The Invisible Manifesto


As usual her students were being twats. She wanted to just throw things at them. Her recent divorce had left her even more bitter and angry then she had been the year before. They really needed to fix this building she thought as she walked to the end of the aisle and closed the heavy door.

"Ok class open your books to where we left off. Read the next four chapters to yourself. If you finish before the bell you may read four more, that is your homework. There will be a quiz tomorrow over all eight. So i suggest you pay attention to that, and less to your phone..Jermiah!..The class laughed as the awkward teen who thought he was being sneaky put his phone away.

At first there was a breeze and then she felt her bare ass being fondled. For a moment she stood still before smacking at the air behind her. She opened her calendar revealing next period was her free period and made a note about what she told them homework would be.
Watching Eileen swat at thin air made Calum grin. Then she stood by her desk checking her calendar as the class got down to the work, the reading she had just set them. Standing in front of this class of 18 year old kids totally naked was kinda empowering, Calum thought looking out at the class who had no idea he was there. So, what to do with Eileen, the wicked witch of the west as Calum considered her. He chewed his lip as he considered a few ideas, everything from exposing her in class to following her home and playing with her. However here in the school would be more effective he thought. This was her seat of power, where she felt safe and in control. This was where she wielded her power. But first things first. Calum admitted he knew next to nothing about Eileen now, she had been married when he was at this school, but from the grapevine he knew she had divorced. Did she have another man in her life? Was she sexually frustrated? Did she rush home every night to a lonely house and her vibrator?

Calum moved up behind the standing teacher as she scowled out over her classroom and Calum knew from experience that the kids could feel the weight of her stare on them. The tip of his cock touched her ass and rubbed it gently as his hands slipped to her shoulders, massaging lightly for a moment before he quickly pulled back again. He watched her reaction, then moved in again, this time he reached around her, his hands cupping her perfect firm breasts in the thin sundress and bra she wore and squeezed them softly, his thumb and finger tip squeezing her nipple and then quickly pulling back one more ... this was fun.
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Eileen's body went entirely stiff upon feeling a kneading light weight upon her shoulders, and something hard rubbing against her ass. Turning around quickly, and then making up a reason for it so she wouldn't seem insane. She picked up a book and went back to her podium looking out again and watching the class.

This time there was the kneading upon her breasts the weight of something pressed around her. God that felt good. Shutting her mouth from the look of pleasure, She looked down then back out at the class. Was she finally having a nervous breakdown? Or had it been too long since she'd had sex that her body had just decided to start having shadow desires? Was that even a real thing? They stopped just as quickly as they started.

Since her divorce, she'd been using the gym teacher Coach Jenkins to scratch her occasional itch. He was far from what she would call the perfect lover, but if she did like his jackhammer effect. The rest of his affections she could do without. He kissed like a fish, ate pussy like a St. Barnard drank from a water bowl, and wouldn't know a clit if it bit him in the face.
Calum caught the momentary glimmer of pleasure on the teachers face and smiled to himself. Well, well, that was interesting. Did the Ice Queen actually have a heart after all ... or at least a libido. He watched her standing at her podium with her book. The front of the podium was solid wood, hiding her legs, crotch and lower belly from the kids in class. He moved again behind her and dropped to his knees. Her legs looked incredible this close up, even better than they had at a distance. Her heels really helped accentuate her calves. He slowly began to lift her dress in the back, exposing the back of her thighs to him, he lifted it higher, the lower curve of her ass now in view and her panties. He reached forward and with one hand, the other holding her dress up, he slipped his finger between her thighs and began to slowly, but with definite pressure, caress her pussy through the thin material of the panties she wore.

He swore he could smell the sweet scent of her sex now. Was she really getting aroused, here in front of her class even though they were none the wiser. He had always loved exhibitionism to be doing this to his old teacher before her innocent class had his cock throbbing. He began to wonder what the Ice Queen tasted like. His fingers on her pussy could feel her warmth ... and yes, wetness starting. Leaning in, his warm breath on her exposed thighs and ass, he began to lick her thighs and began to put pressure on her legs to open them. This was the moment of truth. If she kicked back he had nowhere to go. He couldn't jump out the way as he had before. He was off balance, her foot would make contact with him and she would know someone was there whether she could see him or not.
Again she felt her dress rising. She twisted her waist and glanced back there was nothing. She moved her hand behind her back and lightly brought it down feigning a stretch. Resistance..Her eyes looked back out to the class, they were doing what they were suppose to. Each student accounted for. Yes she was loosing it.

Still she felt the dress rising further, and oh god a pressure to part her thighs a little. She gave in, her pussy was now being rubbed through her panties. Her instinct was to rub her twat against it, she needed it, that ultimate orgasm that would cum from just rubbing her clit. But she couldn't do that in front of the class. It would be videoed in an instant her job would be gone.

"Okay everyone" her legs were being pushed further apart and she obliged it. "Grab up your things, mark your places, remember your homework, class is dismissed." The students all looked perplexed at their flushed teacher who would never let them leave early. That lasted a moment before the clattering of books and squeaks of the desks moving as people exited them in a hurry before she changed her mind.

The wetness on her thigh which resembled the feeling of being licked. Oh god she was going insane. She was going home. Yep that was her decision. She'd have another teacher cover her classes. Stepping to the side she quickly made her way to her desk bending a little at her waist as she put her purse on the desk, and began to shove things into her briefcase.
Calum almost laughed as she dismissed her class and they ran from the room slamming the door behind them. No doubt they were happy to get out early for any reason. For his part he had felt her giving into his touches, she didn't fight off his pushing her legs open, of his tongue on her so as she went to her desk and bent over obviously making a break to leave the school, Calum went with her. He moved up behind her, pushing his erect cock onto her ass cheeks as one hand slipped onto the back of her neck, holding her in place bent over as his legs, thighs and crotch held her body against the desk, then with his other hand he found the zipper at the top of her dress and slowly, very very slowly, pulled it down. The sound of the zipper filled the classroom as it exposed her smooth skin and the back of her bra. He pulled it all the way down till it stopped just on top of her ass cheeks. He pulled it off her shoulders a little and started to kiss her smooth soft skin almost lovingly, teasingly. He unclipped her bra with one hand, a skill he had developed over the years and feeling it almost snap open under the pressure of holding her firm breasts in place he slipped a hand inside her dress and up over her toned belly and inside the now lose bra, cupping her breast, his thumb rolling the nipple.

Motion at the door got his attention and he glanced up. Peering through the glass window of the door were two girls, both 18, both with curious expressions on their faces. he could see them speaking to each other, but obviously couldn't hear their words. Then he saw a phone appear aimed through the window at the teachers desk. He grinned, oh this was good, very, very good. These new fangled modern phone were as good as video cameras and if these girls were taking pics of the teacher, or better still videoing this, then he had no doubt it would be out all over school in no time. The question was, had the Ice Queen seen the girls yet, and if she did what would she do?
Because of the hardness against her ass cheeks in the firmness of pressure against her lower back her entire body froze. Eileen had no idea what was happening to her why she wasn't imagining she would look behind her she has looked everywhere and didn't see anybody but yet she still felt as though she was being violated or at least about to be. She could hear the zipper before she felt it the cloth coming they took it down slowly it slid off of her shoulders she felt a wetness like soft butterfly kisses upon her skin. Her bra suddenly became undone and now the pressure was against her breast hardness rolling across your wreck wanted nipple. This was the most erotic yet terrifying experience she's ever gone through in her entire life.

How could anybody be prepared for this kind of violation? There was nobody there, to her it was all in her mind. Yeah that's the same time she wanted it to be real. It had been awhile since she had been touched by a man. Since she had felt submissive. The movement had caught her eyes as well. This was humiliation and its finest. There is nothing that she could do. If she thought she would look like a crazy person fighting the air. Either way, her career would be over once these teenagers got this video out. Might as well enjoy yourself while she could.