The Perfect Man/Perfect Woman Workshop

This is such an interesting idea, but choosing is so hard. It takes me hours to pick one item from Column A and two from Column B . . .

I can only go with internal features, because every man I've ever known has been attractive in a different way to me: sometimes a smile, hands, eyes; sense of humor, intellect; there's no one consistent feature.


All the Boy Scout virtues.

All the pagan/wiccan virtues.

That should cover everything important . . . oh, yes, he has to absolutely adore me from my toenails to my hair, and everything inside.

I somehow don't think such a man can be, so I think I'll go looking again for the Ready to Love types . . . they may not be perfect, but they truly exist.
Att Nexxus

Ok, I better get some email from you soon, Nex..."cause I meet a lot of your requirements, and I live pretty close to you! ;) Je parle Francais tres bien, mais oui?
great thread!!!!

I've never really had the chance to do this for my perfect man.......

*he would have to have a crazy sense of humor to deal with me and my antics
*a love of sarcasm and wittiness(is that a word?)
*protective, but able to let me do my own thing
*understanding enough so that he knows how to deal with me if i'm in a bad mood....
*intelligent enough to keep up with me
*he must have a naughty side to him...I love a guy who can match me story for story, or porn for porn...whichever the case happens to be
*he would have to be someone I could trust with all my secrets
*affectionate so that he's not afraid to show his love for me, but he would know when to stop in public
*and being a great kisser can never hurt

*tall enough so that i don't tower over him in heels, between about 5'11 - 6'0....preferably closer to the latter
*sexy bedroom eyes that can tell me what he want to do to me with a glance <sighs>
*lips that are sensual but don't take over his whole face
*something I always fall for is a guy's hands....if he has really nice ones then it just kind of seals the deal for me....
*he would have to be built but not overly so, i'm not in the market for a body builder......but a nice muscular back is always helpful...
*in my case I guess you could say hair, eye and skin colour are not that big a deal as long a the guy looks comfortable with who he is
*a savy sense of style, someone who's not afraid to try new things....

Now why is it that I doubt I'll ever find this guy? I guess it doesn't really matter though....I'll still have my fantasies <grins>
LL....never thought I would see the day! You speechless?

Well, Gunnar...not my preferred method of being "rendered speechless"...but it does happen from time to time. ;)

Thank you LL Darhlin' for the opportunity to shop in your perfect partner store.

No no...thank YOU, phantomprincess, for indulging me in my "silly little skit" and for unknowingly sabotaging my bi-weekly therapy sessions with your lavish encouragement. *huh huh...huh...huh huh*

Oliver...I was LMAO!! That was awesome!

Nexxus...from the attentions you've been receiving lately, looks as if you might be sampling a little more "pink taco juice" reeeeeal soon, eh? ;) ("pensive" indeed! *hmph*)

*lips that are sensual but don't take over his whole face

LOL! Pardon me for laughing, Wild Child, but I just keep seeing those mobster guys in the Looney Toons cartoons whose lips took up half their faces. "Yehhhh Mugsy...we're gonna git 'em dis time, Mugsy...yehhhhhh" (*A-hem!*...uhhh...<checks watch>...yep...late for therapy again.)

Fantastic responses from EVERYONE! :)
CreamyLady said:
I think I'll go looking again for the Ready to Love types . . . they may not be perfect, but they truly exist.

CL would you explain what a Ready to Love type is? I'm picturing a department store ready to wear section with men on hangers but that can't be it. :D
Golden said:
It is a 3rd declension adjective

This may be simply my unvarnished ego shining through, but I would hope that my "name" would at least merit noun status. All I can do is redouble my efforts and trust my promotion to the fates.

In the mean time, we will use with "felices" on those vanishingly few occasions when more than one Felix would be desired.The "felixen" usage will be encountered in various ancient tracts and historical documents, and may be used occasionally to provide a certain "olde tyme" charm to contemporary writing, but it is good to have established a definitive form.
High Peaks said:
CL would you explain what a Ready to Love type is? I'm picturing a department store ready to wear section with men on hangers but that can't be it. :D

I was just thinking of the basic model type -- no bells and whistles, just standard equipment. Actually, I was thinking along the lines of a pre-owned car, and not a high-end model either. A nice sturdy Ford Truck, for instance, with the need for an occasional tune-up and oil change, but nothing spectacularly wrong.
Exterior: Pretty without make-up, and slim.

Interior: At least one Kidney because those machines cost a bitch.
Well who woulda thunk it!
Special, I have nothing against a Canadian woman, but I'd like to!
Phanthom, I WILL e-mail you. My 'puter be on the fritz but its awwwwl better now (I hope).

An open letter to Lovely:

Lets see. If we stacked (I do not use that term loosely) the interest shown about myself against the interest displayed on this BB about yourself I think we'd find you were, well...for the sake of pundome...much more stacked.
But I am thrilled none the less about such fine ladies seeking my attention.
Plus any comments about "Pink Taco Juice" make me giddy.
Oh and by the by. "Its" and "your" are possessive and "it's" and "you're" are descriptive?
Sad about the height thing though, I thought I might have a shot.
She is wise, funny, sexy, wild, independent, creative, intuitive, soft, quick-tempered, nurturing and smart.

She writes wild dreams in a journal and runs when she's feeling horny. She likes to drive too fast on the highway or sit quietly in the country. She's a woman who's seen a lot of life but she laughs like a little girl. She's a high-flyer who dives beneath the surface. She loves to slow dance or get nekkid by a blazing fire. She whispers in my ear all night and I feel like she's there beside me.

She has reddish-blonde hair falling over pale shoulders; a smile as big as Kansas and dark blue eyes that invite you over for the weekend; soft lips and a long neck made for kissing all night; small pale breasts that I really want to touch and legs as long as a Russian novel.

Apply in writing to the usual address. ;)
*desperately trying to restrain himself*
Has no one else thought about the double entendre involved in describing the perfect interiour of a woman.
*damn - couldn't help myself*
Roger Simian said:
She is wise, funny, sexy, wild, independent, creative, intuitive, soft, quick-tempered, nurturing and smart.

She writes wild dreams in a journal and runs when she's feeling horny. She likes to drive too fast on the highway or sit quietly in the country. She's a woman who's seen a lot of life but she laughs like a little girl. She's a high-flyer who dives beneath the surface. She loves to slow dance or get nekkid by a blazing fire. She whispers in my ear all night and I feel like she's there beside me.

She has reddish-blonde hair falling over pale shoulders; a smile as big as Kansas and dark blue eyes that invite you over for the weekend; soft lips and a long neck made for kissing all night; small pale breasts that I really want to touch and legs as long as a Russian novel.

Apply in writing to the usual address. ;)

You know Roger, that intoxicating description sounds an awful lot like a close friend of mine. This perfect woman of yours sounds like quite a unique individual and worthy of such high praise.
I am quite certain I can't think of it all just now... but I guarentee I am going to have a long post! I have thought about this a LOT ... and now I have the opportunity to write it down b/c of this thread! (ah... Latina!!).


1) Intelligent ... very intelligent. Someone that can help me make an A in physics.

2) Witty... a good sense of humor is CRUCIAL... but someone who laughs with me and not at!

3) Knowing.. (well I hated to use the word "wise" b/c that implies that he is really really ancient) .. but I mean, someone who will travel to Machu Pichu with me, and know what NOT to say/do to the natives! Someone who is not ignorant about obvious things... (eg: someone who knows the holocaust DID occur...). LOVes to travel!!

4) A man that does not stereotype people based on their appearance, ethnicity, etc. A man that feels strongly about the injustice done to the Native American tribes during settlement and that sees and wants to know more about the beauty and uniqueness of other cultures.

5) Well-educated. A man that knows what he wants to do with his life... knows he has a calling and wants to do it well, whatever that may be. But also .. someone who, despite how educated he is... knows that one cannot know everything and therefore, is aware that life is a process of constant learning and that there is no greater tool we can have.

6) Doesn't hunt... and realizes that hunting is not a "sport" and that animals are not "game."

7)Loves hiking, backpacking, camping, swimming, running, etc. Loves mountains, oceans, etc.

8) Will accept me for all of my faults (and maybe even loves me for them!) and won't try to force me to go on a roller coaster, dive off a diving board, jump off a plane, or go bungeeing (is that a word??). And he answers my emails!!!!!

9) He appreciates that I don't wear make-up and likes to caress my face.

10) LOVES animals. Lets dogs lick him, will stroke a cat for a long time (almost subconciously) while talking to me. He will understand my lack of desire to attend the circus....

11) Loves to wrestle with me (and will let it lead to sex!) and sometimes will let me win even though he is physically more capable.

12) Gives amazing backrubs! Loves to touch my body everywhere! Runs his hands through my hair... or better yet, likes to brush it, or help me wash it, or both.

13) Knows how to hold a baby, and doesn't play dumb when someone hands one to him.

14) Understanding... he will hold me when I cry, and be nice to me when I am traumatized and acting like a total sap in a movie theater. He will not get mad when I act like a stereotypical woman and scream at the scary parts, but instead will be able to put up with me latching on to his arm and burying my face in his shoulder. (or screaming)

15) Someone who doesn't think a period is gross and understands that menstruating is a natural function of the normal female anatomy.

16) KNows a little something about child psychology.

17) Is disgusted by child porn... and if he had children of his own would feel very protective of them and would want to physically hurt anyone who tried to hurt them.

18) Is at least somewhat protective of me... not to a ridiculous extent, like getting in bar fights whenever someone glances my way, but to the effect where if say, some stranger comes and starts fondling me and won't leave me along when I ask him to... he will step in and ask him to stop also.... he will try first, ALWAYS to not resort to physical violence unless he has to, but if he has to... can.

19) Someone who likes to be dominant in bed, who will tie me to the bed and blindfold me, but someone who will let me dominate him sometimes also.

20) Kisses like an arch-angel.

21) Doesn't mind PDOA.

22) Doesn't worry about me getting fat, isn't fat obsessed and won't freak out if I actually gain 5 pounds... and will make me feel better b/c I would be doing all the freaking out.

23) Can sing... at least somewhat decently. Can play an instrument... espescially acoustic or classic guitar (better than me.. which is REALLY easy). Piano is just a bonus.

24) Knows his oldies or at least classic rock. Loves the beatles. Appreciates music of all genres and doesn't just cling to one type or worstly, one band.

25) Has the patience to read this whole list! (or wait for me while I play the colorful xylophone at toys r us).

26) Vegetarian for animal rights reasons

27) Likes to eat! Can cook! Helps with housework!
Values having more land as opposed to a HUGE house.

28) Recycles!

29) Has a very romantic side.... will surprise me sometimes!

30) Has a talent or a hobbie that he can do when we are not together or when I am studying... like painting, reading, crocheting, I don't know, something!

31) HONEST... but not to the point of cruelty... eg: if I have just had a baby 3 weeks ago and ask if I look fat, he doesn't say "you are skinny as a rail," but he doesn't say, "you are a fucking hog!" He will say, "I am amazed at how good you look after only three weeks.. keep doing what you are doing! You are so beautiful to me!"

32) Knows when to be an adult... and when it is okay to be a kid again. (eg: will go down the slide with me at a park, but won't make sexual jokes around my boss).

33) Not stingy... likes to go out to eat, but not careless wtih money either.

34) Can use chopsticks well

35) Knows a little about his car (how to change oil, tires, etc.) but is not car obsessed!

36) Is ready and willing to kiss me... everywhere!

37) Thinks breastfeeding is sexy.

38) Doesn't get drunk all the time.

39) Will baby me when I am sick.

40) He likes to pick me up and carry me.

41) Is not a conservative male-shauvanist pig.

42) Respects me for my opinions and is willing to debate big issues with me and discuss philosophy and proverbial meanings. (and is willing to accept disagreement and move on once the topic is over with).

43) Can speak a foreign language...espescially french.. and do it well. Has some interest in spanish.

44) Is willing to accept any baggage I come with. Won't judge me for my past.

45) Is in love with me and wants to be with me forever.


1) Hair shade anywhere from Dark, Sandy blond to medium brown.

2) Eyes like the sea after a storm (you said the "perfect" man right?)

3) Chisled jaw-line, full head of hair, nice kissable lips. Either clean shaven, goatee, or a little bit of stubble, like the rugged look, but not the drunk, slovenly look.

4) Weight between 170 and 215. Height between 5'10 and 6'4". The weight is not too crucial, just someone who is sorta slender and who takes care of himself and is not overweight. but NOT those huge mongo body builder types.

5) A HUGE smile!!

6) Arms... Ah arms, ... so important... I have this thing for strong arms... if he can bench press more than me... I am happy but if he can pick me up.. I am really really happy!!

7) The stamina to keep up wtih my sex drive.

8) Will remain good looking even in old age.

9) Is anywhere from 3 years younger than me to 10 years older.

10) Big hands, wrists are a bonus... um... long fingers are really a bonus!

11) penis of decent girth and at least 5.6 inches long.

12) okay, laugh all you want but.. .someone that was BORN a man.. .(if you don't understand... don't ask!).

13) healthy

14) takes showers/baths at least once every other day (I said at LEAST).

15) Smells good, (or doesn't smell...)

16) Does not have gross teeth or bad breath

17) had fingernails and they are not gross either.

18) little or no acne

19) no weird huge ugly birth marks or bodily fungus, no diseases, um.....

20) doesn't have "breasts"

Okay that is all I can think of for now....
that physical stuff was really really hard to think of!!!
LIke everyone else has already said... this was all totally hypothetically.
The guy I am with now has
13 of the physical features and about 24 and a half of the non-physical ones, and geez I married him!!!
So, that is that, thanks for reading if ya read it!

[Edited by Jade on 06-30-2000 at 07:09 PM]
Jade, honey...maybe you should come back when you've thought about this a little more, eh?

He will understand my lack of desire to attend the circus.

LOL! You too, huh? <nods empathetically>

That was absolutely wonderful, hon! Thanks so much for sharing it. :)
LL> great thread! I have goosebumps thinking of all the things I can say. Hopefully I will be able to come up with even half as much as Jade. :)

My fantasy Mr (or Mrs) Curly Girly:

-Loves to laugh.
-Intelligent. and not just book intelligent. Worldly. I'd actually prefer he or she to NOT have a college degree, but intelligence beyond his/her years (just like me *heh*)
-Musical. Has to love music beyond all reason. He/she doesn't even need to sing WELL, just has to enjoy it. Or he/she can play an instrument. :)
-Loves being outdoors. Someone with whom I can hike with, swim with, camp with. Who understands my need to be near the ocean, and my love of the mountains.
-A little shy and reserved but wild in the bedroom. :)
-Spiritual in his/her own way.
-Desire to have children.
-Loves cats like I do. :)
-Can cook
-not afraid of Public displays of affection
-not afraid of emotional outbursts and well-equipped to deal with them.
-LOVES cuddling
-Loves adventure and trying new things.
-Is not addicted to playing online computer games.
-Would rather spend time with me than the computer.
-Is a great editor and would drop everything to look over my work.
-Is my worst critic but my biggest fan.

-Lips like Angelina Jolie's. *pant*
-A very functional tongue. :)
-Eyes you can drown in.
-Older than me, but not afraid to act like a kid. :)
-Taller than me(anything over 5'3" qualifies)
-Strong (odor doesn't count)
-Long wavy hair that I can run my fingers through.
- Stamina. :)
- For a man: reasonable girth and length on his penis. ability is most important.
- For a woman: nice breasts (but not nearly as big as mine). More than a mouthful is way too much. :)

Ok, I don't ask for much right? ;)
Nexxus said:
For the sake of internet daydreaming I would like MY dream girl to be:

Originally from the midwest.
Bratty, but playful with a sarcastic as well as strong tongue.
Dark hair and complexion.
Some southern hospitality thrown in. Like someone who has spent some time in say Tennessee, or South Carolina or one of those nice southern states.
A full well rounded shape. Large breasts, curvy hips. Short, maybe 5"2'-5"4'. Oh and definately some Mexican heritage. She doesn't have to be French, but she should kiss that way.
She can't get mad, but she can get pensive.....or pissed.
Likes to play cards and drink wine (not neccessarily at the same time).
A good editor. And an excellent schoolastic background.
Someone who can "talk dirty" and respond to accordingly when spoken to that way.
Someone who likes to put me in my place (and most likely will!).
Ah, but where to find such a vixen? She probably only exists online.

Ok, had to respond to this. I LIVE in the midwest now and have picked up that interesting midwest accent.
I'm bratty and sarcastic, just ask anyone who knows me well. I've got a quick tongue(take that however you like). :)
I grew up in the south, so I have all that southern hospitality.
I'm definitely well rounded. I've got LARGE breasts(see my pic in the pics section) and "birthin hips".
I'm 5'3"(right in the middle).
No mexican heritage, but I've had some mexican in me! *heh*
I speak french and can definitely kiss that way.
I'm the queen of pensive.
Love wine and playing cards (at the same time)
My mamma learned me real good.
I can talk dirty (The horse jumped in a mud puddle?)
Don't have dark hair and complexion but well, close enough eh? :)
Jade said:

Okay that is all I can think of for now....

The guy I am with now has
13 of the physical features and about 24 and a half of the non-physical ones, and geez I married him!!!
So, that is that, thanks for reading if ya read it!

Okay, I reserved the right to edit, and am going to use it now.... I feel so greedy (muwahahahaaa... evil laugh)...


-Will take me to the Ren. Festival (HUZZAH!!)

- Is NOT gay (if a guy)... (but IS gay if a woman...haha).
"Don't be gay spark, don't be gay!"

LL... THANK YOU!!! God, at least SOMEONE understands!!

Curly, ... couldn't find your pic!
But all the things you said made sense to me!!!

OH, and per hubby's request, I was forced to recalc. his score, using partial numberings (.25, .75, etc.) and this re-evaluation brought more around a 27.5 on the interior part and I think closer to a 15 on the physical part. Okay!