The Writer's Room

Second one down one more to go and rl want to kick up.
Second one down one more to go and rl want to kick up.

That means you get a double shot of the new bottle of Jim Beam Maple, beautiful. BTW loved your response in DD.

mm, noGglenlivet ?
I'm just fine with JD #7 or am I intruding..

One double of JD coming up.

Pours us each a double shot to celebrate Asa's success in posting tonight.

Lifts my cup in salute to her.

Two more down.

The Jim Beam I find burns less than my preferred JD. I can taste the maple in it too, I think.
Been on a Jim Beam Maple kick lately rl.

Downs the double shot and smiles.

Two more posts to do tomorrow as a new one just popped up.
Posted again in my new Ancient Nineveh time travel thread.

Swallows rounds in honor of others and pours another for each of us in honor of my own success.
Btw, I came to the decision that if I enjoy writing in a thread that I have started, I will write it solo until I find a partner. :devil:
How are you doing tonight, Lucian?

I come in carrying a paper bag with a couple bottles of booze inside to restock my secret hidey-hole.

I'm doing pretty good. Granted, it would be hard to be anything but good, when I found the cure for writer's block!

The cure for writer's block is a live reenactment. The other day my Mistress and I had a really hot scene, and I found out after the fact that she was struggling with whether or not what she was doing was possible for her thread. Today I had a similar dilemma, but a live reenactment of the scene in question helped me figure out how exactly to describe my latest post. She said no the first time I asked, so I rephrased the request an hour later, and she agreed to "help" me with my dilemma.
*dances into the room doing her rendition of a fiery :nana: dance*

Four! FOUR! You guys owe me four shots tonight. Well actually, seven, but three were yesterday... *giggling merrily*

I'll come collecting later. ;)
I've been gone from the writer's room too long.

Enters to find Angel doing quite an enthusiastic nana dance.

Well then take your throne your majesty.

Pulling out a chair and the cardboard crown.

What's your poison to celebrate getting caught up? I got some Jim Beam, a nice Reisling wine, and some scotch this time.
*looks up in embarrassment as Veroe's catches her mid-nana and whirls to a stop, pushing her hair out of her eyes*

Oh! Hey... Um, how are ya? Wasn't expecting anyone to show up so early...

*watches as he drags out a chair and crown*

I haven't developed a taste for scotch myself... Reminds me of tourpentine... Maybe the Jim Beam?
Excellent its the new kind they flavored with a bit of maple syrup. It adds a little bit of sweetness to the burn as it goes down.

Pours us both a shot of the Kentucky bourbon.

Here's to you Angel.
*accepts the glass and raises it to Veroe*

Nonono... To excellent partners who keep us on our toes...

*sniffs the contents noting the maple scent before tossing the contents down her throat*
Oh yeah. Like right now I'm trying to finish a post I owe SweetP4U. She's damned good at this, and its up to me not to let her down on it.
*eyes watering it takes a moment to find her voice*

Well if anyone can rise to the challenge, it's you... ;)
I'm working on it.;)

How about you? What do you do once you reach that nana state?
Well I was thinking about a trip to Disney before planning on working up some new ideas, but I heard from one of my co-writers and we're going to try dusting off our story.
Well I was thinking about a trip to Disney before planning on working up some new ideas, but I heard from one of my co-writers and we're going to try dusting off our story.

Excellent. I'm all about the preservation of our historic threads.:)
Alright... Officially dusted off... Now to see where he takes us. :D

I think you owe me a couple more shots...
Two doubles for you and one for me now.

Pours our drinks.

To getting drunk in celebration of our victories.
*knowing the kids were finally in bed, she prepares to get her drunk on*

I'll drink to that!
Whoo that's the stuff...

OK one double down, one to go.

Pours another round.
*smiles broadly at Veroe, wondering why she could feel her right foot and not her left*

Well, I dunno about drunk, but tipsy is definitely on the menu!
Famous last words, Angel.

Hands you the cup with the double shot of bourbon.

Here's to the queen, may she reign for the rest of the night.