The Poetryhole

" . . . to
pick up
a canary for her coal mine . . . "

Wonderful. Good to see you stopping by, WillowedCabin.
This matter is spaced deep.
Super stars with gravity pulls-
To relentless love holes.

The stellar evolution of love-
Into poets holes these words are suckled.

Thermal pulses illuminate these nights,
Temporary lusty light nebulas-
The mouth holes wordy ejaculate.

Black hole gravity distorts this light-
There is no escape- this love is bent.
What a curious cat he be,
flipping his tail in the yum yum tree.
Sweet Grass and sweet ass
gather him up with smiles.

One breath of Heaven upon Devil's Tower,
One trembling hum in the flowering power,
Maniacal boy with a cheshire grin
Into a state of wind spins.
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The Brave One

He searches the stars for the souls of loves lost.
In the darkness embracing, he believes none can see
The tears he sheds
but the moonflower feels them and feeds.

Better to cry to the cosmos
Than strike madly at the world.

He thinks himself brave
for not sharing his pain publically,
Fears he'll shock and hurt pure hearts
At sight of opened veins.
So the rains blend with his tears
But they also blurr his brave face.

When the misshapen war child sang, "Imagine",
Did the Brave One see his smile triumph over pain?
Did he not see the soldiers cry?
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The asylum had nothing to offer
But a cold shower and scrambled porn.
The voices were always just a scream above her own.

She thought she heard angels in the toilet water
She knew she saw a dead man walking
And for moment it made her remember fondly
The love letters from Alcatraz.

Circling around her thrice,
He removed the thorn from her grin
And replaced it with his ashen finger
Against her dangling tongue.

For the first time in his life
He voluntarily touched another human.

And she cried loudly, the first time in years.
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The paths of their descents
were separate, parallel,
and in parallel they fell,

reaching futiley,
unable to touch,
words lost
in the void.

then a bend,
a black hole distorting
all dimesions;
in the flash
of a heart...
