The Old China Pearl Inn

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WELL PEOPLES interests very Razor. we are all different and that is what makes life so interesting and exciting.
Well check out the threads with story ideas. Who knows you might find one you like Razor.
Pouring myself a pint of Guinness then slide from the barstool, to amble to a large comfortable chair. Taking a seat with a deep grunt as I relax back into it, sipping the dark beverage slowly a satiated sigh following after. Unbidden thoughts of the lovely lassies that frequent the Inn dance alluringly within my mind. A slow wolfish grin curls upon my lips, as golden lupine eyes slightly aglow gaze over the rim of my glass.

Hope ya'll are doing well these days...? Oh by the way...a new muse has asked that I write with them. :D
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Pouring myself a pint of Guinness then slide from the barstool, to amble to a large comfortable chair. Taking a seat with a deep grunt as I relax back into it, sipping the dark beverage slowly a satiated sigh following after. Unbidden thoughts of the lovely lassies that frequent the Inn dance alluringly within my mind. A slow wolfish grin curls upon my lips, as golden lupine eyes slightly aglow gaze over the rim of my glass.

Hope ya'll are doing well these days...? Oh by the way...a new muse has asked that I write with them. :D

*smiles in delight to hear that Wolfias may not be in the observer only mode*

Fantabulous news! I look forward to checking out whatever you guys cook up. :)
Pouring myself a pint of Guinness then slide from the barstool, to amble to a large comfortable chair. Taking a seat with a deep grunt as I relax back into it, sipping the dark beverage slowly a satiated sigh following after. Unbidden thoughts of the lovely lassies that frequent the Inn dance alluringly within my mind. A slow wolfish grin curls upon my lips, as golden lupine eyes slightly aglow gaze over the rim of my glass.

Hope ya'll are doing well these days...? Oh by the way...a new muse has asked that I write with them. :D

That's great news Wolfias.
Pouring myself a pint of Guinness then slide from the barstool, to amble to a large comfortable chair. Taking a seat with a deep grunt as I relax back into it, sipping the dark beverage slowly a satiated sigh following after. Unbidden thoughts of the lovely lassies that frequent the Inn dance alluringly within my mind. A slow wolfish grin curls upon my lips, as golden lupine eyes slightly aglow gaze over the rim of my glass.

Hope ya'll are doing well these days...? Oh by the way...a new muse has asked that I write with them. :D

Great News Wolfias! I too am really glad to hear you've found a muse to inspire you.

*pouring my first cup of coffee for the day, that initial sip courses through my blood to jump start me brain.
Morning H F I trust your grited for the days Battles with Mr. Murphy.

I tease as I pour a mug of steaming coffee.
Smiling at CG's teasing as I help myself to a second mug of the Inn's excellent brew.

"Indeed, in fact I got a preview of his plans last night and I'm not looking forward to them at all. However, it's all in a days work, and the coming long weekend should provide a balm for any pain the little bastard may inflict." I take a sip of my coffee before I head out for the day. "I hope your day's plans are more pleasant and rewarding."
Just a trip to the range and siting in a black powder carbine. I rather enjoy shooting.

a bemused thoughtful smile.

Now about Mr. Murphy.....

A tall and skinny man with a large black hooded jacket enters the inn and orders a cup of coffe.

"I would like to drink a cup of pitch black coffee please."

He grabs the cup and looks around at the guests inside
I rise from my chair, and greet the hooded stranger.

Welcome to the China Pearl Inn Sir My Name is C G Raven but call me C G . Now to the matter at hand Sir. dark rick coffee is it? Well we have Turkish that will almost dissolve a spoon dark and rich, Italian espresso served in demitasse, Or French espresso served in bowls for those that truly enjoy dark rich coffee. So what's your pleasure?
*pops into the Inn to secure her couch for later*

Howdies to all that might be lurking in the shadows.
I've had better months that's for sure, but things are getting a little better. You?

I'm doing ok.
Haven't been hanging around Lit much.
Been hanging out more lately though.
Other then that tired right now.
Had to clean out my PM box was almost full again XD I'm lazy when it comes to cleaning up my PMs though.
How are you RPs going?
Angel! A soft hug and kiss

I am sorry to here you r moth has been rather hectic dear.

AMC It has been awhile How have you been?
Sorry to hear that you're tired, but it's nice to see ya. My rp's are a little stalled at the moment as I get back into the swing of things.
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