The Hump Bar

Houston walks back in. "Hi all - sorry, been busy!"

He looks around and sees Aurora waiting for a drink. "One Bloody Mary, coming up."

"Hi Yums!"
Heya Houston =) how've you been? I'm actually on my way to class, but I'll be back in a couple of hours.
Thank you for the hug and all . Gosh I am just so exgausted . :eek:

Yummy you get my post dear?
"Hi Aurora. Okay. I want you go to and suck Oreo's nipples for 6 minutes.

Oreo - pull up your blouse."

Hey YumYum!

I have a thread you might be interested in, and I really don't feel like playing both females...

I'm about to message you about it...
Ok Yummy and Oreo pls watch over the lounge till me or burns returns which ever is first .
*Sens walk in tired and feeling old today, she makes a pot of coffee looks around wishing someone was on due to boredum*