The "La Traviata" Punishment

snooper said:
I have it on good authority that playing "Zadok the Priest" at maximum volume in a night-club at closing time gets the hangers-in leaving very quickly.

I worked at a 50's diner as a Soda Fountain Girl :cool: and when we had folks stay after closing time, we dropped two dollars into the jukebox and selected "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". No one ever made it past the third round. :D

I actually had to search for this post just to make sure there were any new posts on it. So anyway the answer to the question, why exhume the corpse, is that I truly believe Wagner's music was so awful as to be a blight on humanity. Its the same reason I have "breakdance on Dickens' grave" on my to-do list.
sanchopanza said:
... I truly believe Wagner's music was so awful as to be a blight on humanity. Its the same reason I have "breakdance on Dickens' grave" on my to-do list.
Good grief, Sanch, life is too short to spend such energy uselessly. Lighten up, kid.

Perdita :rolleyes:
shereads said:
Finally, something on the nightly local news that was worth a smile. A judge in Miami Beach has found a just and effective punishment for young drivers who violate the city's noise ordinance by playing their car stereos loud enough to be heard from more than 100 feet away.

He sentences them to sit in an office near his and listen to two hours of La Traviata on his personal stereo.

So far 400 people have endured the sentence. Sometimes the judge comes in to listen along, and narrates the story behind the music.


Only two hours? Personally I don't mind it, but can imagine it is hell for most youth.

Nothing bothers me more than when you can hear a chezzy ass mini car 4 blocks away thumping like they own the world. The little pricks do it just because they can. I won't tell you my thoughts when a car pulls aside me and I think it is one big static note until it peaks off into another note.
I just look at the riffle in the back, I know I know I only look!

Just for the record I am not against loud music. I don't believe it needs to infring on everyone in a 1/4 mile.
lucky-E-leven said:
That's clever. Reminds me of my Dad's method of getting my sister to quit slamming doors in the house when she was angry. First the warning. Then a second. Third offense and he removed her bedroom door from its hinges and put it in the garage. She figured he'd never dare...and she went and slammed the bathroom door. Poor idiot took public showers and restroom breaks for a week. Oddly enough, there was very little door slamming in my house from that point on. Unless, of course, it was being done by my mother...


lol my mother took my door too I never did slam the door again :rolleyes: she also showed up at my school in next to nothing to make me think twice about the way I dressed.
Lola Flores

If I have a party that has gone on too long I play Lola Flores singing authentic Flamenco.

I like it but it is an acquired taste. If Lola doesn't make them want to leave my collection of 78rpm comic songs does.

The last resort is "The Singing Dogs" or Florence Foster Jenkins - see earlier thread on dire music.
