The Haters

I was thinking more at the start as the votes are racking up. I know people who seem to be able to do stuff with excel to figure out how they're cast. I'm sure I could figure it out if I really wanted to, I just don't know if I can be arsed.

Seriously, what people do is spend all day popping on and off their submissions page. Then they can keep a record on Excel or wherever and figure out what is happening. Then a sweep happens and they lose several votes but are not quite sure which ones and their maths goes mayhem and they get very cross and say F*ck this, I can't be arsed, I'm just going to write another story not get obsessed with votes. :D

Be like me, post a romance in Novels. Then you can go in at your leisure and tell exactly what happened: Ah, I have four votes, and a score of 4 (three 5s and a 1). Several days later: ah! I have four votes, and a score of 4. One happy day: Tada! a perfect 5!!!! (although only three votes :D) Are you taking notes on how to do this, Everyday_Man?
LOL the trolls have undone themselves on my latest chapter.

By the time you get this far into a novel, you have only got serious fans of a story so they tend to vote high. I have got nine votes - eight are 5s and one is a 1-bomb, but even with the 1-bomb I'm scoring 4.56. Normally I don't get a red H for my chapters because they don't get ten votes, but if I get one more 5, I will have the red H courtesy of the troll vote!
LOL the trolls have undone themselves on my latest chapter.

By the time you get this far into a novel, you have only got serious fans of a story so they tend to vote high. I have got nine votes - eight are 5s and one is a 1-bomb, but even with the 1-bomb I'm scoring 4.56. Normally I don't get a red H for my chapters because they don't get ten votes, but if I get one more 5, I will have the red H courtesy of the troll vote!

Hooray for trolls! :)

And well done, Honey!
Hooray for trolls! :)

And well done, Honey!

Awww, thank you :). I am kinda pleased. It's not even a chapter with lots of sex in it - that one was very comprehensively trolled; it's an intense exploration of character and philosophical effort to unmask macho behaviours! Someone left such a wonderful comment on it. I should really have gone into the 'pat on the back' thread about it, but I did want to say to people not to take trolls too seriously.