The Ubiquitous Chicken Challenge

My Wall Street Exorcism is in the pipeline. It's got two corpses embedded. :)

The_Fool said:
Lost....where else?

I just found this thread last night. I am totally usual.

It's early. You have lots of time. Right, Boo?


Angeline said:
It's early. You have lots of time. Right, Boo?



The writing is the easy part. Figuring out what to write is what takes so dang long.....
Okay, it was fun, but it wasn't worth posting....

Foolish Endeavours

heartbreak harlequin
darted out with dishonest derring-do
intent on meeting up with
jingo jester

a delinquent duo
dabbling in salacious salivation
intent to engage
in tasting phosphorus lips

and seeking beautiful treasures
languidly perch
the informed soul
over fiery cold steam-ice.

prudishly repugnant in a minefield metro
hated for its stench, they know
the tiny car will blatantly deify
the judicious ass-hole

the two knowingly
giggle with fiery breath
as supine babylonians
informally strangle pernicious mouths

jester and harlequin seek out sizzling sex
and bountiful bon-bons that
offer beams of lightly seamed cones
that measure motes in delinquent eyes

harlequin and jester meet with
velcro vagrants offering
tantric manic tango dreams
and empty phallic memories

jester is mazed and cued
by a velcro vandal she delight
as pneumatic city has accidentally touched
loud inexperience

so the unholy bicycle
knightly trots in peaceful discomfort
as harlequin gambols and gapes
with his flashlight codpiece askew

dame dominatrix dabbles
with the distraught duo
words softly spoke
with a whistling whip

at her begging request
the tall brain
eats the delinquent dream

erstwhile vandals
send them on their way knowing
shiny headphones will lovely serve
as smelling thumb

moontime ends
with the duo happily crying
acid rain drains
cleanly and bright

the two dream dangling
knowing dishonest thunderstorms
will smoothly wash
the burning radio
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Lauren, I know you MUST have a list of all those who participated . . . somewhere :D

I would like to read, vote on all of these entries, yet am not sure if between this thread and Tara's review, I am being comprehensive.

Unless I missed any, this is the complete body count:

- Ovoid Corpse by Angeline ©

- Our Song by Belegon ©

- Honorable Doof by BooMerengue ©

- Stormwash by BooMerengue ©

- Bloody Corpses by CharleyH ©

- Dérangé by Lauren Hynde ©

- Wall Street Exorcism by Liar ©

- Verdict is In by Remec ©

- Dream Eating Ass by sandspike ©

Liar's and Sandspike's contain 2 hidden corpses each! And there are also BlueskyBeauty's, Minsue's and The_Fool's poems posted in this thread.

Great work, people. :devil:
Thank you for posting the list Lauren, I want to read all the other entries too...I'm very glad I took the challenge.