The Vanished 1 and 2

Next Vanished Chapter

Hi All, Just wanted to let you know that I am working on Vanished and have just forwarded the next chapter to Literotica. I guess you will just have to wait for it to be posted. I am not sure how long it is taking these days for something to be posted.

Please let me know if you enjoy it or even if you don't.
I did it!!!!

Some of you asked to be let know. So I'm telling you.

I have now serialized Vanished and posted some new chapters. There are now 19 chapters that have been uploaded.
Laurel says she will repost it all one chapter a day. Now I am not sure how long it takes before it starts, but I got busy and wrote. Well, I will let Suzie tell her own story.

Hey how come did no one nominate me?


New Chapters of Vanished 21 and 22

Hi All, I have just completed and uploaded another two chapters of Vanished 21 and 22.

The story just keeps twisting and turning. I hope you enjoy the new happenings in Suzie's life.
Suzie, I read your story... Was it a Dream, I think it was called, and yes, a very wrenching-of-the-loving-soul ending, I'm almost at tears, but I skimmed so that I wouldn't get too caught up, because I knew it would upset me terribly. This reoccuring character's name "Geoff," he is your husband in real life? He's alive and well? He didn't crash in a plane? Please give us a light in this dark tunnel.
Is hubby's name Geoff?


No hubby's name is not Geoff and I am not sure why I used the same name when the stories are so very different, but it was only later that I thought about.

I am glad you did enjoy it. How did you know that you needed to just skim it because it is only near the end that it twists. Just curious.

