The Makings of a Fucktoy (PM interest)

It didn't take her long to decide"Well... I suppose that we should play blackjack then. Poker might take too long." She slid her glass away, a moment passing before she spoke further. "Wagers yet again?"

I shuffled the cards as I settled across the bar from her. "But of course." I paused in thought, longing to do more to her outfit but thinking she probably wouldn't want to play much longer unless she won a round or two. Which I couldn't control. "We'll alternate who deals, and I can shuffle for you if you want. If we tie, the wager will carry on to the next round and 'double'." Which would be relative, since we weren't using dollar amounts. " I'll wager your choice of either $100 or to do something embarrassing to me as my stakes. For yours..."

I took a moment to smile at her teasingly. " jump into the swimming pool with whatever you have on. You can change your stakes when you deal." Without seeing if she would accept, I moved quickly, acting as if her opinion didn't matter. I dealt the first two cards out to both of us. I was showing 17, and she was showing...

...blackjack. Ace Jack of spades. Oops. I probably deserved that.
((Helping to continue this thread :) ))

"But of course." he replied, shuffling the cards.

I attentively watched Rick - not because I was worrying about him cheating at the game (though maybe I should have, he was winning an awful lot...) but to judge his own stare. It seemed as if he was planning something. Of course, I knew that he, along with the occasional man who'd pass us by, was probably undressing the little clothing I had on with his eyes but also figured that there was more than that. I don't know, I just felt that Rick was almost biding his time for something.

Which was exactly what I was doing, but still...

Anyway, his voice quickly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"We'll alternate who deals, and I can shuffle for you if you want. If we tie, the wager will carry on to the next round and 'double'."

That sounded fair enough. I mean, it was practically what we were doing up until this point. I nodded in agreement, watching his face as much as I could, trying to make myself seem as calm and collected as possible.

" I'll wager your choice of either $100 or to do something embarrassing to me as my stakes. For yours..."

Right, something embarrassing, I could get him to...

" jump into the swimming pool with whatever you have on. You can change your stakes when you deal."

I gritted my teeth, knowing that losing this would just serve to put me in a worse spot...not to mention boost this guy's ego. But...


We played and within a moment's time, the look of panic on my face become one of triumph. One ace and a jack, who would have guessed? I laughed a bit, happy that I was getting somewhere now and saw that it was my turn to deal. "Okay, if you lose, I want you to tell everyone at this party that my brother is better than you in every single way." I said with a grin, my hands moving towards the cards before I began shuffling them.
Seeing the triumphant look on her face made me seethe a little, even as I tried to cover it up with a smile. "Okay, if you lose, I want you to tell everyone at this party that my brother is better than you in every single way." One win had apparently made her cocky, with her shuffling the cards easily.

"And what would you like your stakes to be?" I took her in, knowing she likely wouldn't go for any more 'alterations', but hoping that anything else would seem reasonable by comparison. "A kiss, perhaps? Or I get your shorts?" Given that her panties were showing, I thought she might go for it, but she could still suggest something else if she didn't like it.

And I had to accept, obviously. We'd only have time for another round or two before our 'big moment', but truth be told, I'd be happy doing this all night. Her only aim was to embarrass me, and mine was to do the same. Just in a different way.

I got dealt nineteen. "Stay." I said calmly. She turned over two cards for herself, the first was a king, the second one...
"And what would you like your stakes to be?"

Oh...right, I needed to offer something in return. I quietly watched him now, probably looking a lot less self-assured this time, as he eyed me carefully. Finally, I saw his mouth move just as I finished shuffling the cards and well, I began to get nervous once again.

"A kiss, perhaps? Or I get your shorts?"

I instinctively was going to say shorts, given that I didn't want to kiss the man who was giving my brother such a hard time, but I stopped - realizing that it would mean walking around in panties, in such a public event. wasn't as if my jean shorts were covering much more. Wait, he didn't specify the kiss! I guess that I could just give him a peck and be done with it.

"A kiss. I don't feel like losing more clothing."
I said, trying to seem as confident as I was earlier. Whether it worked or not remained to be seen.

"Okay, let's do this..."
I finally muttered out, as I began to deal. Rick got a nineteen and he carefully decided to stay, which was a smart move, I guess. So it was my turn and my heart was racing. I got a king, which was great but then I got a 5. 15...

I had to draw another, because at this point I was going to lose anyway. But, unfortunately, I received another King. I lost this round.
"A kiss. I don't feel like losing more clothing." I nodded, even as I pretended not to understand.

"Okay, let's do this..." She said. To my 19, she was showing 15, and obviously hit, which gave her another King. Busto.

"Looks like you owe me." I looked her over appreciatively - reflecting one more time on how nice her body was - quickly placing one hand on her back, another on the back of her head and pulling her in for a long, hard kiss. I pressed my lips into hers, my right hand freely roaming over her back, ass, and legs as my tongue forced its way into her mouth.

I ignored her protests (assuming she wasn't enjoying it, anyways), holding our lips together as long as I could before I pulled back, meeting her gaze defiantly. "What? That's how I kiss a beautiful woman." Another grin. "Or if I think she's a slut."

Pressing on, I peeked at the clock, it was almost time. "This time, if you win, I'll give you $500.00." She'd know I was raising for a reason, and as I took the cards in my hand, I smiled. "And if I win..." I nodded over at the scissors. "I get to use those again on you."

In case she hesitated...

"What's the matter? Scared of showing as much skin as your pictures do online?"
"Looks like you owe me."

My heart raced as he approached me and gave me this long, lingering stare - his eyes scanning my body from head to toe with no shame before a grin appeared on his face. I was right about to tell him that 'no tongue', when he suddenly placed a hand on my back and another at the back of my head. "W-Wai-" I tried to say, when he just pulled my head towards his and gave me one long hard kiss.

I protested of course. A few times, an audible "Mmmph!" must have been heard, but he seemed to ignore it for the most part - even taking advantage of the third time that I did so, in order to shove his tongue into my mouth. I could feel his had moving over my body; his eager fingers touching my bare legs and thighs before going over to my plump backside and fit back.

This went on for a while, until finally he pulled back.

"What? That's how I kiss a beautiful woman."
"Sure. Who said that you could go this far?"
"Or if I think she's a slut."
"I'm no slut..."

He then didn't reply, but instead glanced at the clock. So did I - there was barely any time before that grand event. I was going to teach this man a lesson. I was! I had to...

"This time, if you win, I'll give you $500.00. And if I win...I get to use those again on you." he said, eying the scissors.

I hesitated. Or at least, I was scared. I had barely anything on me as it is, just how much more was he going to cut?

"What's the matter? Scared of showing as much skin as your pictures do online?"

Ugh...this guy...

"Fine, okay?" I said as he shuffled the cards. "Let's go."

The cards were pretty much in my favor; one king and one queen. He'd need some crazy luck to beat me, let alone tie...
"Fine, okay? Let's go."

Two quick cards were dealt to her. 20. King and Queen. Strong hand, and the unease must've shown on my face. Even though the money would've been a lot, at this point I was more worried about losing face to this person who thought she had the upper hand on me, thought she was suckering me in.

I got dealt a Queen. I stole a glance at her, seeing both of us latch our eyes on the card as I flipped it over, seeing quickly that it was another face card, was a King. I grabbed the scissors jokingly. "Dealer wins on ties..." I started, then pulling them back. "...only in Casinos, sadly." I snapped my fingers. "Lucky for you."

I saw the clock was close to 11, and I looked at her. "Think I'll wander over to the balcony for a bit to watch the party. Feel free to mingle for a bit, or join me there if you want to talk about anything else." I smiled at her. "We'll be seeing more of each other later, I'm sure."

As soon as she wasn't looking, I went to grab a few things. I had big pockets to hold the scissors, which I'd be needing...and a couple of other things.

Almost time for the show. With all of my necessary implements in hand, I walked towards the big balcony, leaning against it, seeing the significant crowd below. I pretended to be oblivious, not knowing they were watching me even as I watched them.
Queen and King...The exact same cards - which obviously meant that we were tied.

"Dealer wins on ties..." he said, pulling out scissors...
What? Was he serious?
..Before pulling them back.
"...only in Casinos, sadly. Lucky for you."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and chuckle a bit. "Yeah, I'm real lucky tonight."

It was nearly 11 o'clock, which meant that I had hardly any time to pull the stunt that I needed to do. I suppose that my mind was panicking at this point; all this effort, all this humiliation and for what? I wasn't any bit closer to getting him where I wanted him to be than I was at the beginning of the night. But then...

"Think I'll wander over to the balcony for a bit to watch the party. Feel free to mingle for a bit, or join me there if you want to talk about anything else. We'll be seeing more of each other later, I'm sure."

Oh lucky! Maybe tonight was my night!

"Sure, I think that I'll drop by. At least to say goodbye, right?"

He left to do god knows what, so I took the opportunity to take out my cellphone and text my brother "Okay I got him at the spot. Make sure to witness revenge!!!"

I tried to appear as calm as I wished to be (and not the nervous wreck that I was), while I walked upstairs and towards the balcony where Rick was. Okay, just one childish prank. Just this and it would all be over. Ignoring all the catcall and whistles from behind me, I slowly made my way to where he was, simply leaning against the balcony.

Without further adieu, once I felt close enough, I yelled:

"Surprise!" and yanked his pants down.

The funny this was... was exactly what I'd wanted. Almost exactly.

I was slightly off center, just to the left of center, one hand 'idly' in a pocket, the other one gripping the balcony. The center of attention, if not of the balcony, intentionally so for what was coming afterwards if everything went to plan. I didn't hear her coming, even if everything else that was about to happen was perfectly scripted in my head already, envisioned from my mind's eye, for many waiting eyes below.

They would get a show, but not the one Nicole wanted. I felt a tugging at my hips, and then her voice. "Surprise!" My pants were at my ankles, even if my boxers were still on, something was still obvious from what was revealed.

Namely, my cock, which was large, and hard beneath the fabric. Instead of being embarrassed, shocked, or anything of the sort, I reacted calmly. With my right hand, I grabbed her left wrist and yanked it towards the railing. I could've just pinned it there, but she could still struggle, which might lead to something unexpected.

I smirked at her as my left hand showed what I'd been hiding in my pocket. Quickly, I snapped the handcuffs I'd been hiding around the railing, and then on her left wrist, completing one part of her intended bondage. While I let her realize what I'd done, I calmly moved to the other side, pulling out the other set of handcuffs I'd grabbed to chain her other wrist far away, to leave her unable to cover up.

"Surprise." I leered as the metal clicked around her other small wrist, holding it on the right side of the railing. Leaving her spread, the center of attention in her cut up, revealing clothing.
I didn't mean...just...why wasn't he...

My whole mind was in a haze, so I didn't really notice the motion Rick man until I felt his hand strongly grip my left wrist. I shouted, maybe too loudly (and inadvertently attracting some more attention towards us) and just pulled roughly to the railing, with my eyes onto the crowd beneath us. A rush of embarrassment colored my cheeks, figuring that I had now been caught. That soon became the least of my worries however...

Suddenly, I felt cold steel around my left wrist and a loud *CLICK* before I realized that Rick just handcuffed my left arm to the balcony railing. I struggled against it, only to feel yet another handcuff on my right wrist, soon tied to the railing as well, effectively trapping me in a really unfortunate position.

Oh god...

"W-What are you doing?!" I shouted, trying to turn my head enough to see Rick. "This isn't funny!" I then added, noticing more and more people on the ground floor watching me and shouting lewd comments and suggestions...
The tone of her voice made me smirk more as I moved behind her, watching her struggle. "W-What are you doing?!"

"Nothing yet." I took in the sight of her, bent slightly over the railing, her wrists cuffed to spread her out. But the fear I saw in her eyes when she turned around was what made it incredibly arousing to me. This was uncontrolled, raw, and the shouts from the crowd below would only spur me on.

"This isn't funny!"

I leaned in behind her, deliberately keeping my hips away from her even as my back pressed into hers. "It's not meant to be." I carefully bent down to draw the shears from my pants before kicking them aside. Everyone was looking at her, and mostly everyone seemed to be anticipating and enjoying the show to come. Especially with some of the suggestions I was hearing...

"Pull her shorts down!"

Playing to the crowd now, I looked down at my 'fans'. "Now why would I do that when I can get them off without any struggle?" I clipped the shears a couple of time so she could hear them, and then pulled her shorts out a little so I could cut them off of her hips without reprisal. I did it on both sides, and then once at the bottom, too, leaving her jean shorts in two pieces.

I threw them off of the balcony, slapping her ass once to the cheers of the crowd.

'More! Get rougher with her!'

The sound of my hand hitting her ass a couple more times resounded through the room, as I admired her shapely bottom still obscured by her pink panties. Leaning in closer, I let my bulge press into her cheeks, one hand still squeezing and mauling the tender flesh while the other went under what I'd left of her tank top, seeking out her breasts to squeeze and pinch them. The scissors were placed aside for the moment, they'd done their job for now.
"It's not meant to be."

I struggled against the grasp of the cold handcuffs, desperately trying to pull myself away while fear began to torment me. If I didn't even know any better, I'd say that this very fear was only arousing Rick, who was now pressing against me. Oh god, I needed to get out...

"Pull her shorts down!" someone from the crowd shouted to my horror.
"Now why would I do that when I can get them off without any struggle?"

My eyes widened when I heard the clipping of scissors, causing me to squirm and move my hips to no avail. "No! What the hell are you doing?! Stop this Rick!" I whined, once again trying to free both my hands from the handcuffs and obviously failed from doing so. Pretty soon, my denim shorts were on the ground, cut in half...before Rick threw them both into the crowd, where they were each eager picked up by spectators.


I shouted at the sudden spank, which echoed throughout the room, riling up some of the spectators, who shouted:

'More! Get rougher with her!'

"D-Don't you dare Rick!" I protested but was silenced by another *SLAP* and *SMACK* which echoed throughout the room yet again. Tossing my head and yanking the handcuffs at the sudden assault, I began to only truly panic when I felt something hard poking between my cheeks.

"S-Stop Rick! I'm sorry!" I whined, moving my hips, as if I could possibly get away. The crowd then cheered upon seeing him press his body against me more and his hands molesting my large breasts through their bra. I shut my eyes to this madness, hoping that both Rick and the crowd would stop torturing me...
"S-Stop Rick! I'm sorry!"

One hand became two under her tank top, as I squeezed and toyed with her ample bosom, using her flesh as if I possessed it. Only a preview of what was to come once her body was fully revealed. Even as the people watching hooted and hollered at the abuse, I knew there would be at least one spectator who wasn't happy about what was happening. But I'd draw him into this depraved circle soon enough.

Seeing more then one cell phone out to record it, I heard the cheer that I was waiting for.

'Let's see her tits!'

My retreated from under her 'top', feeling her chest the whole way down. "What do you think, Nicole? Should we give the crowd what they want?" I let her answer, and then I slapped her bare ass again; I'd have to do something about those panties soon, I knew.

With a strong grip, I grabbed her tank top straps and pulled as hard as I could. Luckily, my cuts had been strategically placed in the flimsy material, and it split along front and back, leaving her in her matching pink bra and panties. And two more souvenirs for the increasingly ravenous crowd below, as the pieces of white material floated down to the bottom level.

Judging by the amount of cell cameras out, she'd be getting a lot more 'exposure' then any of her posted photos had ever given her.