The Top Ten

What a damn fine idea!

I'm so tangential and distracted today that I'll make a list of top ten lists.

Top Ten Lists I'm Making in my head:

1. Top ten movies you haven't seen but should.
2. Top ten favorite gemstones.
3. Top ten things I'd like to learn to cook.
4. Top ten things in that dresser that I want to use on You.
5. Top ten things I'm going to do to you the minute I get You alone.
6. Top ten endearments I'm thinking of using.
7. Top ten moments in my life so far.
8. Top ten really Stupid things I've done.
9. Top ten really Smart things I've done.
10. Top ten really Beautiful things I'd like to do.

The poems themselves will have to wait; my muse went all purple a few weeks ago and I can't get her to stop doing that thing she's doing.


Many times I see poetry in posts.
"Beautiful things I'd like to do."
"My muse went all purple a few weeks ago."
What a damn fine idea!

I'm so tangential and distracted today that I'll make a list of top ten lists.

Top Ten Lists I'm Making in my head:

1. Top ten movies you haven't seen but should.
2. Top ten favorite gemstones.
3. Top ten things I'd like to learn to cook.
4. Top ten things in that dresser that I want to use on You.
5. Top ten things I'm going to do to you the minute I get You alone.
6. Top ten endearments I'm thinking of using.
7. Top ten moments in my life so far.
8. Top ten really Stupid things I've done.
9. Top ten really Smart things I've done.
10. Top ten really Beautiful things I'd like to do.

The poems themselves will have to wait; my muse went all purple a few weeks ago and I can't get her to stop doing that thing she's doing.


I was reading that article and the idea just popped in my head. You'd be interested to know, I think, that the critic who wrote the article only had three films on the list that were made after 1950.

I'm going to do a song list next. I just finished reading Michelle Kort's Soul Picnic: The Music and Passion of Laura Nyro. This is maybe sort of a cheat for me because the poem is one I wrote about her years ago, but I want to edit it while all this Laura stuff is still in my head (and poems edits in the poem thread are fine by me--it's still poetry writing). Laura was so amazing. Such a poet and such a voice. I've loved her since high school. And while reading I discovered that two people I know worked on her albums over the years, and that she and I wore the same perfume. So now I'm convinced we're spiritual sisters. Lol.

My Top Ten Laura Nyro Songs (Again, in no particular order and some are covers of songs others wrote that she sang.)

1. Timer
2. Poverty Train
3. Spanish Harlem
4. Flim-Flam Man
5. Captain for Dark Mornings
6. Buy and Sell
7. The Confession
8. Come and Get These Memories
9. I Am the Blues
10. Billy's Blue
Top Ten Things I Love in a Lover

1. Emotionally intelligent (i.e. can actually listen to another person and disagree with him or her without screaming, frothing at the mouth, etc.)

2. Kind-hearted

3. Not afraid of sex toys

4. Reads or listens to my poems and pretends to like them well enough that I think he really does

5. Doesn't later call me a "worthless, talentless, despicable piece of shit" after pretending to like my poems

6. Did I say Kind-hearted? Maybe I'd settle for just "hearted"

7. Sexy hands with working opposable thumbs

8. Wants to do me. Often.

9. Willing to watch movies without graphic violence sometimes

10. Can say "clitoris" without smirking and knows where it is
Top Ten Things I Love in a Lover

1. Emotionally intelligent (i.e. can actually listen to another person and disagree with him or her without screaming, frothing at the mouth, etc.)

2. Kind-hearted

3. Not afraid of sex toys

4. Reads or listens to my poems and pretends to like them well enough that I think he really does

5. Doesn't later call me a "worthless, talentless, despicable piece of shit" after pretending to like my poems

6. Did I say Kind-hearted? Maybe I'd settle for just "hearted"

7. Sexy hands with working opposable thumbs

8. Wants to do me. Often.

9. Willing to watch movies without graphic violence sometimes

10. Can say "clitoris" without smirking and knows where it is

It explains a lot. Look at this:

Dragon and Snake

This is an excellent match.

Both share similiar ambitions, strong willed and hungry for success.

The two are complementary.

The snake with the wisdom and patience, guides the proceedings and supporting the dragon from behind while the dragron enjoys being in the limelight.

Maybe we should get married after all... proposed to me. did my jazz poetry mean nothing to you?
i gave you the best ten-or-so-lines-of-unfocused-jazz-adjacent-ramblings of my life. hmfff! i'm taking my Billie Holiday records and leaving!

*hand to forehead in Scarlet O'Hara fashioned swoon......stumbles off singing Stormy Weather......"can't go on, everything i had is gone...."

tell the truth.....this is because i was born in the year of the horse, isn't it? :(
Top 10 reasons dogs are better than men
1 Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public.
2 Dogs miss you when you're gone.
3 Dogs feel guilty when they've done something wrong.
4 Dogs admit when they're jealous.
5 Dogs are very direct about wanting to go out.
6 Dogs do not play games with you- - except fetch (and they never laugh at how you throw.)
7 You can train a dog.
8 Middle-aged dogs don't feel the need to abandon you for a younger owner.
9 The worst social disease you can get from dogs is fleas.(OK, the really worst disease you can get from them is rabies, but there's a vaccine for it and you can kill the one that gives it to you).
10 Dogs understand what "no" means.

although ...........
Men only have two feet that track in mud.
Men don't have to play with every man they see when you take them around the block.
Men don't eat turds on the sly.
Dogs have dog breath all the time.
It's fun to dry off a wet man.
Top Ten Favorite Billie Holiday Recordings

  1. Autumn In New York
  2. These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)
  3. Stormy Weather
  4. One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)
  5. I Got A Man Crazy For Me (He's Funny That Way)
  6. My Man
  7. There Is No Greater Love
  8. Solitude
  9. Trav'lin' Light
  10. I Cover The Waterfront

I'll probably have a few lists. I'll see if I can get a decent poem out of at least one of 'em. :)
Top 10 reasons dogs are better than men
1 Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public.
2 Dogs miss you when you're gone.
3 Dogs feel guilty when they've done something wrong.
4 Dogs admit when they're jealous.
5 Dogs are very direct about wanting to go out.
6 Dogs do not play games with you- - except fetch (and they never laugh at how you throw.)
7 You can train a dog.
8 Middle-aged dogs don't feel the need to abandon you for a younger owner.
9 The worst social disease you can get from dogs is fleas.(OK, the really worst disease you can get from them is rabies, but there's a vaccine for it and you can kill the one that gives it to you).
10 Dogs understand what "no" means.

although ...........
Men only have two feet that track in mud.
Men don't have to play with every man they see when you take them around the block.
Men don't eat turds on the sly.
Dogs have dog breath all the time.
It's fun to dry off a wet man.

Dog farts are usually worse than man farts. In my experience. Other than that, I'm in general agreement with you. :D

Top Ten Favorite Billie Holiday Recordings

  1. Autumn In New York
  2. These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)
  3. Stormy Weather
  4. One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)
  5. I Got A Man Crazy For Me (He's Funny That Way)
  6. My Man
  7. There Is No Greater Love
  8. Solitude
  9. Trav'lin' Light
  10. I Cover The Waterfront

I'll probably have a few lists. I'll see if I can get a decent poem out of at least one of 'em. :)

Well look, what if we all get married? You'd love Eve. She's not that big on jazz, but she's incredibly kinky. We could move to Utah. But I'm not wearing those prairie dresses. Ok, maybe not the Utah part.

I am dying to read your poem. :kiss:
Dog farts are usually worse than man farts. In my experience. Other than that, I'm in general agreement with you. :D

Well look, what if we all get married? You'd love Eve. She's not that big on jazz, but she's incredibly kinky. We could move to Utah. But I'm not wearing those prairie dresses. Ok, maybe not the Utah part.

I am dying to read your poem. :kiss:

*HBO anouncer's voice in background*
"This season, on Big Love......" :D

Utah and prairie dresses don't agree with me either, but I'm in if we can agree on someplace close to a nice city.
*HBO anouncer's voice in background*
"This season, on Big Love......" :D

Utah and prairie dresses don't agree with me either, but I'm in if we can agree on someplace close to a nice city.

We'll just move in with you. lol. How would you feel about two middle-aged poet chicks (Eve will be on me like white on rice for that description) bearing down on you? Uh, three. Edub tends to follow me around...Edub tends to follow me around.

And Eve insists on at least one penis.
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We'll just move in with you. lol. How would you feel about two middle-aged poet chicks (Eve will be on me like white on rice for that description) bearing down on you? Uh, three. Edub tends to follow me around...Edub tends to follow me around.

And Eve insists on at least one penis.
Sounds like a plan. When Eve takes a swing at you for the middle-aged thing, I'l be sure to duck (Eve, just remember, her words, not mine)
And yes.....the penis would be a good idea :D
Sounds like a plan. When Eve takes a swing at you for the middle-aged thing, I'l be sure to duck (Eve, just remember, her words, not mine)
And yes.....the penis would be a good idea :D

Actually I'm now more concerned that I just called Edub a poet chick. And unlike Eve who is over 1,000 miles from me, he is about six feet away at the moment. Thank goodness he's totally absorbed in the Florida-Oklahoma game!
So you're trying to marry me off to sassy and I'm middleaged?
I was just talking with Hanna and she's counting how many years until I'm 50. I asked her how old she told people her mom is. Good child knew to take off a couple of years. :D
I'd like to add a couple of years I mean lets face it there's no point in fibbing anymore and in a couple of years I can claim my State Pension and stop paying an exorbitant amount for any prescriptions and eye exams
my top 10 movies-

Forrest Gump
12 Monkeys
Quigley Down Under
The Godfather
Blown Away
Psycho ( the Hitchcock one, not my home videos)
Silence of the Lambs
Manchurian Candidate ( the old one)
ALL of Michael Crichton's movies he wrote- Jurassic Park series, Outbreak, etc.)

oh hell, I have so many more than 10
10 top favourite foods

1 Gnocchi pesto
2 Mashed potatoes with oodles of butter
3 Peanut butter ice-cream (can't get it in England sigh)
4 Creme Fraiche
5 Norfolk dumplings
6 Coffee Eclairs
7 Custard Creams (cookies to you)
8 Bourbon Biscuits (ditto)
9 Marzipan
10 Soft Centre chocolates (well that was until this aversion therapy prog on TV but I'm fighting it)
The Top Ten Things That Cause (My) Arrythmia
  1. Being over tired
  2. Passive aggression (mine or yours, doesn't matter)
  3. Caffiene
  4. Fear
  5. Sex (really good sex gives me heart flips, this is a good way)
  6. Vigorous exercise
  7. Standing on my head
  8. Too much sugar
  9. Too much salt
  10. My lover's voice
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Do you stand on your head often? and what on earth is passive agression apart from an oxymoron?
Do you stand on your head often? and what on earth is passive agression apart from an oxymoron?

Passive aggression is when you act neutral or better but there's a negative (mean, whatever) subtext to your words. My ex husband was a master at it. Of course this is the same man who often told me any communication between humans is really a battle where you have to have a winner and a loser. Eek, huh?

*Telling myself I am not writing the top ten reasons I hate my ex*
Oh well no wonder I didn't know what it meant what you see is what you get from me ...... no sub anythings. Hey I wonder if your list would mirror mine !
damn that snake poem was wonderful

I am a monkey too. My husband is a pig. When you look up the match it says, no lie.... "Poor Piggie!"

Top ten something. I hate doing these. I feel like my very existence is being judged even though who would take the time to judge such an existence based on a list.

no one
I am doing it


The Tiger is said to be lucky vivid, lively and engaging. Another attribute of the Tiger is his incredible bravery, evidenced in his willingness to engage in battle or his undying courage. Maybe he’s so brave because he is so lucky. But the Chinese say having a Tiger in the house is the very best protection against the evils of fire, burglary.

Okay. I must go think about my next list for a while. Monkeys and dragons and tigers, oh my!
top ten something

first blood
second nature
third base
parking lot, unzipped, daylight seat reclined
seventeen days of waiting
silver time capsules
electric matches
ride on cowboys
top ten something

first blood
second nature
third base
parking lot, unzipped, daylight seat reclined
seventeen days of waiting
silver time capsules
electric matches
ride on cowboys

I have no idea what it's a list of, but it's a damn good poem. I think it's a list of things that could be on a list. :)

Oh. I forgot to tell you. I read there's a place in Texas called Bee Cave. Ever hear of it? It's a good poem title, methinks.