The Stockroom of After Hours (Invite or Ask)

*quickly shakes his head, finally moving his finger-crossed hand forward and using his other hand to help uncross them* No, no, no! Believe me, all of my compliments were indeed genuine, sweetie.

*glaring at his hand for a moment* Stupid fingers...

*gives a dry cough while rubbing at the back of his neck a bit* No, it had more to do with, you know, the whole saying I would never make a comment about you sitting on certain tentacle toys and certain other phallic objects. Because I totally would have, if you hadn't called me on it first. *pauses* Although I guess you could still be offended by that, huh?

:: grins softly, tilting her head and watching you squirm ::

Could be, could be.

Could be I'd like you to start checking these boxes for a shovel, and start digging.
:: grins softly, tilting her head and watching you squirm ::

Could be, could be.

Could be I'd like you to start checking these boxes for a shovel, and start digging.

*blinks a bit, then smirks at catching the meaning, only to remark* What? You have a grave diggers fetish that we don't know about?

*fidgeting with his fingers a bit, he tilts his head in return, shrugging slightly* So, now that the cat's out of the bag, you think I could ever interest you in a 'seat' when/if you're feeling up to it? I'm sure there's got to be something in these boxes that could be comfortable. Or fun, at least. *smirks slightly and chuckles*
Sandmen and Time Lords: The Chasnicollette Story.
Sandmen and Time Lords: The Chasnicollette Story.

:: ponders ::

And I could spin it off into a series of Nancy Drew-like mysteries loosely based on my life!

"Chastity Nicollette and The Byzantine Mezzanine."

"Chastity Nicollette and The Ballad of The Pallid Paladin."

"Chastity Nicollette and The Misanthropic Lycanthrope."
....Oh geeze, I can only imagine how that last one might turn out. Probably have to air it on late night Cinemax instead of A&E. Possibly even an adult entertainment channel. *snickering a bit*

*gives you a quick cheek kiss* Well, since there won't be any sitting, I'm gonna check if there's any good comics in one of these boxes. They can't ALL be filled with sex toys. *quickly turns around and dives into a pile of boxes, sorting through rubbery, leather and metallic objects of different types*
*Unlocks the door long enough to peer in, spotting the two keyholders and smirking*
Watch the lil box on the far left, up top there.
Friggin' MOVED on its own last night.

And if you're looking for below X-rated reading material, Eazy, peer in the top drawer of m' nightstand. Surprisingly the one SAFE place in this room thus far.
...I'd stay and linger if I could...
But there's things to see and people to do.

Strike that, reverse it.
There we go.
It did have a certain amount of charm to it the original way didn't it. i was told to exterminate something in a box on the upper end of left shelf. Apparently it freaking moved or something. Now watch.

I'm gonna come in here with all my plastic wrap and knives and stuff, and this is totally going to be a one of those real vibe things that turned itself on, or a self blow up doll that had the CO2 seal wear off.

*Peeks in the box. Sees himself stare back out.* Or it's the alternate universe box. Let me just go pull it inside out.

*Makes an effort to right the cosmos.* There we go. I think that qualifys for breakfast at milliways. But as I can't get there yet.

*Grabs a bottle of port.* This will have to do.

*Wanders back out.*
*poking head back out from inside of a rather large box, holding a half-finished copy of the Bone: One Volume edition as he notices CT finishing up and leaving once his job is done*

*points out box* I saw this on TV once! Nobody sit on that box. You'll destroy the universe. Or at least cause everything to scrunch up a bit.

*ducks back into box with a tentacle shaped flashlight to resume his reading*
-Click... click clack click-

I suppose giving Chas a key was an unneccessary thing.
Her Sonic Screwdriver and all.

Ah well.
-Click... click clack click-

I suppose giving Chas a key was an unneccessary thing.
Her Sonic Screwdriver and all.

Ah well.

:: wanders in behind ::

Well, it's like he told Donna. Rite of passage, and all.

(You gave me a key? I was so excited about the card and the cake I missed the key. Typical.)
*pokes head back up after having fallen asleep in the box, rubbing at his eyes and brushing some packing peanuts out of his hair* Lily has a key. I have a key. CT has a key. And you have a key, Chas.

And Ahren doesn't have a key, but he apparently found a hole in the wall somewhere to peak in through yesterday. Gonna need some boards and nails in here pretty soon. *nods before ducking back into box*
Click... Click.


Alright, while its nice and slow in here, I need to look for some equipment for my clinic. An exam table and some lights would be great...

*starts peering in random large boxes, sighing softly after each*
Bringing nina inside.

And this is the storeroom. it's kind of the De facto Make out point.

or so I guess, since the unwritten rule of the lounge is No Nookie here. We created this place.
Oh, I was just looking for some stuff for my clinic earlier.

Its alright, I'll need lily's help to find everything I need.

He closes a box and seats himself atop it with a large smile.
I'm hoping I can find some useful equipment.

Did we lose Nina in the doorway?