The Voice

I grew up in the suburbs, so pretty much just American all around.
My grandparents on my father's side came over from Germany and my dad grew up on a farm in Nebraska.
On my mother's side they've been over here for a long while. She could be a DAR member, but way too right-wing for her. One relative was the first in the Cuyahoga County Jail for punching Mr Young (namesake of Youngstown)
I grew up in the suburbs, so pretty much just American all around.
My grandparents on my father's side came over from Germany and my dad grew up on a farm in Nebraska.
On my mother's side they've been over here for a long while. She could be a DAR member, but way too right-wing for her. One relative was the first in the Cuyahoga County Jail for punching Mr Young (namesake of Youngstown)

That would be cool in the historical society put up a plaque.
Oddly enough (perhaps) when I write a poem like Emjambin' the Blues, one that speaks that blues rhythm (so sometimes they've even been form poems), that is pure poetry coming in on the cosmic channel, if you know what I mean. When I write that way I feel more like I'm singing or playing along with the music I'm hearing. It's very natural for me and believe it or not there's no trying at all. Other (non music stuff) there's all kinds of trying to achieve whatever but not with that. Even the more narrative jazz stuff, there's music in my head as I write and I'm using words that suggest that music to me. It's kind of amazing to me that that sort of writing comes to me as naturally as it does. I think I was a jazz musician in another lifetime. :D

I have attempted to write like smithpeter, maybe not so successfully though I enjoyed trying. I wrote a poem for Senna once in what I thought was a Senna voice but though he was flattered I'm pretty sure my poem was crap lol.
OMG, just kidding.
do you think you could do a few sentences in the "E" thread about either enjambment or about Emjambin' the Blues just stick the do not post sign up, you know how it gits 'round here.
I want get to Senna, so I can move on.
OMG, just kidding.
do you think you could do a few sentences in the "E" thread about either enjambment or about Emjambin' the Blues just stick the do not post sign up, you know how it gits 'round here.
I want get to Senna, so I can move on.

I will but probably not till tomorrow. But yes, of course.
I will but probably not till tomorrow. But yes, of course.
Next up Senna Jawa! Probably this weekend then.
Of course Senna will probably say I missed something, and of course he should have the chance also.
I'll have to start a new E controversy thread for spill over. Just giving you heads up Senna, I just may have found something you overlooked. And it's all positive.
On how many levels (conscious, subconscious, unconscious) does a writer write? Of these, which is he aware?

The reader and the writer (being two separate people [sometimes]) have different lives and influences. How does this impact the relationship between the work read and the work written?

What happen when the writer fucks up and writes the wrong thing?

Is the writer the best critic of their own work? Do they have the most knowledge of what is said?

My senior English teacher said the that artist was the last person to ask about the work in question, in other words, the artist didn't know dick. My English teacher knew a lot about dick, so that always stuck with me.
My voice is muffled lately. I know I feel comfy with our Brits, Tess2, and yep even some of the wunnerfuls posting on this thread. I don't worry if I don't get the "voice" all I know is that I love it, when I'm reading, to pause and realize I've been pentametrically jambin'...

sorry sorry.. bad pun
My voice is muffled lately. I know I feel comfy with our Brits, Tess2, and yep even some of the wunnerfuls posting on this thread. I don't worry if I don't get the "voice" all I know is that I love it, when I'm reading, to pause and realize I've been pentametrically jambin'...

sorry sorry.. bad pun

Thank you, I always want people, especially you Carrie, to feel comfy. I'm not sure what or where my "voice" is. I'm a soprano but think of my poems as being in a lower key, some whispered, some growled. I've tried, once or twice to try a masculine voice with mixed results. The "colour(s)" of a poem is more important the the "voice" to me.
Thank you, I always want people, especially you Carrie, to feel comfy. I'm not sure what or where my "voice" is. I'm a soprano but think of my poems as being in a lower key, some whispered, some growled. I've tried, once or twice to try a masculine voice with mixed results. The "colour(s)" of a poem is more important the the "voice" to me.

I adore the thought of you growling.
Thank you, I always want people, especially you Carrie, to feel comfy. I'm not sure what or where my "voice" is. I'm a soprano but think of my poems as being in a lower key, some whispered, some growled. I've tried, once or twice to try a masculine voice with mixed results. The "colour(s)" of a poem is more important the the "voice" to me.

...and you've never commented on any of my poems, I the most colorful of the colorful. Even making them up if I need to, *glow-in-the-dark black* *fluorescent brown*
I'll make one up for you.

Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you write a poem about puking once?
Oh, I get it, that was the "masculine voice with mixed chunks"
On how many levels (conscious, subconscious, unconscious) does a writer write? Of these, which is he aware?

The reader and the writer (being two separate people [sometimes]) have different lives and influences. How does this impact the relationship between the work read and the work written?

What happen when the writer fucks up and writes the wrong thing?

Is the writer the best critic of their own work? Do they have the most knowledge of what is said?

My senior English teacher said the that artist was the last person to ask about the work in question, in other words, the artist didn't know dick. My English teacher knew a lot about dick, so that always stuck with me.
1. Depending on the writer, can run in various degrees between conscious and subconscious. Unconscious is tough, if they find the keyboard, the keys keep moving.
2. Not if you're co-joined.
3. Usually does better.
4. No and yes, on weekends the answer is reversed. Except during months with a "r" in them, it the old shellfish-reader-writer syndrome.
5. There are alot of dicks out there, which one did she know alot about?
1. Depending on the writer, can run in various degrees between conscious and subconscious. Unconscious is tough, if they find the keyboard, the keys keep moving.
2. Not if you're co-joined.
3. Usually does better.
4. No and yes, on weekends the answer is reversed. Except during months with a "r" in them, it the old shellfish-reader-writer syndrome.
5. There are alot of dicks out there, which one did she know alot about?

I agree with everything you said except for number 5. But that is my failure to communicate. It was a he, not a she. The part about a lot of dicks, I agree with.
welcome to the forum, CW :D

by the way, some of the posters here can leave any of us scratching our heads at times. ;)

Rather have you scratching your desire, but that is just the way I roll.