The Most Sanctioned Country In The World

It has been said, by a Britisher if I recall correctly, that Americans are so obsessed with breasts that if our women stopped wearing brassieres, our entire economy would collapse.

However; I would point out that the Russian bra industry remains productive enough to adequately attire the goveelitesrnment :

Damn it!
There are much less of them than those on the street, many of whom appear to be braless.
There are much less of them than those on the street, many of whom appear to be braless.

Can see you need a little help, lickspittle.
There are fewer - referring to discrete amounts, such as the number of bras
There is much less - referring to singular source being measured / masses eg water

Keep at it, you’ll get there! Don’t be discouraged, we all start somewhere! 👍