The Person Below Me Game

Not yet, but there’s a lot of day left and it’s likely.

The person below me loves to cook.
As a matter of fact I do. In my house if you cook you don't have to dishes. I hate the dishes!

TPBM has considered a 3 way but has yet to work up the courage.
As a matter of fact I do. In my house if you cook you don't have to dishes. I hate the dishes!

TPBM has considered a 3 way but has yet to work up the courage.

I suppose my first three way took courage, I mean sure, I was nervous and shaking like a leaf, but I don’t think there was any fear that was discouraging us from doing it. 🤷‍♀️

TPBM has never had an STD /STI…
I think? I'm not sure comparatively with other women my height if my feet are big or average

TPBM overthinks everything
I try not to. Im usually pretty good at making a decision and then sticking with it. No sense in worrying about what you cannot change!

TPBM has a bet riding on a sporting event this weekend.
No, but I’m going out on the river in my new kayak! 🚣‍♀️

TPBM has accidentally fallen out of a boat.
No, but I’m going out on the river in my new kayak! 🚣‍♀️

TPBM has accidentally fallen out of a boat.
Not I, but my Mama has! Fishing off of front of pontoon on folding chair... got excited with a hook set and back edge slipped over... she was OK (tho no life jacket on..) The chair, her glasses, her pole all sunk to the bottom.

TPBM will get a long walk or hike in this weekend.
TPBM will get a long walk or hike in this weekend.
If you define “long walk” to include mowing the lawn, then yes, you are correct. Going now before the mercury hits 98.

TPBM will see one more political bs post on the PG and decide “fuck it, I’m a gonna go do something sexy instead of miring myself in liquid shit.”
If you define “long walk” to include mowing the lawn, then yes, you are correct. Going now before the mercury hits 98.

TPBM will see one more political bs post on the PG and decide “fuck it, I’m a gonna go do something sexy instead of miring myself in liquid shit.”
I generally feel that way once a week.

TPBM has seen some great tits today and it's put them in a good mood.
I generally feel that way once a week.

TPBM has seen some great tits today and it's put them in a good mood.
*looks at camera roll*

Now I have!!! ;) and yes they did!!!

TPBM has a favourite audio, or video recording they listen to again and again and again...
Definitely not. Just making it through the day

TPBM prides themselves on being a good friend
Yes actually i feel I am.

TPBM does not avoid conflict if he/she is really compassionate on the matter at hand.
I'm not the biggest fan of conflict.

TPBM makes big decisions in their everyday life.
Nope. Maybe someday.

TPBM prefers partners who are at least 5 years older than them.
Nope. Maybe someday.

TPBM prefers partners who are at least 5 years older than them.
Nope, age is just a number and it’s difficult to find people younger than me here 😂

TPBM is planning a wonderful beach vacation this summer.
I live next to the beach, so next vacation will be something different (not sure what yet).

TPBM had Memorial Day plans spoiled because of Covid.
We are fortunate in our house, COVID has not paid us a visit so our Memorial Day went as planned.

TPBM is looking for conversational and carnal connections.
Absolutely, or I’d never get anything done.

TPBM is an avid gardiner