forget to note she is the only one to ever win a poetry survivor contest. As those of you who were around then recall it was a grueling contest, but she hung in there and wrote all those crazy form poems! Miss you Annie!

I also really miss GuiltyPleasure, an excellent poet and one of my favorite people here ever.

And I still miss smithpeter who I think of as the patron saint of this forum. To know him was to love him. Wicked Eve, too. 💕

Anyway thanks Ash for the trip down memory lane! 🌹🌹🌹
It's not too early to think about 2025! Anyone want to do a poem a week again or more challenges like this year? Ideas for themes? Something new?
I personally like the idea of going back to the poem-a-week thread--I think that worked very well and let people write whatever they wanted, yet it provided a target to shoot for in terms of keeping up with writing. I'd rather the specific challenges be posted by anyone at any time, separate from the overall challenge, as for me at least some of them appeal to me and some do not (for example, my apologies to puddle_girl, but I just don't have anything I want to say about my mother--though I suppose that itself could be something I could write a poem about).

Anyway, that's my vote/suggestion.
I personally like the idea of going back to the poem-a-week thread--I think that worked very well and let people write whatever they wanted, yet it provided a target to shoot for in terms of keeping up with writing. I'd rather the specific challenges be posted by anyone at any time, separate from the overall challenge, as for me at least some of them appeal to me and some do not (for example, my apologies to puddle_girl, but I just don't have anything I want to say about my mother--though I suppose that itself could be something I could write a poem about).

Anyway, that's my vote/suggestion.
I want to do a poem a week again, too (because I'm out of my mind lol). I love that if you persevere from January to December you have about a chapbook"s worth of poetry. I know from experience though that some weeks I'm lucky to come up with an American Sentence. Still it's great to practice developing the habit of regular poeming.

I know some folks will hate the idea and want to continue something like we've done this year or maybe something new altogether. We could do a poem a week plus monthly challenges or something else. I know though that if I commit to a poem a week i personally may not be up for additional challenges.

Obviously I'm a totally indecisive Gemini (really like two-thirds of my chart is Gemini: it's *hard* to make up my mind... y'all have no idea 😭).

So c'mon and weigh in with those opinions. I know you have them so please share your thoughts!
I want to do a poem a week again, too (because I'm out of my mind lol). I love that if you persevere from January to December you have about a chapbook"s worth of poetry. I know from experience though that some weeks I'm lucky to come up with an American Sentence. Still it's great to practice developing the habit of regular poeming.

I know some folks will hate the idea and want to continue something like we've done this year or maybe something new altogether. We could do a poem a week plus monthly challenges or something else. I know though that if I commit to a poem a week i personally may not be up for additional challenges.

Obviously I'm a totally indecisive Gemini (really like two-thirds of my chart is Gemini: it's *hard* to make up my mind... y'all have no idea 😭).

So c'mon and weigh in with those opinions. I know you have them so please share your thoughts!
An open theme and style poem-a-week thread is a great idea. I also see it working well with a monthly challenge.

Perhaps the monthly challenge thread could be a preselected list of past favorites like, senyrū, or the lust thread which also got a decent response. The monthly thread could have the aim of assisting poets to extend their writing skill sets. For example, ‘knowing’ how to write American sentences is very useful.

As an outcome; a monthly thread could aid poets to produce a body of personal work.

I would also like to see a dedicated feedback group. But that’s just me. And that was my ‘two and sixpence’.
Maybe we could have a monthly theme based challenge, a monthly forms based challenge and weekly write what ever you want threads?

That’s my Swish Swiss Franc opinion.
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