The How To forum

Originally posted by SexyChele
Yup. Uh-huh.

I visit both forums, as well as quite a few others. The questions that are often asked on the "How To" forum, for the most part, I wouldn't consider to be truly BDSM related. I mean, things like "I want to spice up my sex life by tying my partner to the bed" is just a little kinky fun play. I think the idea of then suddenly being referred to this board is like saying, "You've crossed the line into deviance." A lot of people don't even like to recognize that something they consider a little kinky is suddenly thrown in with all those people who wear latex and leather and hurt each other. So, yes. In that way, this forum is a scary place. It's not the people, people, it's the activity/lifestyle and what it implies.

I don't think I would bother with copying posts over. Sounds like too much work for the mods and confusing for people who posted or want to read it. For those people who are truly interested in D/s or S/M or the BDSM lifestyle, there are enough folks on the "How To" forum who politely refer them here. After all, when I've seen people who are just into a little kinky fun being referred here, I never see them post here. I think that says something. (Either they found what they were looking for by searching threads, or they are not into the whole BDSM thing)

Frankly, when I think of this forum, I think of people who are activitely in the lifestyle, actively searching for information to become more involved with the lifestyle, or people who admit to liking BDSM on a part time basis. The people here are great. It's just the subject can put people off, I think.

But then. I've been wrong before, so....

As a frequent poster on the How To forum and a lurker on the BDSM forums I have to agree with Sexy Chele.

It's clear from the post counts that the How To forum is often the first place people new to Lit post. It's comfortable for them much more so than some other forums including this one...especially if they don't even think of their question as being BDSM related.

Yes there seem to be spurts of questions that could fall into BDSM and would benefit by responses from those in the lifestyle (I can only guess that this might be what is motivating the suggestion to duplicate/link threads). But Chele is correct that lots of times people don't think of the question as being part of BDSM and that it's not the people in this forum but the poster's own ideas of what the lifestyle encompasses that is scary.

While I think some posters here could offer wonderful suggestions to some of the How To questions, I think the How To forum was set up for a good reason...and most of the time it fulfills that purpose as is. If any one here wants to visit the How To forum and see if any of the threads are of a BDSM nature that they'd like to offer some comments on, I'm sure that would be appreciated though.
SkylineBlue said:
I'd rather not have to venture out of my cubby to find information on the How To thread. Let them come to us.

Perhaps Miss T... a poll to find out everyone's opinion... give us the problem and the solutions and see which solutions are most chosen not only by the regular posters but those pesky lurkers :)

Well, generally, if there seemed to be a fine line, I would say yes.

But, it seems that the majority of those posting here do not think this is the best idea and thank you to those who have the foresight to realize it could become a nightmare for moderators!


On to the next great topic.

A flogging demonstration at WD's house!

In my opinion... anything that makes things more complicated is not a good change.

But then, as you are all aware, I am easily confused.
Opps.. never mind. I guess this is already a closed subject. I really should read the thread before I post.
A Desert Rose said:
Opps.. never mind. I guess this is already a closed subject. I really should read the thread before I post.

Yep, closed subject.

So much for pre java brain stink.

I'm pretty flexible; my main concern is that information will be missed. If we don't keep up with both threads, someone will probably post good information/questions in only one, and only people reading that thread will see it. That's why the idea of softlinks is a good one, but I'm not sure the forum software supports it. But as I said, I'll go with the flow.