The Liars...

Dear Z,

Take heart.

the world is full of jerks and most of them gravitate to the internet. All things considered, The BD section of the Lit board is pretty "pure".

By the way, sign me up for the Taste Test!
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!

Well, Zaudika,

Having experienced one or two little disappointments at the hands of those who were not confident enough in themselves to present themselves in an honest light, I understand.

However, each time I was "Taken", pun intended, I did learn something. Each time I learn something I become a better person.

So all was not wasted.

im overly honest on the internet. im a cook, and i have morbid thoughts. But im sorry that anyone has to go through excessive bullshit when all can be saved with a little honesty and openness
Peter2002 - I don't think that taste test thing is going to be happening, not enough volunteers, wouldn't be able to make a good enough judgement. ;)

MissT - Thank you.. :) You always give the sweetest words. <hug> <kiss> <cuddle> and <bites> for your man. hehehe

H_C - Glad to know we have another new and honest person. :) Welcome to Lit.
Unfortunately, it is a part of life. Not only the internet. Sometimes it hurts, real bad. You just have to learn to move on.

Zaudika said:
...One of my pet peeves and biggest annoyances.
The fakes,
The liars,
The Fucktards (as I like to nickname them)

The people who come on the internet, get to know you, and lie completely about who they are.
There've been a few people I've run into like this, one imparticular fairly recently and it just drives me crazy.
It's not just in the world of D/s, but it is one place that I seem to have found it.
They lie about their skill level,
They talk like they have everything,
They lie about their location, job, money, equipment they own, .. everything!

All to try and make themselves look good. Pathetic really since in the end, it just makes them look like complete fools.

And they really think that in the end they're not going to be found out?

It's really almost amusing, but I don't like people that waste my time.

Of course, once they're found out they pretend like they've disappeared off the face of the earth for a little while... afterall, no one can keep up a good lie for that long.

So what have you been lied to about? What's your rant about it? Tell me your thoughts.. or don't. :)

A special thanks to the guy (if you can call him that) that made this thread possible. lol
Z..dont let it get you down

Funny thing how I know a lot of net folk are "full of it" but, I see it as a place where I can be totally and embarassingly honest as I know I'm not going to run into many people at the local shops who know the ins and outs of my dirty little mind. Can"t see the point of lying on here..Made a few friends "outside" who I wouldnt have otherwise. Maybe I have an inbuilt bullshit detector, or just lucky thus far. I feel meeting people from the net is pretty nerve wracking as you do tend to be more open initially and some people take advantage.Its still better than classifieds and bars.
Thanks for your input Tigerclaw and landcruisergal.
There's not a worry about getting me down, it woud momententarily bug me when I would see him posting or online, but the ignore feature took care of that pretty quickly. ;)
It's been cool to hear everyone's opinions and thoughts on such things.
I wish everyone the best in avoiding all dishonest people. :rose:
Zaudika said:
I wish everyone the best in avoiding all dishonest people. :rose:

LOL, a lovely fantasy I fear.

Thought you might enjoy this emoticon!
catalina_francisco said:
LOL, a lovely fantasy I fear.

Thought you might enjoy this emoticon!

I *love* the emoticon!!.. Thank you!!.. :) Plus it gives me the chance to share the good news that one my babies finally ate. (he hadn't since I bought him - 4 months - and was starting to wither away) He's going to be fine now and I'm thrilled. :D
It is a fantasy that should never come true.

I am serious......

Imagine if you didnt have any experience at all with dishonesty, lies, cheats, or anything negative. Then imagine someone coming into your life and not just casually lieing but destroying it.

Think of how much worse that would be.

We all ask why did this have to happen to me? What did I do wrong to cause this catastrophy etc. I am talking anything that may go wrong in life, not just in a relationship.

It is to teach us. Sometimes it will teach us more then just one thing.

It teaches us:

to recognize the warning signs of such a thing to help us avoid it in the future.
Who our real friends are.
How our family and friends react under such conditions.
Gives us a foundation to pull strength for the next catastrophe that will eventually come.
Life is cyclical, and is made to strengthen you.
Gives us the knowledge to help others who are go through it later.
It teaches you :) weaknesses :) so you can identify them and fix them.
Sometimes it introduces you to new people who are to be treasured.

It can teach others:
When you have been hurt and yet have the ability to help others. When you slip and fuck up we are all human.
It can happen to them.
how to handle something similar in there life even if it is much later on.

catalina_francisco said:
LOL, a lovely fantasy I fear.


Unfortunatly , there is no accountability here .. so some ( not all ) people think they can act however they please , with little or no regard to anyone they may hurt.

Too bad there isn't " fucktard " repellent .. hmmm maybe a new market is opening up !:D
TigerClaw said:
It is a fantasy that should never come true.

I am serious......

Imagine if you didnt have any experience at all with dishonesty, lies, cheats, or anything negative. Then imagine someone coming into your life and not just casually lieing but destroying it.

Think of how much worse that would be.

We all ask why did this have to happen to me? What did I do wrong to cause this catastrophy etc. I am talking anything that may go wrong in life, not just in a relationship.

It is to teach us. Sometimes it will teach us more then just one thing.

It teaches us:

Great post!

I am one who believes we learn most from the hurts, pain and mistakes we make.



I have lied to you for these two years.

I am really a man dressed as a woman and lost all my teeth in a WWF wrestling match in the 80's. Rowdy Roddie Pyper just doesn't fight fair!


to recognize the warning signs of such a thing to help us avoid it in the future.
Who our real friends are.
How our family and friends react under such conditions.
Gives us a foundation to pull strength for the next catastrophe that will eventually come.
Life is cyclical, and is made to strengthen you.
Gives us the knowledge to help others who are go through it later.
It teaches you :) weaknesses :) so you can identify them and fix them.
Sometimes it introduces you to new people who are to be treasured.

It can teach others:
When you have been hurt and yet have the ability to help others. When you slip and fuck up we are all human.
It can happen to them.
how to handle something similar in there life even if it is much later on.
TigerClaw said:
It is a fantasy that should never come true.

I am serious......

Imagine if you didnt have any experience at all with dishonesty, lies, cheats, or anything negative. Then imagine someone coming into your life and not just casually lieing but destroying it.

Think of how much worse that would be.

True to an extent but if as Zaudika expressed we never came into contact with them, it would not be a lesson we perhaps needed to learn. Even better would be if the world were full of honest and caring souls so it was a non issue totally, but that is just a fantasy I let myself have when I need some inspiration to keep believing in the possibility truth is not becoming more rare and difficult to find each passing year.

LOL, I will chalk never coming into contact with them as having the innate ability to sense such things. I do realize some people are better at recognizing it.

The Fantasy is not a bad thing as long as you don’t fall victim to it. Unfortunately, sooner or later you may. Even though it may be a naive view of the world having some naivete is attractive. At least from a man looking at a woman that is. Don’t know if the reverse holds true, does it?

well so much for my second promise of not coming back to lit. Is this place addictive or what?

catalina_francisco said:

True to an extent but if as Zaudika expressed we never came into contact with them, it would not be a lesson we perhaps needed to learn. Even better would be if the world were full of honest and caring souls so it was a non issue totally, but that is just a fantasy I let myself have when I need some inspiration to keep believing in the possibility truth is not becoming more rare and difficult to find each passing year.
