The Inferno Room ( OOC and IC Hangout)

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Pulling a blanket I cover us up kissing you softly. " I love you sexy.." cuddling next to you as our lips meet in a soft kiss as my arms wrap around you. My eyes getting heavy as I drift off to sleep right behind you.
Sens walks in with a half ass smile along her face, her hair pulled back in a twisted up do , and a sweat suit that was pink .

" Hello anyone here?"
Slips in the bar still in my pj's and starts the coffee and curls up to wait for it to perk looking at Sens grinning and smiles at her.

Hey chica I'm so ready to play WoW I hate server maintenance days *pouts*
" Yes I do too woke up ready to play and realize dam it is Tuse/. lol"

Sens says as she sits there
Gets up and pours mugs of coffee bringing them back to the couch and curling back up next to Sens offering her a mug with a grin.

Ugh I got up early too. Signed on WoW and pouted when I couldn't get on. Freak got me addicted. We used to spend our time together writing on lit and now we level on WoW an occassionally write on lit. I guess our priorities changed some but being so close to hitting 80 on my hunter is killing me I want it so bad >.< and he is at 80 on a couple of toons so he's trying to get geared up to raid so when I hit 80 he can help me.
" I know what you mean I hit 61 last night btw . I am gearing some now at least purple gear ."
" I kinda put lit off as well but I am going to use lit and wow to keep me busy , save money that way i think ."
"I want to level zani the fastest way possible so i can get War leveled to 80 while he is gone."
Grats! Woot :) Yeah I wanna level my dk too so I can tank or dps and as fast as you've leveled it won't take you long once you get Lich King. What is Clez? I know you told me but I can't remember lol. I got my first piece of pvp gear yesterday along with the battle ram mount for doing AV woot he is so cute. =P
" I am going to have to see , zani has the pvp cloak and gloves as of now, Clez is a rouge."
" It is ok I do at times as well, Clez is only i think lvl 13 or 14 .. great to lvl with you Sham and Lt."
Yea I know it's just getting us all on at the same time. And we need another healer for our little group so I need to get my shaman leveled. So soon as I get my hunter to 80 I guess I work on my shaman and my dk.
Yes a healer that would be bad ass... I'm not about to start any new toons I'm gonna move my warlock over I think in December. So I'll have 3 toons level 70+ to get to 80 before cataclysm. But I wanna get a healer in our little group so we can run heroics and who knows maybe even see some 10 man content when everybody gets to 80.
that would be bamf Freak..

I have Clez who is a rouge and I know war has his pally as of now
Yeah if we have too I'll teach how to play War to level and we can respec you Holy to heal. Then when he gets back he will have a geared out Pally.
Mkay, we got it bad to be hanging out on lit just waiting on WoW to come up lol. Too funny :D
You've all got it bad. :)

How's everyone doin? It's been a quick minute since all of us have been in the same place at once.

Doin good Burns just waiting to go play I'm in the mood to kill some shit woot woot!

And check my auctions an see how much gold I made lol.
Yeah my sugar momma I can't wait to see how much gold you made either..... Daddy needs a epic flyer...:D
Freak is a pimp now...dare I ask how much or would that cross the line...? Well I'm not in WoW so it wouldn't do me any good any who.

Shoot I need an epic flyer too lol.

My sugar daddy needs to get to work and make some cha ching...I promise I'll make it worth it woot woot. :devil:
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