THE offical place for TANGENTS

SkylineBlue said:
and here's a tangent. i wish peopole would stop telling me i need training. if i didn't know and feel that, i wouldn't be seeking a dominant as eagerly yet carefully as i am. its frustrating and disheartening to be told that as if i was a bad submissive when i have no chance to submit to a dominant thta can claim me.
I know it's frustrating, and probably a bit disheartening, but with a little training you will be fine. It's only a matter of time.

I hope you understand my humor. It's rather dry.
DVS said:
I know it's frustrating, and probably a bit disheartening, but with a little training you will be fine. It's only a matter of time.

I hope you understand my humor. It's rather dry.

I prefer a sweet dessert wine myself (or is that Whine?) ;)
are you saying I whine too much?

Lol... reminds me of a something that happened two nights ago on the phone but I think I'll keep this one to myself.
Which reminds me of the first submissive I ever played with, who told me that the most bizarre item she'd ever had in her cunt was the handset of a phone...
FungiUg said:
Which reminds me of the first submissive I ever played with, who told me that the most bizarre item she'd ever had in her cunt was the handset of a phone...
Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Calling all pussy...
FungiUg said:
Which reminds me of the first submissive I ever played with, who told me that the most bizarre item she'd ever had in her cunt was the handset of a phone...
Actually, the most bizarre thing any female friend of mine have had in her was ME. :D :cool:

But, I mean bizarre in a good way.
SkylineBlue said:
are you saying I whine too much?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A nice gag will always compliment a good whine.
TNRkitect2b said:
I prefer a sweet dessert wine myself (or is that Whine?) ;)
Never was much for white wine. Well, never was much for wine, period. I do like red wine, at times. I recently graduated from screw tops to corks, because someone told me that could have been my problem. :eek:
There are problems with corks as well, and these days a good screw top should be just as good as a good cork. The difference is largely in perception, and cheaper wines tend to go for the cheaper manufacturing of screw-tops.

That's starting to change here in New Zealand, with more expensive wines being screw-tops. Seems that quality corks are getting more expensive. I suspect there will always be a market for the tradition of wine with a corked bottle though.

Personally, I say you can't beat a good screw.
FungiUg said:
There are problems with corks as well, and these days a good screw top should be just as good as a good cork. The difference is largely in perception, and cheaper wines tend to go for the cheaper manufacturing of screw-tops.

That's starting to change here in New Zealand, with more expensive wines being screw-tops. Seems that quality corks are getting more expensive. I suspect there will always be a market for the tradition of wine with a corked bottle though.

Personally, I say you can't beat a good screw.

When did this become the thread of bad, cheesy jokes?
SkylineBlue said:
When did this become the thread of bad, cheesy jokes?
Um, if you check the dates, I think it was yesterday. :D
<angrily storms out of her own thread>


ITs my thread, you leave!!!!!!

Lol.. I was just thinking how much funnier that would have been in spanish. Anyone ever watch the spanish channel just to make fun of the animated newscasters/soaps/gameshows?!

Not to mention all the keen 80s fashion
Why? You get chills when you realize how much you and Rhett Butler are alike? Its almost like you were seperated at birth except for that entire balding thing, dumbass!
Never got into The Chills -- that whole "Dunedin sound" leaves me cold. Listening to some Stella* though -- New Zealand music has improved!
SkylineBlue said:
do you think men invented panty hose to get even for the tie?
you can use both to tie a woman's hands behind her back. Someone had the right idea, both times.
Re: pantyhose

cynter said:
pantyhose should be outlawed! :D

agreed stockings are much better. Still functional as expiedient bondage devices, and they also allow for easy access :D
Re: Re: pantyhose

TNRkitect2b said:
agreed stockings are much better. Still functional as expiedient bondage devices, and they also allow for easy access :D
unfortunately, those are also well suited for bank robbers, and such.

I'm for whatever the women want. Let them have release!

When you look at it, where did these restrictive devices come from? Stockings, bras and heels for women and suits and ties for men? It only stands to reason that the corporate world is giving way to business casual, in a lot of places.

But, there are still some die hard types with a cob up their butt who will not allow business casual. I guess they think it will lessen the business look of the work place?

I say, if the employee is comfortable in what they are wearing and it is good looking and appropriate attire, what's the problem? A comfortable employee is more likely to stay on the job, come to work when they should, be happy on the job and that all reflects on the bottom line of the employer.

If you must wear heels, you are actually damaging your feet. That could end up costing the employer money in insurance fees, later. If you must wear business attire, you must also be able to afford it. Business casual is sometimes worn at home or out on the town, so employees are more likely to already own it, or at least be more willing to purchase it. How often do you wear the formal business attire? Only to work and work realted events.

Come on, people! Get into the 2004 times! Business casual is the way to go. Bend over and get that cob out of your ass!!
Re: Re: Re: pantyhose

DVS said:

Come on, people! Get into the 2004 times! Business casual is the way to go. Bend over and get that cob out of your ass!!

But some people, (ESPECIALLY in this forum) enjoy having that cob up their ass! ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: pantyhose

TNRkitect2b said:
But some people, (ESPECIALLY in this forum) enjoy having that cob up their ass! ;)

Unless your significant other has you wear it to work, or is your boss and you are being punished or you just enjoy such things to feel sexy.

HOWEVER, only on a personal basis...don't force others to do it, unless they want you to force them.

God, life is so confusing, sometimes.

I can see it on a job application...
We here at Gene and Jean's Jeans have a rule we like to call the Cob Code. We require you to wear a cob up your ass, every other Friday. If you have a problem with that, use the subsequent line to express your displeasure___

If you don't have a problem with wearing a cob up your ass on alternate Fridays, place a check here _____. These employees will be considered the grunt of the labor force and will be labeled Common Cobbers or CCs.

There will be special recognition given to those employees who are devoted enough to come to work with a cob up their butt every day of the week. If you would like to be so designated, please check here ______. These employees will be considered first for advancement and will be labeled by management as Anal Retentives or ARs.

On alternate Fridays, there will be visual and physical inspections to see that employees comply with the cob rule. If you have no objections to this, check here ______.

If you have objections to the aforementioned cob inspections, express them here __.

CCs will do the brunt of the work while the ARs take credit for everything. CCs will be required to use the time clock in the hall, and will get a 30 minute lunch and two 10 minute breaks each day. ARs may take two-hour lunches and come and go as they please on nice days.

CCs will have no sick days, and one week vacation after 3 years employment. ARs receive 10 sick days and 3 weeks vacation after 6 months employment.

It is the expressed desire of the management for all employees to aspire to be ARs. ARs are good workers and have the employer's profits in mind. CCs are just common laborers and will be treated as such.

Management sees it as a desirable quality for all workers to strive for that cob up your ass mentality, and that byproduct of go-getiveness.

If you are available for cob insertion at this time, please check here ______.