THE hallmark employee of the month club

You said I was wise
even deeper than stars
so I walked throughout town
inquiring at bars
the answers i got
weren't worth half a shit
their truths were all lies
except for one bit
the man in the Stetson
said watch what you drink
I know what i know
no matter your think
I eyed him so cooly
then ordered one more
in ten minutes flat
I lay dead on the floor
I haunt now these halls
where they study my fame
the joke was on me
just a pawn in your game
Fuck you, Oracle~Socrates
welcome here to this place and town
sleepy and quiet rarely a frown
greeted by Vlassakis out for a tour
meet up with wagner rarely a bore
finally to dinner with james bunting
barrel wine a glass of something
to cut through the chatter
find yourself scattered
lost amidst the receipts
in a vault of silence
bunked up with eight others
hung over on their visit

Snow Town a heck of a place :)
I remember long ago
and far, far, far away
when little Jacky Paper
often came to play.
Now no more the sealing wax
and other fancy stuff,
when he's grown to manhood
dragons aren't enough.
So sulking in my cavern
with this magic no more seen,
my flames and scales turn an
unhealthy shade of green.
~~ Puff (the disillusioned dragon)
Oh, the years, how they fly by
like a barge deep in tow
boobs to your knees,
curlers in drawers
and that sporty new moustache
I've watched them all grow
Like anchor to a boat
you've held me in place
this house
Shit job
and your mean ugly face
This isn't to say
the times were all bad
when you were in the hospital?
Oh, the fun that I had!
With your sister~ you know,
the one that's a whore
we fucked
and we sucked
who could ask for more?
Now the roses lay limp
like my dick in your hand
you bitch
and you nag
while timid I stand
No need for goodbye's
as I head for the door
I'm off to your sister's
You know,
~the whore.
Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart
The crowd had gathered early
and were calling out my name,
this day above all others
would never be the same.
I thought it would be you, for
they'd followed where you led,
as I slipped down from the hill
storm clouds gathered overhead.
~~~~ Barabbas
pensive already said it. I'm just agreeing. So what I said about better than 4/5 applies also
Barabbas would be a good title.
pensive already said it. I'm just agreeing. So what I said about better than 4/5 applies also
Barabbas would be a good title.

Wow thanks, although the Barrabas has to be at the end and not giving the game away at the beginning. Thought to self ........ why do titles have to be at the beginning anyway?
I agree. I liked trying to guess yours as I read it. Wasn't even close, and it makes perfect sense.
The storm should've tipped me.
Wonder what ever became of old barab?
Wow thanks, although the Barrabas has to be at the end and not giving the game away at the beginning. Thought to self ........ why do titles have to be at the beginning anyway?
Welllll, I guess that depends where it is submitted, I've seen quite a few no titles, so
Barrabas in bold at the bottom would become defacto title, anyway.
Give Us if something has to go on top?
Welllll, I guess that depends where it is submitted, I've seen quite a few no titles, so
Barrabas in bold at the bottom would become defacto title, anyway.
Give Us if something has to go on top?

I rarely put titles on the stuff posted in here, because I freely admit I am crap at them!
I stood here still and watching
on the night you were conceived.
Even as he hurt her
I silently believed
that still some good would come of this,
his seed was what I craved
if the line that I had nurtured
was ever to be saved.
His noble line was needed
to get us through the years,
so I mutely stood unflinching
and soaked up all her tears.
But now for all my steadfastness
this is now but a Ghost Town
and I chill at your betrayal
as you have me just pulled down.
~~~~~~~~ Your House.
You wooed me, bedazzled
with kisses and more
moonlight sonatas
Sunday siestas
long goodbyes
at my door
The chocolates delighted
the brandy warmed through
buttons to zippers
laces then bows
I surrendered
for you
Did I cook?
guess I did!
a first this is true
but Darling
so dashing
what else could I do?
You loved when i told you
oh Dear, I'm so wet!
but honestly Sweets
and didn't you know?
Your kisses?~silly boy!
I only wanted
the Vette
Happy Valentines Day~your ex