The Hump Bar

Sens walks up to the hump and unlocks the door for business , walks in hits the lights , starts the coffee and stocks everything for the day the walks out locking it back up for an employee to start the day.
Houston walks in to The Hump and notices the coffee has already been started. He looks around and sees nobody there. "Interesting...."

He grabs a cup of coffee and sits down on the couch, turns on the TV to Fox News and starts to watch.
Houston flashes a huge smile at Sens as he walks towards her. "Hi! I've missed you too." He hugs her tight, letting his hands roam over her back.
Good morning you two. That thread you guys have is getting real hot. Great job so far to both of you.

Sens feels Houston hand run along her spine , she jumped just a little as it sent chills through out her body , "I am glad to see you as well , think I can convince you into making me some of that great coffee?" Sens breaks the hug and walks towards the seating area , sitting down in a big over stuffed comfy chair.
Thanks Burns! We need to "slow it down" a little though. One of them is going to resist a bit more so the other has to tempt more... That's what this thread is all about. Desire without action... :)
"Yes please ." Sens says about the add ins in her coffee " - agree the thread does need a bit more rejection involed Houston if u don't mind I have an idea to do so on the rejecting part."
Your both welcome, I'm just giving credit where credit is due.

*I grab myself a cup of coffee and sit in my chair.*

I think I'm gona put a Lazy Boy right here....

Just make sure there dear Burns it dosnt block the door I hate to see people trip and get hurt dear.
Hey Sens - Hope your idea can work with the new post....
We shall see when I arrive home as of now for the last few hours I have been sitting in my car waiting on the SO as he is at the dentist getting checked to see if he has yuck mouth or not . Been here since eight .
*Yummy walks in, not looking her normal perky self. She goes to the coffee maker and pours a mug* Hallo? anyone around?
Houston leaps from the couch and sprints across the Lounge. "Yums!!!" He hugs her tight and kisses her sweetly.

"How was your weekend?"
*Hugs Houston back, and returns his eager kiss* Well, I got robbed at work Saturday night... but other than that, it was ok. And no, I wasn't hurt, he just took my wallet.
Houston hugs Yums tighter. "Robbed? Oh, how terrible! Did he have a weapon? How are you doing?"
Hey now kitty kat, thats mine.

I'm just saying that I don't like thieves. I'm sorry that happened Yumms.

" umm what is yours .. the sky dear Burns ?"

Sens laughs at him then grabs a handful of his ass once more ..

" You know maybe you should sit on that thing .. it is just to easy to grab at this angel."

"Thieves ooh no no that is something even I would be pissed about ... "

" Lets see last person who stole from me .. umm I smashed their fingers purposely in a car door."
*I plop down on the couch and stick my tongue out at Sens.*
