The new #1OO

Re: voted

pleasureu said:
Hi SK,
my love.

Just for the record... I think you are a weirdo :rolleyes: :D

Please don't use terms of endearment when referring to me... they make me wanna puke!:eek:

haha ummm but other than that you can feel free to post in my threads anytime!! hehehe

Use Me

I liked snatch's "Use Me" the most. It spoke to my assertive, nasty side (in spite of the one little mispelling...). As I finished reading, I thought,"Been there, done that." And a fond memory it was.

- Judo
My last post here

You misunderstand me.
Firstly, I am English, and the term "my love" is used here,as you Americans use "hun"
jused a friendly phrase,that is all, used by shop assistants among others.
if that upsets you, then I apologise.
As for me being a wierdo, you are entitled to your opinion, and I will bother you no more
A shame, but there ya go
wow.... touchy touchy

Gee wiz guy... I was just joking!

back on track! the New Top #100 2/24/02

I want to kiss you while you scream
by rnabokov ©

it is free-fall through velvet air,
the holding,
quickening ...

until her skin’s perfume explodes my senses,
luminous drops of blood red flowers erupting with each
echo bursting through skin in songs of yearning,
a chorus of breath and moaning,
songs of aching flesh for each other calling,
our almost touching mouths and fingers, lips and

then when your tongue moves like a hot snake in my
when you stalk my hardness like a cat,
whisper, give it to me baby, give it to me now,

I wet my fingers and find you open,

cage you my animal with muscles, sinew,
hard flesh rippling,
my arms and legs are flexed, unyielding,
hold you slithering, arching, twisting, clawing
I want to kiss you while you scream,

Take your tongue and suck it, eat your mouth and feel
feel your skin crawl up an octave hot with fever
each pore open like a mouth licks up the liquid kiss
of flesh
as I move you, at you, in you,
lift you, hold you, smell you,
listen to your moaning, crooning, your
sweet juice spilling down my lips, my throat, my

but now I stop you baby,
stop your dancing,
take your face now, gentle in my hands,
my eyes are calling for you, yearning
calling for your eyes to open into mine dissolving,

until I take your legs and roll you over,
with lip and tongue
your secret lips I spread you open,
open, wider now so I can fall inside you,
deep inside you,
to unravel body, heart & soul inside you,
fill you, spilling, flowing,

kiss me baby
kiss me while I scream ...


WOW! I remember this one! It just premeates heat! Can we say spontanious combustion?? I see smoke coming out of my hard drive, my floppy is on fire!!! You guys read and vote while I see if I can cool off 'cause this stuff i smokin'! :D

I want to kiss you while you scream

Okay, in the spirit of wanting to learn and grow, would someone explain this poem to me. I can read the words and I can understand the message, but as a poem goes it is lost on me.

2/26/02 --- 3 way tie!

Tied @ 4.13 with 15 votes each

A Serendipitous Snowstorm
by KatPurrs

She was a sensual woman with
Full hips, and full, firm breasts.
I loved the way her eyes sparkled
I loved the cant of her ass.

The Master That I Want
by Miyelo Ina ©

Bring up the anger in me, bring up the tears,
Let me fight with you and know that I can't win.
It makes the surrender all the sweeter in the end.

Please Tell Me
by Miyelo Ina ©

The deepening tone You use
with absolute certainty
that I will obey You.
Mayi, what do you want to know specifically

Unregistered said:
Okay, in the spirit of wanting to learn and grow, would someone explain this poem to me. I can read the words and I can understand the message, but as a poem goes it is lost on me.



I will answer you if I can.

Have you written the poet? I'm sure he'd be thrilled to hear from you. We love to have folks ask us what we meant, and we're very interested in hearing what you think about what you read.


*knock knock knock* Anybody out there?

Anyone reading this thread besides me?? I can't telllllllll! :rolleyes:

Well, just in case, I'd like you all to know.... <drum roll please> ... for the first time in our New #100 thread is our very own Dilly!!!!!!!!!!! <insert wild crowd applause here>

I Name You
by Dillinger ©

rapture of Flesh
burning FireDesire
body to Body
soul to Soul
passion Overwhelming

My eyes imbue you
With you

take you
claim you
own you

Name you


Wow, Dillinger is really becoming a voice to be heard! There were no hints or tips to where this poem would take you. It lead you there blindfolded and slammed the destination in your face! Congrats Dilly!

Be sure to read and vote!

Well well! Thank you... Guess I'm getting some longevity out of this poem... and that is quite nice.

Is anyone reading this thread... well, I am now - I only just found it... and I will have to put it on my must check list from now on.

OK... tear into me if you want... or not. I think I'll go vote on some of the other poems here and see who's knocked me off #100 already... and give them some well deserved attention. *smile*

A Tickle of Tchaikovsky
by WriterDom ©

a tickle of Tchaikovsky
filters to steamy room
a myriad of candles
scented with jasmine
their dancing flickers
casting her curvy shadow
surreally against white tile
as she lowers herself
into bubbly soak of soothing bath

soon he will come
with heated cotton towels
to dry her delicate silky skin
carry her in tan brawny arms
to white lacy canopy bed
lay her gently on the comforter

a kiss with all the passion
of first and last love
he licks his way to rounded breasts
suckles an aching nipple

her fingers tangle in his hair
following a familiar path
to her needy sex flushed with desire
a river for tongue to wade
and curl around the throbbing hood
quivering thighs cool against his face
murmuring moans music to his ears

Thank you for the very exotic read WD. I know this poem has been around for awhile but welcome to the #100 spot!
