The Guardian's keep (lounge thread)

my favorite can be found on the katbox gallery site. "Geecku. Always taking balls in her mouth"
"That i can understand RPCG, particularly when the pubic hair matches," i whisper, dropping a small kiss on her cheek.
*Smirks at Catgirl* Well don't hold yourself back on my account. *Glances down at the tiny landing strip above her pussy.* See, left just enough to prove it.
smiles right back at Tyyr, and runs a hand up and down the curve of her ass "Well, I can't refuse an invitation I suppose"
Have I yet? *Looks at Silva* Invitation is open for you too sweetie.
Looks into RPCG girls eyes before pouncing Ty and taking her down onto the floor where i bring my lips to hers,

"invitation accepted."
"Hmm...good point, nope, not yet." goes around the room giving hugs and kisses to all "Sadly, I am off for the night. I'm looking forward to the porn studio thread though when it's up and going. I plan to use Din for my character (my avatar image over there <--- ) if that's okay. And while I will be gone over the weekend, if you want to start, I'll have my character arrive in answer to an ad, since she's new to the business."
*Giggles, wrapping an arm around Silva as shes drug down but also manages to grab Catgirl and drag her down too*

Sorry, have to have a FA account for that one. Basically, pink sabertooth tigress.
I think I might have seen that on AD somewhere

and I think it's time for me to head to bed too
Waves at RPCG from the floor,

"Have a lovely weekend then girl,"

Then turning back to Ty, "Where were we,"


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