The January "Vocal"Challenge: Initial Thoughts

Sweet! Glad to hear you're on the mend finally.

As to subject matter, I'm hoping it's free range as I've already begun writing for particular voices :eek:

I vote for Christmas Carolers Gone Bad

Noel, noel
Snowballing downhill straight into Hell
The reason for the season is Satan
All the commercial bullshit you sell

* sung in the voice of Axel Rose *
I vote for Christmas Carolers Gone Bad

Noel, noel
Snowballing downhill straight into Hell
The reason for the season is Satan
All the commercial bullshit you sell

* sung in the voice of Axel Rose *

LOL, and that's why I'm hoping you'll write for this one, the resulting voiced piece is bound to be a scream. :D
O tan-ned bottom, O tan-ned bottom,
Brazilian bubble butt booty so firm and round!
Sunbathing on the beach, it's quite a sight
Kim Kardashian ass pales and is pasty white
O tan-ned bottom, O tan-ned bottom,
Your Brazilian bubble butt booty delights us!

* sung in the voice of Roddy McDowall *
O tan-ned bottom, O tan-ned bottom,
Brazilian bubble butt booty so firm and round!
Sunbathing on the beach, it's quite a sight
Kim Kardashian ass pales and is pasty white
O tan-ned bottom, O tan-ned bottom,
Your Brazilian bubble butt booty delights us!

* sung in the voice of Roddy McDowall *

I'd like to hear this sung in the Challenge, Mag, even with a viral infection.
Unless I've screwed up,we have twelve readers so far:
  • AlwaysHungry (no hobbits, unicorns, or Neil Young references)
  • Angeline (no Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey references)
  • greenmountaineer
  • GuiltyPleasure
  • legerdemer
  • Lyrically
  • Remec
  • Sinseria
  • todski28
  • Trixareforkids
  • Tzara
  • UnderYourSpell
Start writing poems you'd like to have recorded, people.

You are, of course, always free to record your poem yourself. Just reminding you.
There will be no particular subject, nor theme. You are perfectly welcome to create one of your own, though.

As you seem to have done already. :rolleyes:

Awesome and just what I need after an entire month of downtime.
Unless I've screwed up,we have twelve readers so far:
  • AlwaysHungry (no hobbits, unicorns, or Neil Young references)
  • Angeline (no Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey references)
  • greenmountaineer
  • GuiltyPleasure
  • legerdemer
  • Lyrically
  • Remec
  • Sinseria
  • todski28
  • Trixareforkids
  • Tzara
  • UnderYourSpell
Start writing poems you'd like to have recorded, people.

You are, of course, always free to record your poem yourself. Just reminding you.
I read my own poems at open mic events and sometimes, I'm even the featured poet for a reading in Second Life. I think I'm reading this Sunday at the Spoken Word which begins at 12 pm Pacific. I am on voice there as my avatar, Merope Madrigal, at 12:30.

Anyway, to the topic at hand. I love hearing someone else read one of my poems. The new voice often reveals a rhythm or a new emphasis beyond what I recognize in it. I will read anyone's poems with caveats similar to Ange's. However, add my aversion to poetry extolling the virtues of strange kinks or anything else I object to as per racist or sexist themes and language or those no-nos as per Literotica guidelines. :) Thank you!
So I'm paranoid about government. I know, I know.

At least I'm leftist paranoid and not stockpiling weapons. :rolleyes:

Lol, was just at my dad's yesterday talking about that. He's way right but at least he no longer thinks it's a good idea to arm baby sis after she pulled the gun he gave her "for protection" on someone who was pissing her off.

Oh and for the record, "there is no fucking climate change"

Hmm, I think there's a piece in there somewhere, lol. Now just gotta decide who's perspective to write it from.
I read my own poems at open mic events and sometimes, I'm even the featured poet for a reading in Second Life. I think I'm reading this Sunday at the Spoken Word which begins at 12 pm Pacific. I am on voice there as my avatar, Merope Madrigal, at 12:30.

Anyway, to the topic at hand. I love hearing someone else read one of my poems. The new voice often reveals a rhythm or a new emphasis beyond what I recognize in it. I will read anyone's poems with caveats similar to Ange's. However, add my aversion to poetry extolling the virtues of strange kinks or anything else I object to as per racist or sexist themes and language or those no-nos as per Literotica guidelines. :) Thank you!
Thanks, Champie. If I assign you something you aren't comfortable with (and, of course, I would try to avoid that), tell me to shove it up my *insert rude metaphor*.

You have a great voice for poems and I am hoping you'll read at least some of your own work.

Lol, was just at my dad's yesterday talking about that. He's way right but at least he no longer thinks it's a good idea to arm baby sis after she pulled the gun he gave her "for protection" on someone who was pissing her off.

Oh and for the record, "there is no fucking climate change"

Hmm, I think there's a piece in there somewhere, lol. Now just gotta decide who's perspective to write it from.
OK, you know, that meeting just for drinks? I'm really busy. It's not working out.

I wish I'd worn that Kevlar vest. :)

One of the things that is interesting to me is how different we Americans are about even the basics of living. I think this thing, my next-door neighbor thinks something exactly opposite.

And, no, I don't think poets will somehow heal that breach.
OK, you know, that meeting just for drinks? I'm really busy. It's not working out.

I wish I'd worn that Kevlar vest. :)

One of the things that is interesting to me is how different we Americans are about even the basics of living. I think this thing, my next-door neighbor thinks something exactly opposite.

And, no, I don't think poets will somehow heal that breach.

LMAO! Aww, don't run away I'm only armed with my wit. :cattail: Possibly a bat if I'm pissed.

ETA: What I find equally interesting is no matter how opposed people's views are, there's always common ground to be found.

And that IS where poets, good poets anyway, breach the gap.
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hehe ok so like I know my poetry is like off the beaten path of most peoples ...was trying to work on something fairly normal and well came up with the damnation of the human race sooooooo ...if anyone wants to read anything I have posted I am ok with that ....other then that it shall take me a bit to well ponder and write! :p

just so you know lol
hehe ok so like I know my poetry is like off the beaten path of most peoples ...was trying to work on something fairly normal and well came up with the damnation of the human race sooooooo ...if anyone wants to read anything I have posted I am ok with that ....

I'd be willing to give universal damnation a shot. But I draw the line at hobbits.
I'd be willing to give universal damnation a shot. But I draw the line at hobbits.

The more you say that, the more cogs turn over in my mind.

My cogs are turning on how, but for hobbits, all of Middle-Earth might have suffered universal damnation as Sauron rose back to power once more...but I'll prolly stick with something more personal and narrative in nature with a touch of autobiography to it...:rolleyes:

My cogs are turning on how, but for hobbits, all of Middle-Earth might have suffered universal damnation as Sauron rose back to power once more...but I'll prolly stick with something more personal and narrative in nature with a touch of autobiography to it...:rolleyes:


Any chance we could get you to put a sample voice file up on the Let's Hear It thread? Don't know if I'll succeed, but I have an aim to write voice specific pieces, and it helps to hear the voice first :D
Any chance we could get you to put a sample voice file up on the Let's Hear It thread? Don't know if I'll succeed, but I have an aim to write voice specific pieces, and it helps to hear the voice first :D usual speaking voice tends to wander in its accent (a background in theatre and D&D does that to a person--not to mention being raised/living in different parts of the country), should I try to be as neutral as possible and is there a set phrase I should recite for the sample?

:cool: usual speaking voice tends to wander in its accent (a background in theatre and D&D does that to a person--not to mention being raised/living in different parts of the country), should I try to be as neutral as possible and is there a set phrase I should recite for the sample?


I'd just go with whatever feels good to give us a taste, maybe read one of your pieces. Mine are all open for reading if you feel like playing with something not your own.
I wonder if the size of feet
applies to Hobbits too,
cos if that really is the case
Bilbo I'll stay away from you.
:) sorry I'll get my coat ...........
I'd just go with whatever feels good to give us a taste, maybe read one of your pieces. Mine are all open for reading if you feel like playing with something not your own.

Alright...where is the thread you mentioned? I tried looking for it yesterday, but no such luck. (Granted, I think I only went back, like, two maybe I need to try further back.)
