The Last Thing You Thought...

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Boobie bruises are no bueno. I shall not feed rum to the giggling sadist again, least, not without muzzling him.


-nods agreeing with self-

Kisses boobie bruises all better. Then starts to lick.


And on that note, time for bed.
*Slides pen and paper over to the Marauding one * I'm sure you've got plenty of people wanting you to put words on paper for em Mister Popular.
Wow! Two much missed faces in a row...I wonder who the third will be...

smiles and waves at VT and a Marauder
*Hugs the Witchy one and hands her a mug of coffee.*

I'm not sure what I'm doing back here. *kicks muse*
She isn't cooperating. But at least I found her. She went AWOL for a very long time.
*Hugs the Witchy one and hands her a mug of coffee.*

I'm not sure what I'm doing back here. *kicks muse*
She isn't cooperating. But at least I found her. She went AWOL for a very long time.

hugs back and smiles

Mine is being ridiculous lately.

scowls at her own muse

But I hope she'll come to her senses soon. And that the thought is if I loiter around here enough, I should be in the right place at the right time, if and when she does.

Nice to see you, lovely. Hope you've been keeping well.
LT ~ what can I get to say "Thank you" to the Doctor overseeing my wife's treatment given the amazing results she's got. Somehow a simple card is just not enough...

par·ox·ysm [par-uhk-siz-uhm]
any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion: paroxysms of rage.
Pathology . a severe attack or a sudden increase in intensity of a disease, usually recurring periodically.

1570–80; earlier paroxismos < Greek paroxysmós irritation, derivative of paroxýnein to irritate.


I get it. SRP brainstorming with the title spelled wrong.
Good ol' Inigo Montoya.

If you start twitching I'm going to poke you with a stick, Viv.
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