The Stockroom of After Hours (Invite or Ask)

*Sits on the steps and puffs, resting her cheek in her palm as she waits*

*Gets an idea and goes back downstairs to the Stockroom, opening it and going in to some of the boxes* Le'see... Nope, not that one... Nope. Oooh! Here it is! *grins and pops open the Costume Box*

The only one labelled in here. Because its mine. *grins, digging through the various fabrics until she finds what she's looking for*

*Gives another glance at the sleeping Chronie, debating....*
Naw. That's just mean.
*Tucks it under her arm, grabbing a pair of chunky Mary Janes out of the box and a few other outfits before closing it, relocking the door before heading back upstairs*

Even if he doesn't come back, I can still have fun by myself. *grins and opens her office door*
*Unlocks and leaves a few things for Chas on the bed*


"To be, or not to be, that is the question. Weeelll.... More of A question really. Not THE question. Because, well, I mean, there are billions and billions of questions out there, and well, when I say billions, I mean, when you add in the answers, not just the questions, weeelll, you're looking at numbers that are positively astronomical and... for that matter the other question is what you lot are doing on this planet in the first place, and er, did anyone try just pushing this little red button?"

-Dr. Whomlet [size=-2]As Penned by Neil Gaiman[/size]


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I HIGHLY suggest benedryl, when it gets too bad. I couldn't believe it would help, but when I got the worst burn in my life and was going just stark raving mad, a couple of benedryl's helped a great deal
*Waking to a strange dressed boss, fumbling about and finally finding a bottle.*

Uhh. This is Lidocaine, that help you, or is that too strong? And where do you need it put on? I'll do your hands up if you touched the flaming shots again.
:: scarpers in, carrying the note from AH, and beams like Vegas when she sees the stuff on the bed, dives for the pillow and sits cross-legged with the pic and the quote in her lap ::


I bet you a million quid Doc's thought That Question over more than once since The Time War, Nine and Ten and Eleven. Poor guy. ("Guys?" Guises of a guy. ...whichever.)

Now I wanna hug him. More than usual.

And I loved this scene when I saw DT's "Hamlet," absolutely loved it, "Ten's playing with a recorder, Two would be so proud!"

And Neil makes me squeal, I don't even care that that rhymes, where did you find this?

:: pauses, hesitates, considers Lily's sitch, and Vi's suggestion... ::

Yeah. But isn't the fun of aloe lotion supposed to be that you can ask a friend to tenderly apply it for you? :: coughs :: ...right, Vi?
Slips in through the crack in the door, someone having left it slightly open, carrying her ticket into the room, a large spray bottle of Aloe Vera.

Who wants it?
*Blinks. If he had slept two more minutes. Chas would be in a bed with him. her timing, impeccable. Then the lightbulb flashes.*

Lily burned part of a fun bit didn't she?

(In response to Chas' question)

Alright. Get my first day to post really in more than a week. That's pretty good. Now to get working.
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:: scarpers in, carrying the note from AH, and beams like Vegas when she sees the stuff on the bed, dives for the pillow and sits cross-legged with the pic and the quote in her lap ::


I bet you a million quid Doc's thought That Question over more than once since The Time War, Nine and Ten and Eleven. Poor guy. ("Guys?" Guises of a guy. ...whichever.)

Now I wanna hug him. More than usual.

And I loved this scene when I saw DT's "Hamlet," absolutely loved it, "Ten's playing with a recorder, Two would be so proud!"

And Neil makes me squeal, I don't even care that that rhymes, where did you find this?

:: pauses, hesitates, considers Lily's sitch, and Vi's suggestion... ::

Yeah. But isn't the fun of aloe lotion supposed to be that you can ask a friend to tenderly apply it for you? :: coughs :: ...right, Vi?

better still, there's no need to wait for a burn, is there?
c'mere you.
See, that's what I'm talking about.

I brought Lidocaine. It contains Aloe Vera. Along with surgical grade numbing for Burn relief.

Greatest sunburn stuff ever. If I hadn't been stealing this I never would have finished the months I did in the Okanagan.
better still, there's no need to wait for a burn, is there?
c'mere you.

:: carefully and reverently but quickly sets that pic and that quote aside, and pats that space beside her on the bed ::

Tell you what. You c'mere.

"Mac" Hudson made us plenty o' space.

And The Doctor's not the only one I'd like to hug right now.
:: carefully and reverently but quickly sets that pic and that quote aside, and pats that space beside her on the bed ::

Tell you what. You c'mere.

"Mac" Hudson made us plenty o' space.

And The Doctor's not the only one I'd like to hug right now.

smiles softly, wanders over to the girl who has swept her off her feet...takes a seat next to her, and slips into embrace

thank you
smiles softly, wanders over to the girl who has swept her off her feet...takes a seat next to her, and slips into embrace

thank you

:: holds you tightly, kisses the top of your head, then presses her forehead against the spot where she's kissed you ::

That's what I'm here for.
:: holds you tightly, kisses the top of your head, then presses her forehead against the spot where she's kissed you ::

That's what I'm here for.

I know...I know...

sighs and just stays in that moment, holding delicately to fragile strands
And Neil makes me squeal, I don't even care that that rhymes, where did you find this?

:: pauses, hesitates, considers Lily's sitch, and Vi's suggestion... ::

Yeah. But isn't the fun of aloe lotion supposed to be that you can ask a friend to tenderly apply it for you? :: coughs :: ...right, Vi?

Found it on Neil's Twitter. He linked to his blog when someone asked if he liked writing 11 or 10 dialogue more. The link for Dr Whomlet was his response.

And yes; help from kindhearted, gentle-handed friends helps soothe the pain of burns much more than trying to reach awkward places on your own.
I know...I know...

sighs and just stays in that moment, holding delicately to fragile strands

:: rocks you gently, strokes your cheek, mumbles soft and affectionate incoherencies into your ear... all we have are flaps of butterfly wings separating us from chaos, but when the chaos hits, all it takes is another spreading of stained-glass insect pinions and the moment's gone on, probably to something better... ::

Found it on Neil's Twitter. He linked to his blog when someone asked if he liked writing 11 or 10 dialogue more. The link for Dr Whomlet was his response.

And yes; help from kindhearted, gentle-handed friends helps soothe the pain of burns much more than trying to reach awkward places on your own.

I agree with Neil.

(Big surprise, there.) :: cough ::

...maybe I just haven't got the hang of Eleven yet. I haven't even tried Nine.

Ten's dialogue comes to me like oxygen, it's the weirdest thing.

(And I'm sure there's plenty of volunteers handy for the soothing of pain...)
*Waking to a strange dressed boss, fumbling about and finally finding a bottle.*

Uhh. This is Lidocaine, that help you, or is that too strong? And where do you need it put on? I'll do your hands up if you touched the flaming shots again.

*points to chest* Here.
*points to upper back* Here.
*points to right knee* Here...
*And holds hands out, palms down* And here.
:: rocks you gently, strokes your cheek, mumbles soft and affectionate incoherencies into your ear... all we have are flaps of butterfly wings separating us from chaos, but when the chaos hits, all it takes is another spreading of stained-glass insect pinions and the moment's gone on, probably to something better... ::


sighs...almost content...placing the tiniest of kisses on the girl's after another...whispering
my hero
one after another...slowly turning warmer...deeper...melting us together
I agree with Neil.

(Big surprise, there.) :: cough ::

...maybe I just haven't got the hang of Eleven yet. I haven't even tried Nine.

Ten's dialogue comes to me like oxygen, it's the weirdest thing.

(And I'm sure there's plenty of volunteers handy for the soothing of pain...)

He talks like passing thoughts. Says exactly what's in his mind without too much of a censor-screen.
sighs...almost content...placing the tiniest of kisses on the girl's after another...whispering
my hero
one after another...slowly turning warmer...deeper...melting us together

:: ...suddenly can't think to talk about Ten anymore, her gob's stopped for something, stopped for kisses, she can't even countenance a comeback to the "hero" line which would normally be right smack in her wheelhouse... there's just kisses... there's just comfort... there's just this... ::